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3 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
CA BMUFA 0283-2 · Série organique · 1899-1974
Fait partie de Mychailo Holynsky collection
  • The series consists of several letter written by Holysky and rich correspondence from his son Bohdan (1967-73), as well as Ivan Derkach (1966-72), Petro Krawchuk (1966-73), Pavlo Matsenko (1939-72), Mychailo Petrovskyi (1969-73), Antin Rudnyckyi (1968-72), and other correspondents.
  • The series also contains copies of correspondences between M. Lysenko and S. Krushelnytska and Krushelnytska's letter to K. Bolonska (1899)
  • Telegrams
  • Letters to Holynsky's wife with condolences on his death
CA BMUFA 0272-13 · Série organique · 1901-1990
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Andrej Sheptyts'kyi. “Rusynam osilym v Kanadi.” L'viv, 1901.
  2. Romana Smyk. Slovo na vidkrytti vystavky tvoriv Bohdana Lepkoho v Edmontoni, Kanada 19 lystopada 1977.
  3. Iurii Spolitakevych. “Lyst do moikh pryiateliv.” 19 chervnia 1977.
  4. Orest Starchuk. “Ivan Franko - shekspiroznavets'.” 1956.
  5. Bohdan Stebel's'ky. “Rolia Natsional'noi Kul'tury v Zhytti Ukrains'koi Spil'noty.” Dopovid' vyholoshena na konferentsii KUK u Winnipegu, 16 hrudnia 1972.
  6. Iu. Stefanyk. [Vystup pered chlenamy Tovarystva Ukrains'kykh Pioneriv Alberty.]
  7. Iaroslav Stets'ko. “Za skriplennia vyzvol'noi aktsii.” Vystup na Druhomu Z'їzdi S.U.V. frontu 30. X. 1973.
  8. Sestra Myroniia. “Mozhlyvosti prystosuvannia metody Montassori do ukrainoznavchoї svitlychky.”
  9. Iaroslav Stets'ko. Za vladu natsii. Slovo dost. Iaroslava Stets'ka na masovij manifestatsii II Svitovoho Kongresu Vil'nykh Ukraintsiv u Toronti v "Maple Leaf Gardens" 4.XI.1973.
  10. Iaroslav Stets'ko. [Biography]
  11. About: Sonia Skrypnyk. "Vystavka starykh maistriv p-i Soni Skrypnyk. Kilka sliv na vidkrytti" 3.10.1986
  12. About: Mykhailo Supuliak. "Upokoїvsia buvshyi redaktor Ukraїns'kykh Vistei." 1990
  13. About Taras Shevchenko. "Zapovit Tarasa Shevchenka i my." (Ukraїns'ke Natsional'ne Obiednannia Kanady)
  14. About Taras Shevchenko. “1857-yi rik u zhytti Tarasa Shevchenka (Stolittia vyzvolu Shevchenka z zaslannia).”
  15. About Taras Shevchenko. "Portret Ukraїns'koї zhinky v tvorakh Tarasa Shevchenka."
  16. Iurii, Sherekh. "Dumky proty techii." 1948
  17. Markian Shashkevych Centre. [Letter to Petro Petryshyn], 1972.
  18. Яр Славутич:
    • "Іван Франко як соборник (Промова проф. Яра Славутича для українського радіо в Едмонтоні, виголошена в серпні 1960)." Український голос. Вінніпеґ, 24.08.1960
    • "Поет і нація (Промова на Шевченківському Свфті в Едмонтоніб 6 ерезня 1983 року)." Українські вістіб Удмонтоню March 9, 1983.
    • "За нові методи навчання," Вільне слово, 22 серпня 1959.
    • "Самостійність України і завдання українців Канади." Canadian Farmer, Winnipeg, March 5, 1962.
    • "Значення творчости Тараса Шевченка (Промова д-ра Яра Славутича, професора Альбертського університету на Шевченківському Свті в Едмонтоні, 20 березня 1977)." Українські вісті, 31 березня 1977.
  19. Мир. Стечишин. "Листопадове свято", реферат, 1937.
  20. Соловій М.М. "Кардинал чи патріарх? Уваги про гідності Його Еміненції Кардинала Йосифа."
  21. Стебельський Богдан. "Перший листопад 1918."
  22. Стечишин С. "Про писанки."
Miscellaneous Information
CA BMUFA 0269-6 · Série organique · 1903 - 1989
Fait partie de Ivan Lahola collection

Contains information about various acquaintances of Lahola's such as Petro Marunchiuk, Stephan Lenkaws'kiy, Valentyn Moroz, Yevhen Hrivna, Antoni Havryluk, Mr &Mrs Halina, contains obituaries, birth certificates ect...
Files 133-138 contain unrelated topics such as lists of names, newspaper articles, a lesson book on gun use, geographical materials, and a list of rules handwritten by a child.

Lahola's Community Life in Canada
CA BMUFA 0269-4 · Série organique · 1904 - 1996
Fait partie de Ivan Lahola collection

Files 51 to 81 contain files from Lahola's Community Life in Canada. Includes Lahola's collection of information from UCAMA, the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, RUKH, SUSK, KYK/UCC - Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Ukrainska Narodna Pomich (Ukrainian National Assistance), Ukrainian Canadian Social Services, various Ukrainian churches, St. Michael's Extended Care Centre, Canadian League for the Liberation of Ukraine, UVAN, Ukrainian Cultural & Educational Centre, Ukrainian Book Store, Ukrainian Musical Society of Edmonton, Ukrainian Woman's Organization of Canada, St. John's Institute, Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Edmonton Eparchy, Organization for the Broadening of Ukrainian Language and Culture in Alberta, SUM, PLAST, Ukrainian National Home in Edmonton, Orhanizatsia Ukrainskoho Vyzvolenoho Frontu, Buh River Region 9 Association, Past Ukrainian Political Prisoners, Ukrainian Association of Political Prisoners and the Repressed, Against Dishonouring the Ukrainian Liberation Movement, Brotherhood of the Veterans of the 1st Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army, World league of Ukrainian Political Prisoners, Fort Edmonton, and the Ukrainian Bilingual Program.

Files 82 to 104 contain brochures from various Ukrainian function. Includes brochures from Ukrainian dance groups, Shevchenko concerts, misc. cultural events/concerts (non-religious), Doctor's Congress: East Meets West, Harvard, Easter Concert (1977), church bulletins, misc. banquet programs, Ukrainian Settlement in Alberta, Ukrainian Festival, Ukrainian National Federation, religious events, anniversary banquets for various priests, Ukrainian Canadian Centennial Festival, celebrations commemorating various people, Ukrainian nationalist events, exhibits/literature events, opera programs, L'viv - Commemoration of 50 years since Ukraine was free, OYH, misc. English brochures, ticket stubs, and commemorative ribbons.

CA BMUFA 0291-1 · Série organique · 1910-1974
Fait partie de Ukrainian National Hall collection

The series consists of work books of different organizations containing minutes, membership rolls, addresses, extensive financial records, sometimes also memoirs and history of these organizations, etc. Some books contain records of several organizations that used the book over the years.
There are records of the following organizations:

  • Товариcтво Проcвіта в Едмонтоні
  • Ukrainian National Hall, Edmonton (Український народний дім в Едмонтоні)
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholic Society in Edmonton (Українсько греко-католицьке Товариство в Едмонтоні)
  • Boyan Society (Товариство співацько-аматорське "Боян")
  • Читальня ім. Маркіяна Шашкевича
  • Союз Гетьманців державників
  • Клюб українcьких Монархістів в Едмонтоні
  • Братство Милосердія св. Йосафата в Копернік, Альберта
  • Український запомоговий комітет в Альберті (Ukrainian Relief Committee of Alberta)
  • Канадійська Січова організція
  • Українське товариство св. о. Николая
  • Братство українців католиків
  • Українське запомогове брацтво св. Николая в Канаді (Ukrainian Mutual benefit Association of St Nicholas of Canada)
  • Український католицький союз
  • Український греко-католицький союз, Едмонтон
  • Рідна школа, Едмонтон
  • Хор "Думка", Едмонтон
  • Оркестра
  • Bazaar
  • Книга протоколів парахіальних зборів у справі будови нової церкви в Мандері.
  • Українська бурса Івана Франка у Веґревіль, Альберта
  • and several unknown organizations.

The series also contains Ukrainian National Hall library records.
There is also a photo of Dmytro and Angela Prokop.

Sans titre
Ukrainians (History in Canada)
CA BMUFA 0265-8 · Série organique · 1910-1999
Fait partie de Manoly Lupul collection

The series contains materials related to history of Ukrainians. These are published articles and manuscripts by Michael W. Martyn, Alexander Royick, Zenon S. Pohorecky, Ann Forest, Albert Mohr, G.N. Emery, Alexander MalyckyOrest T. Martynowych, Raymond Charuk, Manoly Lupul, Jaroslav Rudnyckyj, Diane I. Hodgson, Andrij Makuch, Myrna Kostash, M. Marunchak, Myron Momryk.
It also includes the following publications:

  • John C. Lehr Ukrainian Vernacular Architecture in Alberta 1872, 1976 Manuscript and publication
  • The Village Modem 1988
  • Roman Fodchuk and Associates Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village Site Development Master Plan 1977
  • John Patrick Day. The Ukrainian Bookstore and the Koermann Block August 1978 198 p.
  • Alexander Bunka. Early Ukrainian Settlers in Saskatchewan 1967
  • Ukrainians in Alberta: Shandro, Bellis, Thorhild, Smoky Lake, Myrnam 1942-1970
  • Presunka. My Canada Series 1968-1971, N 1-36 + Bicultural Retreat 1966-1971
  • History of Ukrainians in Canada (brochures) 1953-1986
  • Vita. A Ukrainian Community. Books 1-3 1977-1981
  • Ukrainian Toronto Media. A study 1982
  • The Great Pioneers who Cleared and broke the Virgine Land of Josephburg, 1867-1967
  • Publications by Myrna Kotash and Sandra Gwyn in the "Saturday Night" periodical, 1972, 1974.
  • A folder "Miscellaneous" contains some materials from an oversized package that came from UCAMA with a note to add it to the Lupul collection.
CA BMUFA 0013-2 · Série organique · 1911-1988
Fait partie de Kostash family collection

The series consists of photographs of William Kostash and his brothers as children, as well as of William later in life, images of Mary Maksymiuk's school children - classes in various locations in East Central Alberta, of Hryhoriy Kostash, and of Mary Kostash in the 1970s. The colour photos from the 1980s depict William translating Svarich Memoir, William with the Savaryns, and William at CIUS.

CA BMUFA 0266-16 · Série organique · 1911-1977
Fait partie de Chester and Luba Kuc UCAMA collection

The series comprises the following publications:

  • "Rapport (Oeuvre des Ruthenes catholiques grecs du Canada)", Saint-Boniface, Man, 1911-1917, six brochures.
  • Self published album of the Plast Youth Organization, Edmonton 1970. (Luba Kuc's stamp on it)
  • Choreo-Bulletin, 1977, three issues.
  • Жіноча доля (Women's fate). Kolomyia, 1938.
Bilingual Education and Associations
CA BMUFA 0293-5 · Série organique · 1913-1995
Fait partie de Ukrainian Bilingual Education in Alberta collection

The series consists of various documents on Bilingual Education in general and on Bilingual Ukrainian Education in particular. The earliest newspaper article is from 1913, but the box, in general, comprises materials from the 1970s and the 1980s. There are also a few newspaper articles from the early 1990s.

Personal documents
CA BMUFA 0280-4 · Série organique · 1915-1993
Fait partie de Parasia and Wasyl Iwanec collection

The series comprises personal documents of the creators such as birth certificates, passports, education diplomas, immigration and citizenship records, etc.

Sans titre
Miscellaneous photographs
CA BMUFA 0266-15 · Série organique · 1917
Fait partie de Chester and Luba Kuc UCAMA collection

Miscellaneous photographs, some unrecognized. 24 photographs of the Ukrainian folk costumes show. A copy of a photo of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Association (taken in Edmonton, Alberta, on September 30, 1917) (art rack, Archival Collections Room).

CA BMUFA 0291-5 · Série organique · 1917-1981
Fait partie de Ukrainian National Hall collection

The series consists of correspondence, reports, financial documents, licences, invitations, greetings, announcements and other documents pertaining to the Ukrainian National Hall and Ukrainian Catholic Unity activities.
There is also a self-published book entitled "Табак: плекання та ферменація" (Tobacco, its culture and work out) by інж. Гр. Божок і М. Бурда (Шляйсграймб 1946) and a catalog "Загальний каталог Української книгарні Д.С. Фербея" for 1959-1960 (#45, Ukrainian Book Store).