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CA BMUFA 0291-1 · Series · 1910-1974
Part of Ukrainian National Hall collection

The series consists of work books of different organizations containing minutes, membership rolls, addresses, extensive financial records, sometimes also memoirs and history of these organizations, etc. Some books contain records of several organizations that used the book over the years.
There are records of the following organizations:

  • Товариcтво Проcвіта в Едмонтоні
  • Ukrainian National Hall, Edmonton (Український народний дім в Едмонтоні)
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholic Society in Edmonton (Українсько греко-католицьке Товариство в Едмонтоні)
  • Boyan Society (Товариство співацько-аматорське "Боян")
  • Читальня ім. Маркіяна Шашкевича
  • Союз Гетьманців державників
  • Клюб українcьких Монархістів в Едмонтоні
  • Братство Милосердія св. Йосафата в Копернік, Альберта
  • Український запомоговий комітет в Альберті (Ukrainian Relief Committee of Alberta)
  • Канадійська Січова організція
  • Українське товариство св. о. Николая
  • Братство українців католиків
  • Українське запомогове брацтво св. Николая в Канаді (Ukrainian Mutual benefit Association of St Nicholas of Canada)
  • Український католицький союз
  • Український греко-католицький союз, Едмонтон
  • Рідна школа, Едмонтон
  • Хор "Думка", Едмонтон
  • Оркестра
  • Bazaar
  • Книга протоколів парахіальних зборів у справі будови нової церкви в Мандері.
  • Українська бурса Івана Франка у Веґревіль, Альберта
  • and several unknown organizations.

The series also contains Ukrainian National Hall library records.
There is also a photo of Dmytro and Angela Prokop.

Ukrainian National Hall
CA BMUFA 0265-1 · Series · 1966 - 1997
Part of Manoly Lupul collection
  • UPBC financial statements 1970-1995
  • Directories, bylaws & membership rosters from Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, 1970-1992
  • Convention reports, 1985-1995
  • Minutes of the UPBC executive meetings, 1974-1975
  • other materials, miscellaneous 1966-1997
Church in Ruin project
CA BMUFA 0273-1 · Series · 1935-1990, predominantly 1984-1988
Part of Oleh and Bozhena Iwanusiw collection

The series comprises six albums with over two thousand original photographs, predominantly of churches of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchies whose territories fell within contemporary Poland and Slovakia (then Czechoslovakia). There also are photographs of many significant Lemko and Boiko events attended by Oleh Iwanusiw, such as the Sopot Festival (1985) and others, and discrete photographs of people, big trees in churchyards, and local nature. The albums are supplied with three binders of detailed indexes, lists, and maps of the churches (in the acknowledgment to his book Iwanusiw wrote that he is grateful to his father, Jaroslaw Iwanusiw, who was his "faithful secretary during the filming, and who was largely responsible for the preparation of the map, and for corrections to the text"). The series also contains an original book jacket of the "Church in Ruin" album, reviews of the album, feedbacks of "Church in Ruin" exhibit attendees in Lviv, and some other textual materials.

Biographical materials
CA BMUFA 0282-1 · Series · 1938-1993
Part of Peter John Lazarowich collection

The series contains the following materials:

  • Handwritten autobiographical notes in Ukrainian (1950s-1970s)
  • Typed autobiographical materials (1960s-1970s)
  • Newspaper clippings with P. Lazarowich's biographical materials in Ukrainian and English (1930s-1990s)
Lazarowich, Peter John
CA BMUFA 0312-1 · Series
Part of Bohdan Klid Collection

The course was developed and taught by B. Klid in 1999 in Augustana College. It was an undergraduate course meeting once a week. There were approximately 15 students in class with different background, non Ukrainian. He received a grant at the time. According to the conditions of the grant, he had to teach a course. Dr. Klid also shared ppt presentations he prepared for each class.

CA BMUFA 0011-1 · Series · 1932-1991
Part of Doris Yanda collection

The series contains Doris Yanda correspondence predominantly with the following institutions and people:

  • Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada
  • Ukrainian Voice newspaper
  • Myr. Stechyshyn
  • Maria Madiuk
  • Batytskyi
  • Ivakh
  • Natalia L.Kohuska; Наталія Л. Когуська
  • P.J. Lazarowich
  • Mr. Momryk
  • Jean Mekitiak
  • and others
    It also comprises correspondence and pay checks related to the publication of Yanda's book "Ukrainian weaving patterns with instructions."
Personal information
CA BMUFA 0014-1 · Series · 1925-1966
Part of Elsie Kawulych collection

The series consists of personal documents of the Kawulych family members (the birth certificate of Anna Kawulycz issued in 1925 in Poland; and documents related to the estate of Wasyl Kawulych) and newspaper clippings about Mike Kawulych.

Biographical records
CA BMUFA 0222-1 · Series · 1968 - 2005
Part of Bohdan Medwidsky fonds

The series contains biographical materials and information concerning Dr Medwisky's early life, education, and academic career. Materials include his personal correspondence, church and religious activities, philanthropic activities, investments, personal documents, and professional documents.

Personal documents
CA BMUFA 0223-1 · Series · 1941; 1964; 1966-1967; 1973
Part of Wadym Dobrolige Fonds

Series consists of textual records. It includes Dobrolige’s personal notebook, which contains ID of 22.03.1941, business cards and receipts; prayer notebook, which contains 1 icon photos on the first page and 3 icons photos on the fourth page; daily time sheet; end (fourth page) of the Vasyl Zalutskyi’s article about Dobrolige family.

Project documentation
CA BMUFA 0028-1 · Series
Part of Canadian Ukrainian dance competitions project

The file consists of the project proposal, Andriy Nahachewsky's request for assistant (J. Golinowski), Programming Arts Grants Programs list, short biographical note on Serhij Makarov, a copy of an article from "Two Hills: Country Cronicle" from July 9, 2002 entitled "New instructor for Myrnam & District Ukrainian Dance Club", and miscellaneous notes related to the project.

Personal papers
CA BMUFA 0266-1 · Series · 1931-1978
Part of Chester and Luba Kuc UCAMA collection

This series consists of the appreciation letters and certificates given to Luba and Chester Kuc by the Edmonton Branch of the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, the Ukrainian War Veterans' Association in Edmonton for performances and participation in the community life.

The following records are also included:

  • a brochure "Бойовий інстинкт у визвольних змаганнях народів" (УНО: Саскатун, 1935) by Н.Романюк, given to Luba Yusypchuk on June 25, 1939, in memory of completion of the second year at the UNF School (Рідна Школа);
  • Petro Mohyla Ukrainian Institute materials belonged to Luba Kuc, the Institute's Summer School student in 1948 (Saskatoon, SK);
  • a personal letter from Vasyl Avramenko, his portrait, and the Avramenko Ukrainian Dancing School Certificate without a name to whom it has been issued;
  • an old photograph of the concert "Glory to Canada" (1946) directed by Avramenko;
  • a negative of the episcopal scroll;
  • metal artifact with the tryzub (trident) sign on it and the inscription "Боєвий фонд ОУН [OUN Military Fund]. Executive Committee of "O.D.W.U" P.O. Box 13, Station D. New York, N.Y".

Photographs dating back to 1931 and 1933.

A separate folder of the series contains records about concerts and plays held in Edmonton, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver, where Luba and Chester performed at the early stage of their careers (1945-1961).

Kuc, Chester and Luba
RCI: Scripts 1992
CA BMUFA 0263-1 · Series · 1992
Part of Halyna Klid collection

The written scripts from the 1992 reel-to-reel audiotapes.
Missing the corresponding 1992 reel-to-reel tapes (only 1993-1996 tapes available).
The scripts contain interviews that Halyna Klid has conducted with Lubomyr Markevych, John Kolasky, Halyna Freeland, Andrij Hornjatkevyc, Victor Neborak, and Pavliuk. Klid also touches on subjects such as Alberta's trade mission to Ukraine, the Kiev House of Fashion in Canada, and, many more.

Personal Documents
CA BMUFA 0306-1 · Series · 1927-1932; 1936; 1958; 1959
Part of Sophie Sakousky Family Collection

The series consists of three passports and nine certificates. It includes birth, baptism, immigration, vaccination, marriage, and naturalization certificates.

CA BMUFA 0293-1 · Series · 1977-1997
Part of Ukrainian Bilingual Education in Alberta collection

The series consists of general information about Alberta Parents for Ukrainian Education Society (APUE), but also about other parental organizations (Manitoba and Calgary), as well as of the role of parents involved as partners in education. It provides information about the structure, aims, activities of each parental organization (conferences, festivals, carolling, anniversary celebrations and day camps. There are financial records, grants, HR information. correspondence, promotional materials, as well as records on education policy in Alberta.

Encyclopedia of Ukraine
CA BMUFA 0279-1 · Series · 1954-1990, predominantly 1960s - 1980s
Part of Jaroslaw Iwanusiw collection

The series consists of business (sometimes also private) correspondence with Atanas Figol, Ivan Kerestil, Volodymyr Kubijovych, Eugene Borys, Myr. Hladyshevsky, Wasyl Markus, and many others addressing issues of subscription to the Encyclopedia of Ukraine in Western Canada; the series also contains materials of Kubijovych and Figol visits to Edmonton, financial reports, leaflets, minutes, lists of subscribers and donators, as well as newspaper clippings about the fundraising for the Encyclopedia. Biographies (and scanned portraits) of the following donors-founders of the Encyclopedia are included:

Альбертське товариство для збереження української культури
Базюк, Дмитро і Стефанія (Рудакевич)
Борух, Іван
Голод, Роман
Гураль, Осип і Неоніля (Стефанів)
Завалень, Антін
Іванець, Василь
Іванусів, Микола і Марія (Ших)
Іванусів, Ярослав
Кавулич, Михайло і Леся (Кубрак)
Климкович, Остап
Козяк, Іван та Марія (Войтків)
Костів, Ярослав і Даниїла (Прокоп)
Кучер, Михайло Стефан і Богданна (Боссак-Волинець)
Ліга українських католицьких жінок Канади / Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada
Маркевич, Володимир і Анна (Ядловська)
Маркевич, Любомир і Дарія (Луців)
Монастирський, Степан і Монастирська, Ольга (Оленюк)
Олійник, Роман і Магдалина ( Костур)
Олійник, Богдан Володимир і Орися Роксоляна ( Іванусів)
Панас, Ігнатій і Єлисавета (Іваніцька)
Семотюк, Василь
Славутич, Яр (+ original photo)
Смолинський, Василь і Смолинська Ізаберлла (Бендзінська)
Смолинський, Іван Хризостом
Станиця 1-шої Української дивізії УНА
Тарнавський, Володимир і Тарнаська, Степанія (Смик)
Ткачук, Мирослав
Українська Кредитова Спілка в Едмонтоні / Ukrainian (Edmonton) Credit Union Limited
Українське національне об'єднання в Едмонтоні
Чехут-Климкович, Софія
Чехут, Богдан
Чехут, Павло

Iwanusiw, Jaroslaw
CA BMUFA 0280-1 · Series · 1962 - 1991
Part of Parasia and Wasyl Iwanec collection

This series consists of materials related to the album "Ukrainian Churches of Canada: Oil Paintings and Commentary by the Author" by Parasia Iwanec, published in Preshow in 1991. The series contains two sets of photographs of Iwanec's oil paintings - with and without historical accounts about the churches. There are also drafts of the following papers: "Ukrainian Churches of Alberta in the Paintings of Parasia Iwanec" by Olha Kolankivska, "Ukrainian Churches of Alberta in the Oil Paintings of Parasia Iwanec" by Ivan Keywan, and several writings by Parasia Iwanec, such as "Brief History of Ukrainian Churches of Alberta," "Ukrainian Churches in Alberta," and an introductory chapter "God, Church, and the Ukrainian nation." There are also six maps and drafts of indexes in the series. Some of the maps Parasia Iwanec and her husband used when they travelled around Alberta looking for churches. These maps contain the creator's marks and signs. Others are contour maps where Parasia Iwanec mapped Ukrainian churches of the region. Some series' materials were intended as integral parts of the album but were not included into the published volume.

Iwanec, Parasia and Wasyl
Kalyna Country project
CA BMUFA 0285-1 · Series · 1990-2008
Part of Bill and Michelle Tracy Kalyna Country collection

The series contains working papers pertaining to the founding and development of the Kalyna Country project including Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society, Kalyna Country Destination Marketing organization, and other constitutive parts of the project. These documents include (but are not limited to):

  • grant applications,
  • meeting minutes,
  • bylaws,
  • development strategies,
  • action plans,
  • budgets,
  • receipts of money transfers,
  • variety of reports,
  • certificate about changes of the objectives,
  • lists of board directors, executive officers, and other members of the administration,
  • extensive correspondence,
  • materials of conference meetings,
  • clippings of newspaper publications about Kalyna Country project,
  • a brief history of the organization,
  • biographies of prominent people, writers, politicians, and artists, born in the territories constituting the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum: Michael Gowda, Illia Kiriak, Kupchenko family, Kostash family, Joseph Yasenchuk, William Kurylek, Michael Luchkovich among others,
  • set of visitor's and events guides and booklets.

There are also several folders organized by the creator containing the following documents:

  • "An Alphabetical Concordance to the Central and East European Place Names in the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Area"
  • Native peoples (Cree)
  • Fur trade posts and Missions
  • "Centennial Landscaping and Highway beautification project east Yellowhead Highway Corridor," a brief prepared by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Alberta Provincial Council
  • Building condition report, Ukrainian Church, Smoky Lake, Alberta. Prepared for the Facilities Management Division.