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Description archivistique
1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
CA BMUFA 0318 · Collection · 1917-1936

The collection consists of records of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB; and records of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, Alberta. Records include:

  • Incorporation papers of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Order Book of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Membership list of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Financial records of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Meeting minutes of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB
  • Library contents of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB
  • Financial records of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB
  • Handwritten Vertep.
Michael Nakonechny collection
CA BMUFA 0270 · Collection · 1946-1988, predominantly the 1960s and 1970s

The collection consists of materials assembled by the creator when he served as secretary for the Ukrainian Catholic Council, the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood, and the Honorary Committee of a banquet in honor of Cardinal Slipyi. The collection includes correspondence, minutes, and financial reports. It also contains discrete materials of other organizations where the creator was a member, newspaper clippings, bulletins, photographs, and honorary charters.

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Jaroslaw Iwanusiw collection
CA BMUFA 0279 · Collection · 1936-1990, predominantly 1954-1990

The collection consists of correspondence, leaflets, and reports related to the fundraising for and subscription to the Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Енциклопедія Українознавства), which the creator collected as a representative of the "Encyclopedia of Ukraine" dissemination in Alberta and a treasurer of the Patronage NTSh-EY-2 in Edmonton. The other part of the collection is comprised of the documents related to the Alberta fundraising for the Leonid Pliouchtch family in France. The collection also includes a rare collective photo from 1936 or 1937.

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UCAMA presentations collection
CA BMUFA 0272 · Collection · 1901-1992

This collection includes speeches, addresses, and public presentations, predominantly unpublished, by various community leaders. The collection contains materials of many leaders and members of women's organizations.

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Orest and Emilia Zarsky collection
CA BMUFA 0230 · Collection · 1918-1996

The collection consists of personal documents of Orest and Emilia Zarsky, community event programs and other ephemera, publications on various Ukrainian and religious topics, badges and banners, an embroidered tray, and wedding clothes and items.

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