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CA BMUFA 0228-2 · Series · 2018
Part of Ashley Halko-Addley fieldwork collection

This series includes materials collected during an interview with a healer living in Saskatoon. It includes one transcript and one audio file.

Community engagement
Series · 1918 - 1996
Part of Orest and Emilia Zarsky collection

This series includes receipts from Tovarystvo Narodnoho Domu v Edmontoni and Novyny from 1918-1928; a postcard from the Canadian Ukrainian Publishing company to Alex Zarsky (1924); membership cards with the Ukrains'kyi Narodn'ii Dim, Edmonton for Oleksa and Kateryna Zarsky; correspondence from the Ukrains'kyi Narodn'ii Dim; a commemorative ribbon; "Adresnyi lyst" to Orest and Emelia Zarsky from the Ukrainian Sporting Sitch Association of Canada (Edmonton, Alberta), October 14th, 1939; Certificate to honoured member Mrs. Emilia Zarsky from the Ukrainian Catholic Women's League. This series also contains records from the Ukrainian Catholic Women's League (Edmonton)

CA BMUFA 0291-1 · Series · 1910-1974
Part of Ukrainian National Hall collection

The series consists of work books of different organizations containing minutes, membership rolls, addresses, extensive financial records, sometimes also memoirs and history of these organizations, etc. Some books contain records of several organizations that used the book over the years.
There are records of the following organizations:

  • Товариcтво Проcвіта в Едмонтоні
  • Ukrainian National Hall, Edmonton (Український народний дім в Едмонтоні)
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholic Society in Edmonton (Українсько греко-католицьке Товариство в Едмонтоні)
  • Boyan Society (Товариство співацько-аматорське "Боян")
  • Читальня ім. Маркіяна Шашкевича
  • Союз Гетьманців державників
  • Клюб українcьких Монархістів в Едмонтоні
  • Братство Милосердія св. Йосафата в Копернік, Альберта
  • Український запомоговий комітет в Альберті (Ukrainian Relief Committee of Alberta)
  • Канадійська Січова організція
  • Українське товариство св. о. Николая
  • Братство українців католиків
  • Українське запомогове брацтво св. Николая в Канаді (Ukrainian Mutual benefit Association of St Nicholas of Canada)
  • Український католицький союз
  • Український греко-католицький союз, Едмонтон
  • Рідна школа, Едмонтон
  • Хор "Думка", Едмонтон
  • Оркестра
  • Bazaar
  • Книга протоколів парахіальних зборів у справі будови нової церкви в Мандері.
  • Українська бурса Івана Франка у Веґревіль, Альберта
  • and several unknown organizations.

The series also contains Ukrainian National Hall library records.
There is also a photo of Dmytro and Angela Prokop.

Ukrainian Bilingual Program
CA BMUFA 0293-2 · Series · 1974-1988
Part of Ukrainian Bilingual Education in Alberta collection

The series consists of name lists of teachers and pupils enrolled in the Ukrainian-Bilingual Program (in Edmonton Catholic as well as in Edmonton Public Schools) from 1974 to 1985. Also, there are baptism records with names of prospective students, as well as information on the children who left the program.

There are also various documents on Ukrainian Bilingual Transportation from different Ukrainian bilingual associations. The files include correspondences, budget and fees, name lists of pupils, who needed transportation, etc.

The Ukrainian Bilingual Program (UBP) is a partial immersion program, in which the basic subjects, consisting of science, mathematics and English, are taught in English, and the other subjects, including social studies, music, arts, physical education and Ukrainian language, are taught in Ukrainian.

The UBP was implemented by the Edmonton Catholic School System in the fall of 1974 and started as a three-year pilot project under the auspices of the Department of Education. An integral part of the UBP project was the annual evaluation of the extent to which the pupils in the program are achieving in their academic subjects, acquiring skills in the Ukrainian oral language, and the attitudes of the pupils and parents, teachers, and administrators towards the existing program. After the pilot phase, the Bilingual Program was offered in 1978 in the Edmonton Separate School System as well as in the Edmonton Public School System. The Separate, i.e. Catholic Schools offering the UBP included St. Matthew, St. Martin, and St. Bernadette. In Public Schools, the UBP was provided in five schools: Delwood, Holyrood, Northmount, Rundle and Rio Terrace. During the first year of the pilot project, 101 students were enrolled in the program and its success led to its permanent approval and simultaneous extension to Grade 6 by the Government of Alberta in 1976. The program was further extended to Grade 9 in 1980 and to Grade 12 in 1983.

Parental groups played an essential part in the existence of bilingual programs in general and the UBP in particular. They lobbied governments and made presentations to local school boards, convincing them to open their school to the concept and teaching of bilingual classes. When the UBP was first implemented, the Ukrainian Kindergarten Association assumed responsibility for acting on behalf of parents who had children enrolled in the Ukrainian Bilingual Program in the Edmonton Public and Catholic School Systems. However, this association was dissolved when the Ukrainian Bilingual Association was incorporated.

CA BMUFA 0293-5 · Series · 1913-1995
Part of Ukrainian Bilingual Education in Alberta collection

The series consists of various documents on Bilingual Education in general and on Bilingual Ukrainian Education in particular. The earliest newspaper article is from 1913, but the box, in general, comprises materials from the 1970s and the 1980s. There are also a few newspaper articles from the early 1990s.

RCI: Scripts 1997
CA BMUFA 0263-6 · Series · 1997
Part of Halyna Klid collection

The written scripts from the 1997 reel-to-reel audiotapes.
Missing the corresponding 1997 reel-to-reel tapes (only 1993-1996 tapes available).
The scripts contain interviews that Halyna Klid has conducted with Dr. Zenon Kohut, Major Dmytro Shkurko, and Mahdalyna Lozova. Scripts also touch on subjects such as virtual education at the University of Calgary, the Ukrainian children's choir Strumochok, and many more.

RCI: Audio Tapes
CA BMUFA 0263-7 · Series · 1993-1997
Part of Halyna Klid collection

Reel-to-reel tapes recorded by Halyna Klid from 1993 to 1996. Contain multiple interviews with many individuals, some of which include Netcheporenko, Marianna Savaryn, John Lahola,Sophia Slobodian ect… Klid also discusses various topics such as Chornobyl, immigration, art on the internet, epsilon chemicals ect…

CA BMUFA 0265-1 · Series · 1966 - 1997
Part of Manoly Lupul collection
  • UPBC financial statements 1970-1995
  • Directories, bylaws & membership rosters from Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, 1970-1992
  • Convention reports, 1985-1995
  • Minutes of the UPBC executive meetings, 1974-1975
  • other materials, miscellaneous 1966-1997
CA BMUFA 0265-8 · Series · 1910-1999
Part of Manoly Lupul collection

The series contains materials related to history of Ukrainians. These are published articles and manuscripts by Michael W. Martyn, Alexander Royick, Zenon S. Pohorecky, Ann Forest, Albert Mohr, G.N. Emery, Alexander MalyckyOrest T. Martynowych, Raymond Charuk, Manoly Lupul, Jaroslav Rudnyckyj, Diane I. Hodgson, Andrij Makuch, Myrna Kostash, M. Marunchak, Myron Momryk.
It also includes the following publications:

  • John C. Lehr Ukrainian Vernacular Architecture in Alberta 1872, 1976 Manuscript and publication
  • The Village Modem 1988
  • Roman Fodchuk and Associates Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village Site Development Master Plan 1977
  • John Patrick Day. The Ukrainian Bookstore and the Koermann Block August 1978 198 p.
  • Alexander Bunka. Early Ukrainian Settlers in Saskatchewan 1967
  • Ukrainians in Alberta: Shandro, Bellis, Thorhild, Smoky Lake, Myrnam 1942-1970
  • Presunka. My Canada Series 1968-1971, N 1-36 + Bicultural Retreat 1966-1971
  • History of Ukrainians in Canada (brochures) 1953-1986
  • Vita. A Ukrainian Community. Books 1-3 1977-1981
  • Ukrainian Toronto Media. A study 1982
  • The Great Pioneers who Cleared and broke the Virgine Land of Josephburg, 1867-1967
  • Publications by Myrna Kotash and Sandra Gwyn in the "Saturday Night" periodical, 1972, 1974.
  • A folder "Miscellaneous" contains some materials from an oversized package that came from UCAMA with a note to add it to the Lupul collection.
Audio recordings
CA BMUFA 0265-26 · Series · 1969-1985
Part of Manoly Lupul collection

Recordings are thematically diverse, recorded in a different time. Particular content is unknown.