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CA BMUFA 0049-9-1996.065 · Item · 1996
Part of Sogu Hong ethnographic collection

Content analysis of the book "The History and Present State of Research" by Petrov, Kuzela, and Odarchenko. Including notes on the the beginnings of Ukrainian ethnography, Romantic-Ethnographic Populism, Realistic Populism, and other varieties of ethnographic research.

Ukrainian ethnic jokes
CA BMUFA 0049-4 · File · 1996
Part of Sogu Hong ethnographic collection

"Study on Ukrainian Ethnic Jokes" describes jokes collected in Edmonton that encompass perceived behavior, customs, personality, or other traits of Ukrainians. Includes questionnaire and recorded interviews.

CA BMUFA 0049 · Collection · 1995-2000

The collection consists of field materials collected by Sogu Hong during his courses at the Ukrainian Folklore program, University of Alberta, as well as essays on a wide range of Ukrainian folklore topics: Ukrainian folk songs, ethnic jokes; immigrant tombstones; calendar customs and family rites, such as Christmas, childbirth, weddings; folk arts and crafts; foodways, and others.

CA BMUFA 0049-9-1996.064 · Item · 1996
Part of Sogu Hong ethnographic collection

Content analysis of Mykhailo Drahomanov's "Malorusskiia narodnyia predaniia I razskazy" on purpose and examination of text. Including notes on the author's description, scientific methods of research, classification of folksongs and folktales, and the significance of the work.

CA BMUFA 0049-9-1996.066 · Item · 1996
Part of Sogu Hong ethnographic collection

The paper "Mykola Kostomarov and Ukrainian Folklore" aims at examining Kostomarov and his attempts at finding the differences in national character between Ukrainians and Russians to construct the entirety of the Ukrainian national character.
