A photograph of the 50th wedding anniversary of Orest and Emilia Zarsky. Note their wedding picture at the background.
This item is the "Adresnyi lyst" to Orest and Emelia Zarsky from the Ukrainian Sporting Sitch Association of Canada (Edmonton, Alberta), October 14th, 1939. A booklet like item with orange and blue ribbon on the front. Inside is a certificate and a letter.
Ukrainian Sporting Sitch Association of CanadaThis file includes apostolic blessings, given to commemorate anniversaries.
certificate that reads "Most Holy Father John and Josie Maniowski humbly implore Your Holiness a special Apostolic Blessing on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary 1918 October 20, 1978"
Certificate that reads "Most Holy Father Oleksa and Katherine Zarski humbly prostate at the feet of Your Holiness beg the Apostolic Blessing on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary"
Certificate that reads "The Holy Father John Paul II paternally imparts his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of heavenly favors to Orest and Emilia Zarsky on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary"
Two badges from the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas in Canada and one badge envelope from The Regalia Manufacturing Co. Ltd. in Winnipeg, Man.
This series includes receipts from Tovarystvo Narodnoho Domu v Edmontoni and Novyny from 1918-1928; a postcard from the Canadian Ukrainian Publishing company to Alex Zarsky (1924); membership cards with the Ukrains'kyi Narodn'ii Dim, Edmonton for Oleksa and Kateryna Zarsky; correspondence from the Ukrains'kyi Narodn'ii Dim; a commemorative ribbon; "Adresnyi lyst" to Orest and Emelia Zarsky from the Ukrainian Sporting Sitch Association of Canada (Edmonton, Alberta), October 14th, 1939; Certificate to honoured member Mrs. Emilia Zarsky from the Ukrainian Catholic Women's League. This series also contains records from the Ukrainian Catholic Women's League (Edmonton)
This file contains 52 photographs. These photographs include several group photographs from the Ukrainian Catholic Woman's League and the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas of Canada. Some photographs were taken at community events, Remembrance Day ceremonies, and a funeral (Knights of Columbus). Many of the photographs feature Orest and Emilia Zarsky.
The embroidered serving tray represents a phase in Canadian embroidery history (not just Ukrainian). Beginning in approximately 1960s, artisans would either adapt an embroidered podushka to fit into a serving tray, or they would specifically embroider a decorate piece to fit into a frame. The frames themselves were often pre-made, store bought. Embroidered serving trays were often used for special events such as church teas, and were a popular wedding gift or shower gift in the Edmonton Ukrainian community during the early 1980s.
Certificate to honoured member Mrs. Emilia Zarsky from the Ukrainian Catholic Womens League
This item is a wedding tie worn by Orest Zarsky during his wedding to Emilia.
Icon cards from various areas in East Central Alberta, some commemorating priests.
This file consists of sheet music: Narodnim lytsariam and Muzhes'ki khory
The collection consists of personal documents of Orest and Emilia Zarsky, community event programs and other ephemera, publications on various Ukrainian and religious topics, badges and banners, an embroidered tray, and wedding clothes and items.
Zarsky, Orest and Emilia42 pamphlets and brochures relating to Edmonton and area Ukrainian events. Many of them are religious in nature.
Pamiatka Zolotoho iuvileiu misiinoi pratsi sester sluzhebnyts’ Presviatoi Neporochnoi Divy Marii v Kanadi i Amerytsi (Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate) 1902-1952 (x2- one has a “50” gold sticker on it)
U druhu richnytsiu herois’koi smerty holovnoho kom. UPA sl. P. Heneral-Khorunzhoho Tarasa Chuprynky Romana Shukhevycha. Edmonton, 9-ho Bereznia, 1952
Iuvileinyi kontsert u 50-richchia prybuttia i misiinoi pratsi sester sluzhebyts’ presv. Neporochnoi Divy Marii v Kanadi. Zalia Ukrains’koho Narodn’oho Domu. Edmonton, Alberta. Nedilia, 18-ho Travnia, 1952 Pochatok v hod. 8 vechora
Khrystos Voskres! Voistynu Voskres! Velykden’ 1953. Katedra sv. Iosafata. Edmonton, Alberta
Programme of the Religious-Historical Mystery in 4 acts “Nativity”. Staged by the Dramatic Society of St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, under direction of its author, Rev. M. Dyrda,OSBM. In the ukrainian Catholic Hall. Monday and Tuesday, December 26th and 27th, 1949 8:15 pm (associated postcard from St. Josaphat’s Cathedral)
Moia shchodena molytva R. j. Markham. Hartwell. Cincinnati
Iuvileinyi Komitet dlia vidznachennia 50-richchia OO. Vasylian U Kanadi; The Committee for the Golden Jubilee of the Basilian Fathers in Canada. Sunday November 16th 1952. Edmonton, Alberta
Bratstvo Ukraintsiv Katolykiv Anostol’skoho Eksarkhatu Zakhidnoi Kanady Obzhynky. Mundare, Alberta. 15 Zhovtnia 1950. Copyright 1950
Bratstvo Ukraintsiv Katolykiv Anostol’skoho Eksarkhatu Zakhidnoi Kanady Obzhynky. Mundare, Alberta. 15 Zhovtnia 1950. Copyright 1948
“Friars”. Seventh anniversary Chateau Lacombe Edmonton, Alberta May 7, 1976. Ukrainian Canadians. Les Canadiens Ukrainiens. Ukraintsiv Kanady. 1967. Ukrainian Canadian Committee
Parafial’nyi biuleten’. Katedra Sv. Iosafata. OO. Vasyliany. Ch. 4, 1963
Obzhynky Harvest Festival. St. Basil’s Cultural Centre. October 14, 1978
Fortieth anniversary of the proclamation of Independent Ukraine. Ukrainian Canadian Committee Edmonton Branch. February 16th, 1958. Alberta College Auditorium
Prohrama Kontsertu 1958 pamiati Tarasa Shevchenka Edmonton, Alberta. 30 bereznia, 1958
Ukrains'kyi Narodnii Dim v Edmontoni. Sviatochna akademiia u 42-hu richnytsiu lystopadovoho zryvu. Nedilia 30 zhovtnia 1960. Zalia Ukrainians’koho Narodnoho Domu. Edmonton, Alberta
Ukrains'kyi Narodnii Dim pry spivuchasty t-stv i orhanizatsii pry U. N. domi Sviatochna akademiia u 43-hu richnytsiu lystopadovoho zryvu. Nedilia 5-ho Lystopada 1961. Zalia Ukrainians’koho Narodnoho Domu. Edmonton, Alberta
Letter to parishoners of St. Josaphat’s Cathedral Parish Edmonton, Alberta from the Basilian Fathers about the Jubilee Mission held November 27th to December 4th, 1955
Ukrains’kyi Narodnyi Dim v Edmontoni. Kontsert pamiati Tarasa Shevchenka. Nedilia, 8-ho Kvitnia 1962
Jubilee Book. 1961. Ukrainian Catholic Unity Edmonton, Alberta Ukrainian National Hall.
Award winning photography by Nick Ochotta, A.P.S.A. Ukrainian Canadian Archives & Museum. Edmonton. November 1975
Sviatkovyi kontsert u desiatyrichchia osnuvannia Ukrains’koi Edmontons’koi Ieparkhii 1948-1958. Jubilee Auditorium. Edmonton, Alberta. 22 chervnia 1958
Concerts of the Ukrainian Bandurists Chorus commemorating the 100-th year since the death of the greatest Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko
Ukrainis’kyi Narodnii Dim v Edmontoni. Sviatochna akademiia dlia vshanuvannia pamiaty Tarasa Shevchenka 1814-1861 Zalia narodnoho domu. Nedilia 29-ho bereznia, 1953
Ukrains’kyi Narodnyi Dim v Edmontoni. V pokloni poetovi 1861-1970. Sviatochnyi kontsert. Nedilia, 15 bereznia 1970, 7:30 vechora
Lystopadovyi kontsert. Strend Teatr. Edmonton. 5-ho lystopada, 1950 8:30 vecherom. Zakhodamy mistsevoho viddilu komitetu Ukraintsiv Kanady
Ukrainian Canadian Committee Edmonton Branch. 250th anniversary of Mazeppa’s call to arms for freedom and independence of Ukraina Jubilee Auditorium. Sunday, November 22nd 1959 2:30pm
25-richcha Epyskops’kykh svachen’ preosvashchennoho Vladyky Nila. 20-richcha Edmontons’koi Eparkhii
The Edmonton Journal. Monday, Dec. 16, 1963. Prelate urges Ukrainian school start
Spilka Ukrains’koi Molodi. Oseredok v Edmontoni. Zaproshennia Navorichnu zabavu. V subotu, 10 sichnia 1976
Letter from Peter Savaryn asking for vote of confidence on April 4th in his bid for President
Pam’iatnyk Tarasa Shevchenka (Manitoba) Ukrainian Canadian Committee
Taras Shevchenko Card H. Bulakova. Mystetstvo 1984
Vasyl’ Elyniak Ukrains’kyi Pioner-Patriarkh Ukrains’koho Poselennia v Kanadi. U 75-richchia pryizdu do Kanady pershykh Ukrains’kykh poselentsiv. Mundare, Alberta. 14 serpnia 1966
Commemorating the Centenary of the death of the foremost poet of the Ukraine Taras Shevchenko. Jubilee Auditorium. Friday, March 10th 1961 8:00pm
Lystok iuvileinykh molytov na rik 1951-yi. Edmonton, Alberta, 1951
Metropolitan Andrey Sheptycky, OSBM. Molytva zabeatyfikatsiiu sv. P.
60 litnyi iubylei prubuttia OO. Vasyliian do Kanady 1902-1962
In tribute to the Basilian pioneers Svitlii pam’iati Vasyliian-pioneriv
Ikh blazhenstvo verkhovnyi arkhyiepyskop kardynal Iosyf Slipyi. Iuvileinyi benket. Nedilia, 11 liutoho, 1968 r.
Souvenir of the visit of his eminence Eugene Cardinal Tisserant to the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Canada. June 1947
This series includes religious texts (publications) and icon cards.
This file consists of bibles and prayer books (detailed list available: catalogued in Mimsy).
This item is a banner from St. Basil's Villa, Pigeon Lake, AB.