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Inscription on back:
Jan 1/96 What a happy group of wonderfull people! Ollie

From Left- Cal Krausert, Mrs Krausert, Mrs. Lacourciere, Emilia Zarsky, Bill Diachuk, Ollie Diachuk, Jules LaCoursiere, Orest Zarsky


Attached to photograph taken January 16, 1989 by Harry W. Kurylo
Row One
Tony Rasko, Edward A. Kostyshen, John Kowalchuk, Mike M. Yakimyshyn, William Taciuk, Bill W. Diachuk (Grand Knight), Bishop Demetrius M. Greschuk D.D., Rev. Fr. Michael Kowalchuk, Richard Sirman, Max Danchuk, William M. Orfino, Brian A. Hlus, John A. Kulasa
Row Two
Russell L. Koss, Russell Ostapek, Joseph Kuchmak, Edward Hladunewich, Larry Kuchmak, Robert W. Greschuk, Lawrence Skubleny, Eugene I. Lozinsky, John D. Hrabec, Alexander Korol, John F. Gulayets, William M. Bayda, Peter Greschuk, Joseph Zeleny, John Koziak, Joseph P. Yurkiw
Row Three
John G. Bykowski, Joseph K. Sherbanuk, Stanley Kobylko, Mike Pecuh, Walter Dembicki, John Humeniuk, Michael Shewchuk, Russ Cherwak, Andy Holowaty, Nick Yakimyshyn, Michael Smulski, Jack T. Youzwishen, Nestor J. Hlus.
Row Three
Orest Zarsky, Paul D. Chaikowsky, Michael Fedyna, Morris Komarnisky, William N. Kuchmak, Frank Warawa, Barry Basaraba, Michael R. Matishak, Lloyd E. Stephaniuk, Eugene Letawsky, Julian Warawa, Wilf Prokop, Harry W. Kurylo


Attached description:
" Picture Catherine Montaine Pres. 1942-44
Back Row
Emilia Zarsky, Mrs. Teklia Zarsky, Sophie (Mudryk) Yakney, Millie Strashok, Mary Baron, Emilia Raragoski, Olga Esaiw, Emily Swist
Middle Row
Mary (Sawchukevich) Demchuk, Helen Waseleshyn, Julia Porayko, Anna Pryma, Mary Basarab, Mary Krushelnytski, Anna Demco
Front Row
Zonia Greschuk, Amila Skwarok, Lee Melnychuk, Catherine Montaine, Ann Sereda, Nellie Woytkiw


Inscription on enclosure in Ukrainian:
" Khor Boian 11 i 12 rik
Pid upravoiu Teodora Panchyshyna
Mariia Siamoil, Dzheni Mykytiv, Pershyi riad. panna Bartman, Dzheni Sialdan, Ksenia Khomlak, Emilia Chyrka, Anna Siamoniuk, i panna Bartman.
Druhyi rad. Ivan Noha, Mykhail Bilins'kyi, Mykata Byi, Mykhailo Iakymchuk, Teodor Panchyshyn, Vasyl' Smolyk, Nykola Badyn, Teodor Babuka
Tretii rad. Hr. Zen', Oleksa Shuba, Oleksa Zhars'kyi, Stefan Tsitul'skyi, Vasyl' Iakymats', Hr. Demkiv, Hr. Soliar i Vasyl' Shyba