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Архівний опис
Vivsti Moi, Vivsti, Hei, Hei!
Vivsti Moi, Vivsti, Hei, Hei!
Alfon's Mucha: Rubin. Le Rubis.
Alfon's Mucha: Rubin. Le Rubis.
Blazhenni Muchenyky Chynu sv. Vasyliia Velykoho
Blazhenni Muchenyky Chynu sv. Vasyliia Velykoho
Picture of an icon
Picture of an icon
Picture of Ukrainian Museum in Kiev
Picture of Ukrainian Museum in Kiev
P. Anarusiv
P. Anarusiv
"Sertse moie, zore moia, De tse ty zorila?"
"Sertse moie, zore moia, De tse ty zorila?"
The Entrance of Bohdan Khmelnytsky to Kyiv in 1649
The Entrance of Bohdan Khmelnytsky to Kyiv in 1649
Musical Score
Musical Score
Ukrainian Eggs
Ukrainian Eggs
Print of artwork
Print of artwork
Print of artwork
Print of artwork
Dome, St. Josaphat's Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral
Dome, St. Josaphat's Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral
Iconostasis, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Iconostasis, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Dormition Skete, after mass, Liturgical Feast Day
Dormition Skete, after mass, Liturgical Feast Day
Dormition Skete, prayer on Liturgical Feast Day
Dormition Skete, prayer on Liturgical Feast Day
Exterior, Russo Orthodox Church
Exterior, Russo Orthodox Church
Rev. Seraphim at Easter Service
Rev. Seraphim at Easter Service
Mural, St. Josephat's Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral
Mural, St. Josephat's Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral
Choir Loft, St. George's Ukrainian Catholich Church
Choir Loft, St. George's Ukrainian Catholich Church