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CIUS oral history project
CA BMUFA 0021 · Collection · 1982-1984

Oral History Project was implemented by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies in 1982-1984. During that period of time two researchers -- Lubomyr Luciuk and Zenon Zwarycz -- interviewed more than 135 members of the Ukrainian community all over Canada, both immigrants and those already born in Canada. The interviews were digitized in 2014-2016 producing a database of over 400 sound files. The interviews focus on the Ukrainian organizational life both in the Old Country and Canada, as well as political and/or social activities of the interviewees. They also encompass childhood and formative years of each interviewee, their education, family stories, participation in the Ukrainian War of Independence, WWI, routes of emigration to Canada, patterns of settlement within Canada, relations with a broader Canadian society; WWII, DPs, Ukrainian-Canadian institutions, prominent personalities, as well as the religious and political mosaic inside the Ukrainian community in Canada.

CA BMUFA 0025 · Collection · 2006-2011

The collection consists of field research materials collected by Mariya Lesiv as part of her research during doctorate studies at the Ukrainian Folklore Program, University of Alberta, and a copy of her dissertation entitled "Modern Paganism between east and west: construction of an alternative national identity in Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora." 15 mini-DVs contain field video, 10 CDs - photographs, documenting rituals and interviews with Pagans in both Ukraine and North America.

Dissertation abstract:

Modern Ukrainian Paganism is a new religious movement that draws upon beliefs and practices from over a thousand years ago. It represents a mode of resistance to both the political oppression of Ukraine and the dominant position of Christianity in that country. Paganism spread among the urban Ukrainian intelligentsia in the North American diaspora after World War II, and developed actively in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Today, while experiencing a great decline in the diaspora, it is rapidly growing in Ukraine, involving many different Pagan communities and thousands of believers.

Pagans draw on a variety of sources including both historical chronicles containing information about old Slavic mythology and contemporary rural folklore that is believed to maintain remnants of the old pagan worldview. Although many folkloric forms have been appropriated by the Christian church, contemporary Pagans consider these elements to have originated in pre-Christian times and reclaim them for their own needs.

This work is the first extended study of Ukrainian Paganism in its post-Soviet East European context and in the North American diaspora, simultaneously comparing it with Western Paganism. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork, including participant observation of rituals and interviews with Pagans in both Ukraine and North America, as well as on archival and published materials.

While focusing predominantly on the revival of pagan folklore within this movement, this thesis demonstrates how the imagined past has become important for constructing an alternative national identity in modern contexts of socio-political turmoil. The thesis suggests that this cultural revival often has little to do with historical reality, since there is limited primary information available. Like other revivals, it involves the construction of new cultural forms through creative interpretations of the ancestral past. Moreover, the obscurity of the past allows individualistic interpretations that result in many variations of similar forms. These forms are examined in their relationship to the concepts of nationalism, gender, charisma and power, religious syncretism, and aesthetics. This work is multidisciplinary in nature as it draws upon theoretical frameworks developed in fields of folkloristics, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies and art criticism. It contributes to the understanding of modern cultural processes that shape the national consciousness of people in various parts of the world.

CA BMUFA 0045 · Collection · 2009-2010

This collection contains the results of two ethnographic trips to the Ukrainian communities in Brazil by Andriy Nahachewsky. The first trip took place from 4 May to 26 May 2009, and included Andriy Nahachewsky, Serge Cipko, John C. Lehr, and Maryna Hrymych. This was the first trip to Brazil for each of the participants, though they each had strong credentials in their disciplines and in fieldwork more generally. Thus the project goal was to cast a wide net for general orientation into the historical and contemporary life of the Ukrainian communities there. Each researcher also had specific personal goals. The trip included visits to Curitiba, Prudentópolis and several rural communities nearby, Craveiro in Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Brasília, and Foz do Iguaçu. The agenda included visits to an agricultural cooperative, meetings with diplomats and organizational representatives, and diverse individuals who could speak about life in their communities. Photographs by Hrymych, Lehr, and Cipko are also accessioned into the BMUFA and located in their own respective collections.

The second trip was undertaken by Andriy Nahachewsky, for 6 months from 14 November 2009 to 13 May 2010. The goal of the project was to continue the first exploratory fieldtrip, intensifying and expanding it. The project had a strong diachronic focus, documenting change in cultural traditions, to understand better how Ukrainian cultural content, rooted in 19th century rural traditions in western Ukraine, became transplanted, disappeared, adapted, and sometimes newly created in its diaspora setting in the Brazilian context. The intent was to be able to compare these processes with similar ones known from the Ukrainian Canadian context, as well as culture in western Ukraine itself, which also changed significantly over the 20th century: One cultural root, and three branches evolving on three continents over 120 years.

Another aspect of the fieldtrip was connected with Nahachewsky’s earlier “Local Culture and Diversity on the Prairies” project, which strove to provide documentation about regional differences in traditional Ukrainian culture in the Canadian setting. This аspect of the project was to try trace local differences in Brazilian culture in a similar way. Some of these regional differences were probably most clear in past decades. A third aspect was more synchronic, aimed to document contemporary life. Connected with this, the Brazil trip involved travelling to some 65 communities in the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the main Ukrainian settlement areas in Brazil. The project involved recording some 300 audio interviews, 53 hours of video recordings of contemporary events, 14,000 photographs, and gathering many publications and manuscripts (in hard copy and reproduced digitally), as well as diverse artifacts. The overall focus in subject matter was broad, including material culture (farming practices, folk arts), customs (calendar holidays, weddings, funerals, etc) and performing arts (music, dance). Special foci developed for dance materials, religious images, church architecture, cemeteries, music, and weddings, because of Nahachewsky’s research background, opportunities, and experiences as the fieldwork proceeded. The trips were both funded by the Huculak Chair and the Kule Folklore Centre (for the first trip: Nahachewsky, Hrymych, and various shared expenses). During both trips, the hosts in the home base in Prudentópolis, as well as other locations in Brazil, were very warm and hospitable, open, and generous. A copy of the digital photo, audio, and video fieldwork materials was deposited in the Museu do Milênio in Prudentópolis.

Ivan Stadnyk collection
CA BMUFA 0052 · Collection · 1960s-1980s

The collection contains ephemera collected from various Ukrainian Canadian community events in Edmonton, area, and other location across Canada, publications, and art cards.

CA BMUFA 0057 · Collection · 1977

The collection consists of field materials collected by Slawa Basarab as part of her assignments for the folklore courses she took at the University of Alberta, and include collected proverbs and beliefs about folk medicine, and folk sayings relating to health.

CA BMUFA 0060 · Collection · 2001-2005

The collection consists of fieldwork materials collected by Natalie Kononeko during her trips to numerous villages in Central Ukraine in 2001-2005. Interviews cover a wide range of folklore topics including ritual and belief, births, weddings, funerals, songs and stories, and more.

Sharak family collection
Collection · 1891-1976

The collection consist of personal documents (birth certificates from Audtro-Hungarian Empire, marriage certificate, military ticket from inter-war Poland), immigration documents (passports with visas, ship cards) and other personal documents of Andrew and Polly Sharak. Both Polish passports have their photographs.

CA BMUFA 0068 · Collection · 1978-1979

The collection consists of verses collected in Canada from various pioneers from western Ukraine, and a collection of jokes, proverbs, New Year's verses and texts of other folk songs.

CA BMUFA 0085 · Collection · 1979

The collection consists of descriptions of Ukrainian wedding customs and wedding songs recorded from Mrs. Olga Savaryn (mother) and Mrs. Olena Prystajecky (grandmother). All songs are transcribed and translated. This collection was a result of a fieldwork project which was part of the assignment for the UKR 422 course at the University of Alberta in the fall term of 1979.

CA BMUFA 0105 · Collection · 1983-1984

This collection includes an essay on proverbs, riddles, and sayings along with a book review for the courses Ukrainian 423 and Ukrainian 422.

Rodyna Ensemble collection
CA BMUFA 0112 · Collection · 2012-2017

The collection consists of the history of the Rodyna Ensemble written by Roman Varenica, a musical CD of their songs, a copy of lyrics of the song "Rodyno" handwritten by Mihajlo Ljahovič 17.08.2012, and a copy of the song "Kalena" also authored by Mihajlo Ljahovič.

CIUS folklore collection
CA BMUFA 0119 · Collection · 1980-1991

The collection consists of 31 issues of the monthly humorous magazine Beztaktnist self-published by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, edited mainly by David Marples; an obituary to Havrylo Ciusovych Harmatenko; and an interview with Andrij Hornjatkevyc about these publications recorded by Kateryna Kod at the time of donation.

Beztaktnist was self-published monthly magazine by CUIS for several years. It started when the CIUS was located in Athabasca Hall and the office of the PhD candidate David Marples who is now the Professor at the Department of History and Classics at the University of Alberta was behind the wall from the office of the CUIS director Manoly Lupul. When David Marples would hear some slips of the tongue or jokes from the office, he would later publish them and circulate calling it Beztaktnist. This publication served the role of a buffoon, like in older days buffoons were able to tell not only jokes but the truth or voice their opinions to the kings without being punished for that, Beztaktnist was that buffoon in CIUS. Different topics were published without censorship about CUIS life, everybody included their stories but the main editor was David Marples.

Havrylo story: there was a copier in Athabasca building that was used by all the departments located in the building. Each department had a small page counter that was inserted in the copier in order to count the pages so at the end of the month to pay for copying. The amount of the copies done by each department should coincide with the amount that would be on the inner page counter in the copier itself. It came up that the CIUS page counter was named Havrylo and it was discovered that if Havrylo is
not inserted into the copier completely it will not count pages. So many copies were done, including the periodical Beztaktnist free of charge. Later it was discovered that the amount of the copies on the inner and external counters did not coincide, so the new program was installed on the copier and Havrylo came out of use, “became unemployed”. When it was known some people together with Andrij Hornjatkevyc wrote an obituary for Havrylo Ciusovych Harmatenko (the copier was Canon) and asked to announce it on the radio. Roman Brytan announced it on the radio and even chose a song by Seniors Choir that sang “Oi iz-za hory kam’ianoi”. The original text of the obituary is added to this collection.

With time Marples was leaving CIUS and going to Munich to work at Radio Svoboda and he asked for the copies of this periodical from Andrij Hornjatkevych, who was not willing to share. Another joke that CIUS had was the theory that there should as many Free Universities as there are not free Universities in Ukraine, the Free University in Munich was not enough. The Decree was pronounced to establish Free Universities parallel to those that were in Ukraine. There was also a diploma sample and some people were awarded various doctoral degrees. At the farewell party for Marples that was in the house of Bohdan Krawchenko the collection of Beztaktnist, bound in yellow binder (yellow colour symbolizing yellow journalism), was awarded to Marples to the loud applause by Krawchenko dressed in his Oxford gown.

CA BMUFA 0110 · Collection · 1981-1985

This collection includes written assignments such as book reviews, diachronic studies, and folklore terminology guidelines completed by Rena Hanchuk for her folklore classes at the University of Alberta, as well as interviews.

CA BMUFA 0126 · Collection · 1980-1981

A collections of textual work on kupalo and lemko weddings for the course Ukrainian 499 at the University of Alberta.

CA BMUFA 0225 · Collection · 1920-1971

Eight letters from the Klapouszczak family members in Pastushe village (in 1920 in Poland, then in the Soviet Union, now - Ukraine) to relatives in Edmonton, Alberta.

CA BMUFA 0229 · Collection · 1926

The collection consists of two notebooks with handwritten Ukrainian plays, as well as some music scores. One notebook has a script of a comedy play titled "Лікар крутар або поневолі лікарем: комедія на 3 дії. По сюжету Молієра перелицював М. Стрільчик"; and another comedy play script titled "Розбиті надії: комедія в 5 діях зі співами, хорами і танцями - Гр. Ів. Грушевського". The second notebook (written down in Edmonton) includes a drama play script titled "Крівава відплата ляхам: драма в 4 діях. Написав Степан Субала, У.С.С."; and a comedy play script "Канадийський редактор: комедія в двох діях. На тлі новелі Марка Твейна написав Г. Тиммора. Переклад Я. Бубнюка."

CA BMUFA 0230 · Collection · 1918-1996

The collection consists of personal documents of Orest and Emilia Zarsky, community event programs and other ephemera, publications on various Ukrainian and religious topics, badges and banners, an embroidered tray, and wedding clothes and items.

Collection · 1914-1931
  • Ukrains'kyi holos/Ukrainian Voice, Winnipeg: 1914, 1915, 1916-1917, 1918, 1919
  • Kanadyis'kui Rusyn/Canadian Ruthenian, Winnipeg: 1917, 1918 + 7 loose issues 1-1914, 3-1916, 1-1917, 1-1918, 1-1919
  • Kanadyis'kyi Ukrainets'/Canadian Ukrainian (previously Kanadyis'kyi Rusyn): 1919-1920, 1921-1922, 1928-1931