Lists Ukrainian Folklore courses for Spring 2013, Fall 2013, and Winter of 2014.
"Ukrainian All Talking Picture with English Titles". Andrew Community Centre. Part of Babas and Borshch Ukrainian Festival.
At the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, 5th Annual Draft Horse Plowing, Wagon Driving and Pulls Competition, 1st Annual UFA Invitational 4-H Slow Pitch Ball Tournament.
СЕЛО. Cultural Immersion Camp
A C.Y.M.K Program
Camp Krym - Gamebridge, Ontario
August 12-31, 1984
Breathtaking excitements, dazzling costumes, spectacular displays.
Poster advertising for a North American tour by Czuplak: Ukrainian Folk-Dance Company and Musicians from Nottingham, England. Tour to take place November, 1986.
An advertisement for a dance production by the Toronto Dance Theatre. Event takes place at the Horowitz Theatre, SUB, at the University of Alberta.
Department of Dance Faculty of Fine Arts York University.
Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Dance York University.
Department of Dance Faculty of Fine Arts. York University Burton Auditorium.
UNF Hall, music by Night 'n motion; doors open at 8 pm, party at 9 pm.
"V" Recording Co. Artists, Specialize in: Polka, Handzia, Fox Trot, Kolomayka, Waltz.
Wally Yanchycki (Guitar and Vocals), Billy Kuz (Fiddle), Joe Rozdeba (Drums), Alex Tokaryk (Accordion and Cymbaly) in Manitoba
Poster advertising for the "Ranch Boys". According to the advertisement, they received radio play. Wally Yanchyski (steel guitar), Al Tokaryk (accordion), Mike Chwaluk (fiddle), Hank Norman (rhythm guitar), Joe Rozdeba (drums). Poster includes a photograph of the band.
Choreographers: Paula Moreno, Chiat Goh, Douglas Dunn, Kelly Hogan, Peggy McCann, Dennis Michaelson, Joysanne Sidimus.
Abstract painting of a dancer surrounded by colours.
Svet Socialismu; photo of girls in national dance costumes.
St. Andrew's C.Y.M.K., at Arden Theatre, St. Albert,The Story, A Ukrainian Dance Concert.
Description of the tour in Ukraine and celebrating Easter in a village
Pavlychenko Folklore Ensemble and Lastiwka Ukrainian Orthodox Choir and Orchestra.