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3 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Professional activities
CA BMUFA 0282-5 · Série organique · 1946-1969
Fait partie de Peter John Lazarowich collection
  • Lazarowich's ledger of law files, 1950s-1960s
  • Various lease and sale documents for Lazarowich's clients, 1946-1951
  • Receipt books, 1966-1969
Ukrainian Self-Reliance League of Canada
CA BMUFA 0282-8 · Série organique · 1935-1975
Fait partie de Peter John Lazarowich collection

The series contains materials collected by Lazarowich, who was an influential individual in the USRL/CYC family organization, founding member of USRL/CYC in 1927, elected Dominion President of the USRLC in 1936-1940.

  • Correspondence, 1956-1974
  • Executive, circular letters and minutes, 1959-1973
  • Memorandum, 1939
  • Organization aims, objects, and structure, 1960s
  • USRLC Statute, 1960;
  • USRLC bulletins, 1965-1968
  • Materials of annual conventions and preconvention meetings in Saskatoon 1935, 1936; Winnipeg and Edmonton 1958; Toronto 1960 and 1967; Edmonton 1962 and 1969; Winnipeg 1963 and 1973
  • Materials of USRLC provincial congresses in Alberta in 1960, 1961, 1967, 1972
  • Materials of the SUS Foundation of Canada, 1964, 1971-1973
  • Information about USRLC's cultural and educational projects, 1960s-1970s
  • A letter from Lazarewich to John Syrnick (former USRLC president), 1956, and materials dealing with J. Syrnick, 1967, 1972, 1974
  • Statement made by Lazarowich on behalf of UCC and USRLC, Edmonton, 1964
  • Materials related to the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Mohyla Institute, Saskatoon, 1976, and other materials 1958, 1965
  • Materials related to St. John's Institute, Edmonton, 1973
  • Materials and a photo of the Ukrainian Voice 60th Jubilee Committee in Edmonton, 1970-1971
  • Materials of the USRLC conference held in Saskatoon in 1971, paper by Yaroslaw Lozowchuk, "The Role of Voluntary Ukrainian Canadian Organizations and the Future of the Ukrainian Ethnic Group in Canada: an Exploration of Possibilities"
  • Paper by George Foty, "To the Issue of Necessity of Increasing Studying Ukrainian Language by the Youth"
  • Programs of concerts dedicated to T. Shevchenko and S. Petliura, Winnipeg, 1948
  • Dissertation by H. Udod "The Ukrainian Self-Reliance League of Canada," Saskatoon-Munich, and the dissertation reviews, 1975
Sans titre
Other organizations
CA BMUFA 0282-11 · Série organique · 1960s-1970s
Fait partie de Peter John Lazarowich collection

Occasional materials of the following organizations constitute the series:

  • Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko, 1968, 1979
  • Assistance Committee for the Ukrainian National Council (Комітет сприяння українській національній раді), 1965б 1970-1
  • Ukrainian Canadian Committee of Toronto, 1971
  • 2nd World Congress of Free Ukrainians, 1973
  • Ukrainian Mutual Benefit Association of Saint Nicholas of Canada
  • Saint Vladimir Ukrainian Institute, Toronto
CA BMUFA 0282-12 · Série organique · 1964-1977
Fait partie de Peter John Lazarowich collection

The series consists of materials touching upon issues of bilingualism, biculturalism, and multiculturalism. In particular it includes:

  • Multiculturalism and Ukrainian-Canadians, House of Commons debates and addresses, 1971, 1973
  • Speeches and presentations by the Hon. Paul Yuzyk on multiculturalism and Canadian-Soviet relations, 1964, 1965, 1969, 1971
  • Addresses by professor M. Lupul on bilingualism, biculturalism, multiculturalism and education, 1964, 1971, 1977
  • Royal Commission on bilingualism and biculturalism, briefs, submissions, statements and other materials1960s -early 1970s
  • Address "A new cultural policy for the Province of Alberta" by Hon, Harry E. Strom, Premier of Alberta, at the Alberta Multicultural Conference, July 16, 1971
Sans titre
Personal documents and artifacts
CA BMUFA 0283-1 · Série organique · 1925-1975
Fait partie de Mychailo Holynsky collection

The series comprises the following materials:

  • Holynsky's handwritten memoirs, 1966
  • Holynsky's embroidered necktie and tuxedo (consist of 5 elements)
  • Two tapes with Holynsky's singing, 1963
  • Holynsky's biographical information
  • Photographs of Holynsky, his friends and relatives, 1939-1968
  • Metal clichés (printing blocks) of Holynsky portraits
  • Holynsky's application for a non-immigrant visa, 1940
  • Greetings to Holynsky, including one from the Mayor of the City of Toronto, a courtesy card and a thank you letter from Holynsky, 1927-1940
  • Charter to Holynsky from Ukrainian National House, 1940
  • Poems dedicated to Holynsky, 1939-1943
  • Caricature of Holynsky drawn by Levytsky, Toronto, 1958
  • Visitors' book 1956-1974
  • Cover of Holynsky's album
  • Holynsky memorial fund, 1974-5
  • Polish radio certificate, 1938
  • Lists of singers of the Kharkiv opera in 1928-1929 and 1929-1930
  • Concert programs, 1926-1956
  • Posters, 1926-1958
  • Leaflets, 1938, 1956
  • Newspaper advertisements of Holynsky concerts, 1938-9
  • "Ukrainska muzyka" journals ("Ukrainian Music" journals), Lviv, 1937
  • M. Khomiak (Chomiak), a paper about the celebration of the Ukrainian Academic Gymnasium of Lviv 100th anniversary on September 28-29, 1969)
  • Holynsky's biography by Serhii Kozak
  • Catalogue of Holynsky's documents, photographs, music scores handwritten in Ukrainian
  • A street in the city of Lviv named after Holynsky
  • Money loan: handwritten letter from 1933 signed in Brody
  • A handwritten note on a Chateau Frontenac hotel, QC letterhead listing songs of a performance program
  • Holynsky's UCC membership card and payment receipt for 1973
CA BMUFA 0283-2 · Série organique · 1899-1974
Fait partie de Mychailo Holynsky collection
  • The series consists of several letter written by Holysky and rich correspondence from his son Bohdan (1967-73), as well as Ivan Derkach (1966-72), Petro Krawchuk (1966-73), Pavlo Matsenko (1939-72), Mychailo Petrovskyi (1969-73), Antin Rudnyckyi (1968-72), and other correspondents.
  • The series also contains copies of correspondences between M. Lysenko and S. Krushelnytska and Krushelnytska's letter to K. Bolonska (1899)
  • Telegrams
  • Letters to Holynsky's wife with condolences on his death
CA BMUFA 0272-1 · Série organique · 1972
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Maryna Antonovych-Rudnyc'ka. "Nashi zavdannia dlia krashchoho rozvoiu ukraiins'koi kul'tury ta zberezhennia ukrains'koi identychnosti v Kanadi." Dopovid' vyholoshena na konferentsiї KUK u Winnipegu 16 hrudnia 1972.
  2. Armand. “Pro potrebu ideolohichnoho politychnoho vyshkolu.”
CA BMUFA 0272-8 · Série organique · 1950-1989
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Liha Vyzvolennia Ukrainy. “Vsi nashi syly na dopomohu Ukraini! Stanovychshe Svitovoro Ukrains'koho Vyzvol'noho Frontu skhvalene II z'їzdon v dniakh 30-31 zhovtnia 1972 v Toronti, Kanada.
  2. Andrij Lishchynskyi. “Sviatyj Volodymyr Velykyi” (referat). Bratstvo Ukraintsiv Katolykiv, Edmonton, lypen'-serpen' 1950. - 2 copies
  3. “Obrazotvorcha vystavka P.Lopaty.”
  4. Levko Luk'ianenko. "Nashe pravo do nezalezhnosty" vystup na ustanovchomu z'їzdi NRUPU v Kyievi, 8-10 veresnia 1989.
CA BMUFA 0272-11 · Série organique · 1953-1986
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection

Natalia Fazuniak. “Khvylyna zhertvy.”

  1. A.I. Pavlyk. “Zbahatim Pratsiu KUK Novymy Elementamy.” Dopovid’ vyholoshena na richnij konferentsiї KUK v Saskatuni 10 liutoho 1973.
  2. Iryna Pavlykovs'ka. “Vidznachennia 75-littia ukrains'koho zhinochoho rukhu (1884-1959). Liha Ukrains'kykh Katolyts'kykh Zhinok Edmontons'koi Ieparkhii. Lystopad, 1959.
  3. Stephanie Paush. “Handicrafts of Ukraine.” Talk given upon opening the Annual Fashion Show and Tea, of the Provincial Executive of the Ukrainian Women's Ass'n of Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, May 1967.
  4. “Korotkyj ohliad diial'nosti Plastpryiatu v Ottavi, Ont. 1.I.1953 - 31. VI.1953.”
  5. “Zvit stanychnoi za chas vid 13 hrudnia 1968 roku do 5 hrudnia 1969 Roku.”
  6. Leonid Poltava. “Skorostrily i muzy: Do 2 -richchia postannia UPA.” Vashyngton, 1967.
  7. About: Iryna Pavlykovs'ka, "Vidiishla providna liudyna" (about her) [Obituary]
  8. Pryima (?) "35-richchia LUKZhK" Edmontons'koї Ieparkhiї."
  9. Interview Holovy Provodu Ukraїnskykh Natsionalistiv Mykoly Plaviuka dlia 'Ukraїns'koho slova." 1986
  10. Hryhorii Porokhivnyk (?). [Zvernennia do vladyk].
  11. Anna Pryima (?). [Rukopysni notatky do vystupu na LUKZh].
  12. William T. Pidruchney. "On the occasion of the observances at city Hall, Edmonton, on the 56th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine (22nd of January, 1974)."
CA BMUFA 0272-12 · Série organique · 1984
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Roman Rakhmannyj. “Krytyk z liudianym ollychchiam.”
  2. M. Rosliak (?) [First page with a title is lost]
  3. Stefan Rosocha. [Biography]
  4. Ronald Reagan. [Materials (newspaper clippings and texts of speeches) pertained to Ronald Reagan's visit to Warren in 1984 where he had lunch with 650 leaders of 30 Detroit area ethnic groups at the Ukrainian Cultural Center].
CA BMUFA 0272-15 · Série organique · 1971
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Press Conference held in Ottawa on Monday, June 7th, 1971 following meeting of Representatives of Ukrainian-Canadian Committee and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
  2. Ткачук П. "Кінцеве слово" [на святі Тараса Шевченка].
CA BMUFA 0272-20 · Série organique
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Materialy pro knyzhku "Apostol" I.Fedorovycha.
  2. “Do Sviatoho Soboru Iepyskopiv Sviatoi Pravoslavnoї Avtokefal'noї Tserkvy v Heneral-Hubernatorstvi [vid] Hrupy evakuovanykh z Kholmshchyny i Pidliashshia Dukhovenstva i myrian.” 1 lystopada 1942 roku.
  3. "General Address by the Prime Minister," 1975.
  4. “Ukraine as a Factor of the Political Balance in Europe.”
  5. “A Contributed Role.”
  6. [Ukrains'ka kanadiana.]
  7. “Ukrains'ka kultura.”
  8. “Zapyska v spravi vidznachennia trahichnykh dat.”
  9. “Ukrainian Independence Day.”
  10. “Propovid' Blazh. Verkhovnoho Arkhyiepyskopa v den' 1 lystopada 1972 r. v Sobori sv. Sofiї.”
  11. [Promova na sviati ukrains'koi pisni.]
  12. [Information about exhibition.]
  13. [About the pamphlet' "The Situation in South-Eastern Poland".]
  14. “V 31 rokovyny lystopadovoho zryvu”
  15. Canadian League for the Liberation of Ukraine and Women's Association of CLLU [Address to His Holiness Pope Paul VI], 1971.
  16. Holovna Uprava Bratstva Ukraїntsiv Katolykiv Kanady. [Letter to Arkhiepyskopa Kyra ta vladyk], 1966.
  17. "Коспект реферату на свято 22-го січня Державности й соборности української народньої республіки."
  18. "Вступне слово" [на святі Тараса Шевченка].
  19. "Значіння поезії Шевченка в житті українськоо народу (реферат на свято Т. Шевченка)."
  20. "Великий пророк (реферат на свято Шевченка)," Централя союзу українок Канади, 19 лютого 1946.
Shandro Museum
CA BMUFA 0285-2 · Série organique · 1961-2008
Fait partie de Bill and Michelle Tracy Kalyna Country collection

The series consists of documents related to Shandro Museum activities including annual financial reports, list of executive, bylaws, renaming documents, certificate of incorporation, agreement with other organizations (Alberta Museum Association), and dissolution documents.