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Gryschuk, Alex
CA BMUFA 0021-E-H-2008.024.c098-099 · Item · 22 Nov. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born in 1902 in the village of Toporivtsi, in Horelenka povit, Halychyna; his wife - Mariia Markovs’ka; he came to Canada on June 15, 1928; WWI events, occupation of Halychyna and Subcarpathia, Austrian army; he had 10 siblings; he returned from the army in 1925, married in 1927; Sotsialistychna radykal’na partiia; went to Canada with 2 his neighbours (Gdansk - Liverpool - London - Quebec), then via Winnipeg to Kryla(???); trip cost $180 + $50 “for the show”; then came to work to Prince Island - Jasek Morawsky(??); Ukrainian identity; Sichovi stril’tsi, Chytal’nia; going to Prince Island; Vasyl’ Vasylyniuk; hard manual labor on a construction of a mill (??).

Part 2: Hard work in a mine, was fired; coming to a town of Depres (??) in 1930; elections in 1930; working 75 miles way from Port Church (constructing roads), quitting; going to Winnipeg; Robitnycha orhanizatsia in Dupas (??) in 1930; Communists; his sister came to Canada in 1930; Vasyl’ Horobets’ (??); priests; his sister helped him to get a job; nationalists built their hall in Hudson Bay; back to working in a mine; Robitnychyi Dim (Vasyl’ Mykytiv (??), Ivan Markovs’kyi, Stefan Kryzh, Ivan Parastiuk, Vasyl’ Maiborod (??)), he was a secretary for a short time.

Part 3: Robitnychyi Dim, Communists; when Gryschuk was a Secretary, Vasyl’ Mandryk was the Head; women’s section of Robitnychyi Dim; WWII, Police suspecting Communists from their organization; unions, union strikes; Hutchinson (??), looking for a job in Timmins during the strike; elections at the Robitnychyi Dim; plays in the amature thatre; finding jobs for Communists; DPs; Konovalets’; WWII, Stalin’s Pact with Hitler; Skrypnyk; Gryschuk’s visit to Ukraine; strike in Timmins in 1953 (3 months long); a coop in Timmins; turning their Hall into a museum of Ukrainian culture.

Part 4: Narodnyi Dim; connections with other ethnic groups; local church (priest fled to the USA in 1936 after a scandal); history of religion: Bishop Iosyf Akutsynskyi (??); haiduky and turning Orthodox people into Catholics.

CA BMUFA 0272-5 · Series · 1961-1992
Part of UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Adlynn Miskew Hewitt. "Biographical Information." May 12, 1975.
  2. Ievhen Hlyva, Sidnei (Avstraliia). "Profesor Iar. Rudnytskyi iak liudyna i naukovets'." 1976.
  3. Hlynka I. "Kontsentratsiia chy Rozporoshennia : Rolia Demohrafichnoї Polityky v Samozberezhenni Ukrains'koї Spil'noty v Kanadi." Dopovid' vyholoshena na Richnii Konferentsiї KUK v Saskatuni 10 liutoho 1973.
  4. Maria Holub. "Natalia Ozarkevych-Kobryns'ka."
  5. Mykhailo Hrynchyshyn. "Persha propovid' pro poklykannia : kryza." 1967.
  6. Biografical information about Dr. Wasyl Hyrak.
  7. John-Paul Himka. "The Dimensions of a Triangle: Socioeconomic, Political, Religious and Cultural Aspects of the Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Relationship in Austrian Galicia." Vienna, June 1992.
  8. John-Paul Himka. "Independent Ukrainian Statehood: Its Implications for Russia and for the National Minorities in Ukraine (a Historian’s View)." Prague, April 1991.
  9. John-Paul Himka." “Krakivski visti” pro ievreїv, 1943. Prychynok do istoriї ukraїnsko-ievreiskykh vidnosyn pid chas druhoї svitovoї viiny." Kyiv, June 1991.
  10. John-Paul Himka. "Drahomanivska viziia 'evropeїzatsiї' ukraїnskoho narodu." Kyiv, September 1991.
  11. Horokhovych T. "Ridna mova i nashe molode pokolinnia." Dopovid' vyholoshena na Vykhovnomy seminari v toronto 22 zhovtnia 1961.
  12. "Слово Преосвященнішого Владики Митрополита Германюка." Archbishop M. Hermaniuk Guest Speaker.