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Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)
Zone des dates de production
17 Jan. 1983 (Production)
Zone de description matérielle
Description matérielle
2 audio cassettes (=3 audio files)
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Portée et contenu
Part 1: Born on January 11, 1913 in Stryi, Alberta; his father came to Canada “na stolittia” and mother came later, in about 1907. He is Orthodox. Went to a Ukrainian school. Finished school in Edmonton, then studied at the Alberta College. Worked in a bank in 1929. Same year he went to the USA to study at a University. Catholic Ukrainian church in Stryi; Communists-Ukrainians; Instytut Hrushevs’koho in Edmonton; Petro Zvarych. Studying at the largest Catholic University in New York (graduated in 1935); life of Ukrainians in the USA vs Canada; Kyslevs’kyi; Kosar; a talk with Konovalets’; in 1937 went to England and Rome to work for a Ukrainian Bureau; a meeting with Colonel Mel’nyk; Stepan Pavliuk; Dr. Kyslevs’kyi and the Ukrainian Bureau (sponsored by Makohin); Ukrainian National Information Service; Dokovych (???); Voyt (??), Editor of Nineteen Century and After.
Part 2: Publishing his articles in journals; Kosar and Hranovskyi (???); Meeting with Mel’nyk; contacts with UNO; Karpats’ka Ukraina; Fr. Voloshyn; Konovalets’; Chris Phillips (???) from English intelligence; CUC; in 1941 Davidovich was conscripted in the Canadian Army while in England; in 1948, he returned to Canada; a meeting with Skoropads’kyi; Davidovych became a research officer upon his return to Canada; a rift between Banderivtsi and Mel’nykivtsi; signing a petition to Mrs. Roosevelt RE returning the DPs to the USSR.
Part 3: No Ukrainian Informational Service in USA; deepening understanding of Ukrainian reality for the outer world.