Showing 983 results

Archival description
Wernys W Sorrento / Jak Misiac Wyjde
Wernys W Sorrento / Jak Misiac Wyjde
Wesele Na Makowskiej Gorze Czesv 1 / Wesele Na Makowskiej Gorze Czesv 2
Wesele Na Makowskiej Gorze Czesv 1 / Wesele Na Makowskiej Gorze Czesv 2
Wesilni Melodiyi (Wedding Melodies) / Huculka
Wesilni Melodiyi (Wedding Melodies) / Huculka
Wesilny wiwat, czast I (Wedding Song, Part I)
Wesilny wiwat, czast I (Wedding Song, Part I)
Wesilnyj Marsh / Oj, Chamaryt'sia, Doshtch Bude
Wesilnyj Marsh / Oj, Chamaryt'sia, Doshtch Bude
What's the Use in my Black Eyebrows / Pussy Willows are Rustling
What's the Use in my Black Eyebrows / Pussy Willows are Rustling
When the Cuckoo Called / Our Lady of Potchaiv
When the Cuckoo Called / Our Lady of Potchaiv
When the Cuckoo Called / Our Lady of Potchaiv
When the Cuckoo Called / Our Lady of Potchaiv
When Two are Parting / Balamuty
When Two are Parting / Balamuty
When Two are Parting / Where do you Wander, my Luck
When Two are Parting / Where do you Wander, my Luck
Where the Yatrin Winds its Course / Gandzia
Where the Yatrin Winds its Course / Gandzia
Who Knows Him / By the Village
Who Knows Him / By the Village
Why Are You Unfaithful / Cossack Maiden's Lament
Why Are You Unfaithful / Cossack Maiden's Lament
Wid Berezhan Do Kadry / Kazaw Meni Batjko
Wid Berezhan Do Kadry / Kazaw Meni Batjko
Wije Witer / Dumka Pro Morozenka
Wije Witer / Dumka Pro Morozenka
Witay Wesno / Pani
Witay Wesno / Pani
Witay Wesno / Pani
Witay Wesno / Pani
Witch Doctor / Don't Whistle at me Baby
Witch Doctor / Don't Whistle at me Baby
Wjazanka Kolad Z Orchestroju
Wjazanka Kolad Z Orchestroju
Wjazanka kolad z orchestroju
Wjazanka kolad z orchestroju