Plough: connections
99 Archival description results for agronomy
Eugeniy Lozovei is showing how to manage the plough
Plough: connections
Eugeniy Lozovei shows "kobylo" (machine for making wooden handles (?)
Eugeniy Lozovei is showing how to handle the weeding hand plough
Mill for grinding beans, corn and grain, made by Semko Lozovei, father of Eugeni
Mill for grinding beans, corn and grain. Eugeni Lozovei experiences to fit strep on the wheel
Working elements of hand mill
Working elements of hand mill
Baskets for corn
A trunk
A small room inside the former kitchen, where two types of millstones are kept
Millstone for grinding corn. External view
Eugeni Lozovei shows wooden troughs for salting the meat and making dough
Eugeni Lozovei shows wooden troughs for salting the meat and making dough
Interior of "payor" (barn), baskets (called "kosh", "koshi") with corn
Eugeniy Lozovei is working with pestle
A pestle
Eugeniy Lozovei works with foico
Eugeniy Lozovei shows how to thresh with flail