Pièce 2008.024.c095-097 - Gospodin, Andrew

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Gospodin, Andrew

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    CA BMUFA 0021-E-H-2008.024.c095-097

    Zone de l'édition

    Mention d'édition

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    Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

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    Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

    Zone des dates de production


    • 1 Dec. 1982 - 21 Jan. 1983 (Production)

    Zone de description matérielle

    Description matérielle

    3 audio cassettes (=5 audio files)

    Zone de la collection

    Titre propre de la collection

    Titres parallèles de la collection

    Compléments du titre de la collection

    Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection

    Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection

    Note sur la collection

    Zone de la description archivistique

    Nom du producteur

    Historique de la conservation

    Portée et contenu

    Part 1: Came to Canada from Czechoslovakia (was there in 1920) where he came while serving in the Ukrains’ka-Halyts’ka army; born on December 29, 1900 in a village of Pavushyrka (??) in the Chortkiv povit; went to school in his village, then in a gymnasium in Chortkiv, finished a Narodnyi Universytet in Czechoslovakia and a bookkeeping course of a Commercial Cooperative; came to Canada in 1923; there existed Narodnyi Dim, chytal’’nia Prosvita, Prosvita Institute; Bobers’kyi and Nazaruk collected money for the Ukrainian Government in Vienne; Bishop Nykyta Budka delegated Sushko to be an editor of the Kanadiis’”kyi ukrainets’; he had 2 brothers and a sister; his family was Greek-Catholic; was in the 13th regiment (polk) of the Ukrainian Army; worked in the Czech kantseliariia; Samostiinyky; UNO in 1932; Striletska Hromada; Dr. Kushnir; Vasylyshyn; Bachyns’kyi (??); Gospodin belonged to the Komitet dopomohy politvíazniam Ukrainy and lawyer Iefymyshchyn (??) as its Head; Svystun; Fr. Semchuk (??); writer Dmytro Hunkevych (??) and his book Evropa, Hitler i Ukraina” - gathering materials for it with Mandryka (??); Sushko & Labor Temple Association; Prof. Lutsyshyn; writer Irchan was an editor in Robitnychyi Dim; Kulyk (??); Orthodox church; BUC in 1934, Sheptyts’kyi; Fr. Trukh, Fr. Orachko (was ultimately sent away from Canada); Fr. Semchuk (??); SUS, Mandryka, issuing “Holos”; Chytal’nia (appeared in 1925).

    Part 2: Chytal’nia; Samostiinyky, SUS, Dr. Pohoretskyi (??); UNO; Doroshenko coming to Winnipeg; Sushko coming to Winnipeg; Ukrains’ka Natsional’na Rada (included 18 organizations) issuing “Visnyk”, Gospodin giving lectures there on cooperation; CUC and Kosar; Tovarystvo ukrains’koi kul’tury (Mandryka was the Head, Gospodin was a secretary); creation of CUC; Kosar; Vasylyshyn; Mandryka; Prof. Simpson (??); Prof. Pavliuchenko in Saskatoon; Stechyshyn (??) the editor of Ukrains’kyi holos; Datskiv (??) het’manets’, was a secretary in the CUC; Bobers’kyi; Kushnir; Sheptyts’kyi choosing his successor; Zahaliichuk (??) - holova Tovarystva uchiteliv and a CUC secretary; Kysylevs’kyi (??); Vasyl’ Svystun (??)and his relations with the Communists; Ms. Mandryka (??) and the Relief Fund.

    Part 3: Bachyns’kyi (??) the Head of the local CUC (??); Fifth column; Ukrainian-Canadian Services Association (??); Tsentral’ne dopomohove biuro in England; Stets’ko’s politics; Kushnir; CUC; Bur’ianyk (??); CUC after the end of the WWII; UPA; CUC and BUC (??), Bashuk (??); Chytal’nia; Strilets’ka hromada; Gospodin helping UNO with their building; Kosar, Vasylyshyn and UNO, Tarnavets’kyi (??); future of Ukrainians in Canada; Communists; his wife - Mariia Troian (??) from Winnipeg; DPs; UNO vs Het’mantsi; Prof. Kyslytsia (??); Svystun; Vasylyshyn; Kosar.

    Part 4: Creating BUC (??) in Canada as a brunch of the Catholic institution; Chytal’nia’s fight; Fr. Horachko (??) sent away from Canada; Holovko (??) sent in as a secretary; Bishop Budka; Fr. Semchuk (??) - the 1st Head of CUC, too much of a Catholic; Fr. Shums’kyi (??); Budka and his 2 letters; Orthodox community fighting Catholics; Bobers’kyi; Ivan Petroshevych (??) the 1st cooperator, was sent to Paris; Mandryka (??) in CUC; Shapoval the fanatic; viis’kovyi zhurnal “Ukrains’kyi skytalets’” published in Czechoslovakia, with memoirs; Mandryka and DPs; CUC Congress in 1942; Melnychuk - the Head of the local BUC (??); Fr. Kushnir had democratic views; Chytal’nia and fights around it, once had over 100 members, activities, Poles visiting Chytal’nia.

    Part 5: Chytal’nia activities; UNO asking Gospodin about help for their Hall; Mr. Kokhan (??) centralized CUC; Stavchevs’kyi (??); Kokhan a good diplomat; Tovarystvo ukrains’kykh uchyteliv; Vasyl’ Trukh (??); Horiachko (??); a discussion with Trukh (??) in 1934; Orthodox church; his friends returning from Czechoslovakia to USSR; Dr. Stakhiv (??); future of Ukrainians in Canada; Gospodin’s publications in journals (penname A. Hermes); him being for 12 years in Komitet dopomohy politv’iazniam - a letter from Fr. Kulyts’kyi (??); his huge work in Czechoslovakia; editor Pohoretskyi (??); Vasyl’ Topol’nyts’kyi; Dr. Huliay (??) - all were dismissed later.

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    État de conservation

    Source immédiate d'acquisition


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