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Scrapbooks 3-28
CA BMUFA 0281-4-3-28 · File · 1953-1954
Part of Michael Luchkovich collection
  1. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings from the Ukrainian and local press on community and current affairs. Includes notes by Luchkovich. 1953-54
  2. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on local sports, especially on the Edmonton Eskimos. Includes correspondence linked to this topic. 1954
  3. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on community and current affairs. Includes handwritten notes and comments by Luchkovich. 1954-55
  4. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on Ukrainian and local current affairs. 1955
  5. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on community and current affairs. Includes notes and addresses. 1954-55
  6. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on current events, especially Soviet. Includes notes and addresses. 1955-57
  7. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on current affairs, especially on the Soviet Union. Includes notes. 1956
  8. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on current issues, excepts one item dating to March 1931 on the subject of the 'Melting Pot'. Includes addresses and notes. 1957
  9. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on community and current affairs. Includes notes and addresses. 1957
  10. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on current affairs. Includes many materials authored by or referring to Luchkovich, notes and addresses (business and private). 1959-60
  11. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on general Ukrainian and current affairs. Includes notes, addresses, and correspondence. 1960
  12. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on general Ukrainian and current affairs. Includes many materials authored by or referring to Luchkovich. comments and notes, and correspondence received. 1960
  13. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings chiefly on the Canadian Ukrainian community and the unveiling of the Taras Shevchenko monument in Winnipeg. Includes notes. 1961
  14. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on current Ukrainian and Canadian Ukrainian affairs. Includes notes and addresses. 1961
  15. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings, especially on Ukrainian-related issues. Includes addresses and notes. 1961-62
  16. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on general current affairs. Includes greeting cards and notes. 1962
  17. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on current affairs and Canadian Ukrainians. Includes extensive notes, addresses and telephone numbers. 1962-63
  18. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on general current and local affairs. Includes notes and comments, and letters received by Ukrainian community figures in Edmonton from American academics. 1962-63
  19. Scrapbooks (2). Memoirs of Michael Luchkovich serialized in Ukrainian in Edmonton's "Ukrains'ki visti." Includes correspondence received from Ol'ha Woycenko in reference to these memoirs, and addresses, notes and comments. 1961-1963
  20. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on general current affairs and on local and Canadian Ukrainian issues. Includes notes. 1963
  21. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings, especially on multiculturalism. Includes notes. 1963
  22. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on local politics. Includes addresses, notes and corresondence. 1963
  23. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings, especially on multiculturalism in Canada and the Taras Shevchenko monument in Washington D.C. Includes correspondence, notes and addresses. 1963
  24. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings, especially on local and general current affairs. Includes correspondence, notes and articles by or about Luckovich.
  25. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings, especially on Shevchenko monument in Washington, multiculturalism and the Canadian Ukrainian community. Includes Christmas greetings, other correspondence and notes. 1963-1964
  26. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings, especially on multiculturalism and Soviet affairs. Includes notes. 1964
    n.n. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings, especially on Soviet affairs. Includes notes. 1960-1961 (stored in the oversized section, Archival Collections room.)
    n.n. Scrapbook. Newspaper clippings on community and current affairs. Includes notes and addresses. 1955-1956 (stored in the oversized section, Archival Collections room.)
Paris Peace Conferences
CA BMUFA 0284-5 · File · 1946, 1949
Part of UCAMA memorandums collection
  1. Memorandum By Ukrainian Canadian Committee Representing Canadian Citizens of Ukrainian Origin to Paris Peace Conference. September, 1946.
  2. Aid Memorial submitted by the General Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Supreme Ukrainian Liberation Council to the Delegates at the Paris Conference in 1946. Regarding Ukrainian struggle for freedom in the XX century.
  3. Memorandum of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) Presented to
    the World Conference in Paris, 1946. (Ukrainian language).
  4. Memorandum on The Ukrainian Problem and the Implementation of Article
    55 of the United Nations Charter by the Ukrainian Committee, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May, 1949.
United Nations Organization
CA BMUFA 0284-6 · File · 1948-1967
Part of UCAMA memorandums collection
  1. The Committee of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) to the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations in Paris. November 7, 1948. Regarding purposes and principles of ABN, postulates of ABIT to the United Nations.

  2. Memorandum To United Nations General Assembly 5th Session. Presented by the Pan-American Ukrainian Conference. November, 1950. The appeal concerns the plight of Ukrainian people under the Soviet Union misrule.

  3. Memorandum to United Nations General Assembly XV Session. Submitted by the Ukrainian Canadian Committee. September, 1960. Regarding Russian Imperialism and Colonialism.

  4. Memorandum to the United Nations General Assembly Seventeenth Session by Ukrainian Canadian Committee. Winnipeg, Canada, December, 1962. Freedom and Independence for All.

  5. Memorandum to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations by Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Winnipeg, Canada, April, 1963. For Freedom of Religion.

  6. Memorandum to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Submitted by the Ukrainian Canadian Committee. October, 1966. Russian Persecution of Ukrainian writers and intellectuals.

  7. World Congress of Free Ukrainians Memorandum Submitted to The Secretary General of the United Nations. November 16-19, 1967. Regarding the cause of freedom for Ukrainian people in the U.S.S.R. (1 copy in English, 1 copy in Spanish).

CA BMUFA 0284-9 · File · 1964-1965
Part of UCAMA memorandums collection
  1. Brief Submitted to The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism by the Ukrainian Canadian Committee Edmonton Branch. Edmonton, Alberta, July, 1964.

  2. Brief Submitted the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism by the Ukrainian Canadian Veterans' Association. Winnipeg, Manitoba; Montreal, Quebec. 1964.

  3. Brief to the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism presented by the Ukrainian Canadian Committee Vancouver Branch. Vancouver, British Columbia, 1964.

  4. Report of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism: Book IV. The Cultural Contribution of the Other Ethnic Groups. Distribution : Department of the Secretary of State.

  5. Report on Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Volume IV : Section on Education.

  6. The letter from Ukrainian Canadian Veterans' Association to "Ukrainian News'' (Edmonton). March 20, 1965. Regarding the "Brief" to the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism by Ukrainian Canadian Veterans' Association. (Ukrainian language)

  7. Brief to The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism presented by the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Winnipeg Branch, 1964

  8. Brief presented to The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism by the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, August, 1964

  9. Brief to The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism presented by the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood. Winnipeg, Manitoba

CA BMUFA 0284-12 · File · 1971-1972
Part of UCAMA memorandums collection
  1. A Brief submitted to the Government of Alberta on The Ukrainians, The New Canadian Constitution, The Laws of Alberta and The Policies of The Government of Alberta. Prepared and Presented by The Ukrainian Professional and Businessmen's Club of Edmonton. Edmonton, Alberta, April, 14, 1971 (Duplicate disposed. See Lupul Collection, UF2020.015, box 8, file 2)
  2. A Brief submitted to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and The House of Commons on The Ukrainians, The New Constitution, The Laws and Policies of The Federal and The Provincial Government Of Canada. Prepared and Presented by The Ukrainian Professional and businessmen's Club of Edmonton. Edmonton, Alberta, June 1971. (Duplicate disposed. See Lupul Collection, UF2020.015, box 8, file 2)
  3. A Brief submitted to the Government of Alberta for the Preservation and Development of the Ukrainian Culture and Heritage an Alberta. Prepared by the Ukrainian Professional and Businessmen's Club of Edmonton. Presented by the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Edmonton Branch. Endorsed by his Grace Archbishop Andrew of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, Western Diocese and His Excellency Bishop Neil N. Savaryn of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of Canada, Edmonton Eparchy. Edmonton, Alberta, May 1972.
  4. The purpose of the Ukrainian Professional and Businessmen's Clubs: Language and Culture (R. Rakhmanny)