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CA BMUFA 0020 · Collection · late 1800s - late 1900s

The Sluzar Music Score is a collection of over 1,600 handwritten, copied and printed sheet music items and musical scores, and it contains more than 2,500 individual songs. It contains a unique variety of musical genres – from folk songs to opera and operetta scores, and from classical to liturgical and spiritual songs. Most of the pieces are arranged for choral performance; however, many solos, duets, quartets, and even instrumental arrangements are included as well.

The collection spans nearly a century in its compositions and publications, from the late 1800s to the end of the 20th century. Its songs reflect the incredibly rich historical legacy of the Ukrainian people and chronicle events from Cossack and chumak times all the way to the World Wars of the 1900s. The collection also strongly reflects the customs and traditions of the Ukrainian people through its assortment of folk songs – from hahilky and Kupalo songs to koliadky and shchedrivky.

CA BMUFA 0313 · Collection · 1890s-1960s

The collection consists of personal documents such as birth/baptism and marriage certificates, naturalization documents and other documents from Halychyna and Canada, family photographs, and other information related to the history of Hanchar-Radomski family.

Kule Folklore Centre Library
CA kufc-libr 0310 · Collection · 1890s-present

The library houses thousands of publications on the topics of Ukrainian folklore and ethnography, general folklore theory, Ukrainian Canadian and other dispora community life, folk art, dance, music, and other.

Sharak family collection
Collection · 1891-1976

The collection consist of personal documents (birth certificates from Audtro-Hungarian Empire, marriage certificate, military ticket from inter-war Poland), immigration documents (passports with visas, ship cards) and other personal documents of Andrew and Polly Sharak. Both Polish passports have their photographs.

CA BMUFA 0002 · Collection · 1895-1980s

Collection consists of correspondence, memoirs, diaries, school reports, financial documents, photographs, research notes of Sophia Kyforuk and Octavia Hall.

CA BMUFA 0272 · Collection · 1901-1992

This collection includes speeches, addresses, and public presentations, predominantly unpublished, by various community leaders. The collection contains materials of many leaders and members of women's organizations.

Manoly Lupul collection
CA BMUFA 0265 · Collection · 1903-1999, predominantly 1960s-1990s

The collection consists of various materials, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, minutes, brochures, periodicals about history, culture, Ukrainian organizations, education and bilingual programs in Western Canada collected and organized by Manoly Lupul.

Arabchuk Family Collection
CA BMUFA 0324 · Collection · 1904-2022

The collection consists of the Arabchuk family's personal documents and photographs, correspondence, a private library collection of Alberta Local History books, LP records and the wedding dress and wreath of Tefana (Ivie) Basistuik from her wedding with Paul Arabchuk on February 26, 1938.

CA BMUFA 0237 · Collection · 1908-1946

This is a typed manuscript of Ukrainian proverbs compiled by Volodymyr Plaviuk (Vladimir Plawiuk). Many have handwritten notes next to them, corrections, or translations.

Kuryliw family collection
CA BMUFA 0093 · Collection · 1910-2017

The collection consists of personal documents of Anna and Wasyl Kuryliw, family photographs, correspondence between Wasyl and Anna, and other materials.

The film Chapters & Verses: Action Bill's Walk through Life - a documentary about Wasyl Kuryliw directed by his daughter Oksana Kuryliw and produced by Oksana Kuryliw and John Leeson is also part of this collection. Other materials include: Sonia Holiad's introduction to the premier screening of the film on September 12, 2017 at the Spadina Theatre at Alliance Française in Toronto; photographs of the Edmonton screening of the film, on October 27, 2017, and a poster of the event; and poems by Ivan Franko handwritten by Wasyl Kuryliw, which he used to take with him to work around 1965-1974 in Sudbury.

Anna Kuryliw's wedding dress with the veil is also part of this collection, as well as the wedding photograph of Wasyl and Anna. There is also a photo print of 4 women (Anna among them - 3rd from the left) with a sewing machine, which was bought by Vasyl and sent to the Old Country with the proposal to Anna to marry her. Her wedding gown was sewn with it.

Kostash family collection
CA BMUFA 0013 · Collection · 1911-2000

The collection consists of personal documents of William Kostash, documents related to Mary Kostash's teaching career, family and professional photographs, and correspondence between Mary and William, as well as letters from Mary's students.

CA BMUFA 0266 · Collection · 1911-1998, predominant 1950s-1980s

The collection consists of materials related to Chester and Luba Kuc's professional and social life. It includes materials representing dance groups founded or taught by Chester; photographs of Ukrainian costumes and dances; concert programs, music scores of Ukrainian songs, a collection of Ukrainian postcards, and some self-published educational materials of the Ukrainian youth organizations.

CA BMUFA UF2009.032 · Collection · 1912-1923

Pratsia (Brazil) («Праця»; Work; in local transcription: Pracia). A Ukrainian newspaper in Brazil published by the Basilian monastic order in Prudentópolis since 1912. Initially a fortnightly, it became a weekly in 1915. It carried mainly regional news and religious articles. It was closed down by the Brazilian authorities in 1917–19 and 1940–6. Annual almanacs have been published (with interruptions) by the paper since 1919. In 1966 it added a regular children’s section. The press run has been estimated at approximately 1,700 in the 1930s and 2,300 to 3,000 in the postwar period. Pratsia editors have included O. Martynets, Yosyp Martynets, M. Nychka, I. Vihorynsky, K. Korchagin, V. Burko, and V. Zinko. (Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine)

CA BMUFA 0015 · Collection · 1912-2004

The collection consists of personal documents, immigration documents, photographs, audio and video recordings about a life of Nick and Stephani (nee Hretciuk) Gaudun and John Lakusta and his family.

CA BMUFA 0293 · Collection · 1913-1997, predominant 1970s-1990s

Th collection contains information about the establishment of the Ukrainian Bilingual Program (UBP) in the Edmonton Catholic and Public School systems. Starting as a three-year pilot project, the UBP was finally established in 1978 and further extended in the following years. Parental groups played an essential part in the existence of bilingual programs in general, and for the UBP in particular, because they lobbied governments and actively engaged in local school boards in order to convince them to establish the bilingual program in their schools. The collection contains records documenting various parental groups’ activities, including the Ukrainian Bilingual Association (UBLA), assisting the UBP’s establishment in Edmonton Public Schools, and the Parent Advisory Committee/Society (PAC/PAS), serving the UBP’s needs in Edmonton’s Separate School System.

The collection contains documents concerning the Alberta Parents for Ukrainian Education Society (APUE), an umbrella organization for the existing parental groups founded to coordinate support, promotion, and expansion of Ukrainian language education in Alberta schools, covering their events and activities from 1984 to 1994. There are also records of related organizations such as the Ukrainian Community Development Committee - Alberta section; Alberta Ukrainian Dance Association and others. There is also information about parental organizations in other provinces, and in particular the Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE). The documents include correspondence, incorporation materials, statutes, financial statements, reports, applications, publications, booklets, etc.

Collection · 1914-1931
  • Ukrains'kyi holos/Ukrainian Voice, Winnipeg: 1914, 1915, 1916-1917, 1918, 1919
  • Kanadyis'kui Rusyn/Canadian Ruthenian, Winnipeg: 1917, 1918 + 7 loose issues 1-1914, 3-1916, 1-1917, 1-1918, 1-1919
  • Kanadyis'kyi Ukrainets'/Canadian Ukrainian (previously Kanadyis'kyi Rusyn): 1919-1920, 1921-1922, 1928-1931
CA BMUFA 0280 · Collection · 1915-2013, predominantly 1940s-2013

The collection contains materials of an artist Parasia Iwanec such as photographs and reproductions of her paintings, reviews, newspaper articles about the artist, exhibit programs, biography, personal documents, as well as embroidered shirts and tablecloths, ceramics. A small part of the collection consists of Wasyl Iwanec papers such as official documents, memoirs, and autobiography.

CA BMUFA 0318 · Collection · 1917-1936

The collection consists of records of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB; and records of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, Alberta. Records include:

  • Incorporation papers of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Order Book of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Membership list of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Financial records of the Ukrainian National Society of Taras Shevchenko of Derwent, AB
  • Meeting minutes of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB
  • Library contents of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB
  • Financial records of the Ukrainian Educational Association (Укр. Тов. Просьвіта ім. М. Павлика) in Vermillion, AB
  • Handwritten Vertep.
CA BMUFA 0288 · Collection · 1917-2003, predominantly 1920s-1930s

The collection consists of papers accumulated over the years by John Yaremko. It includes twenty-two letters from his nephew Mike Kotyk, ten letters from Mike Zahara, letters and postcards from Makuch, M. Mузика (M. Muzyka), Jackowsky, John Diakun, В. Вернюк (William Werniuk), Mike Lazoruk, and several letters from the government. There are also other documents such as tax payment receipts, meal tickets, the Workers' Benevolent Association of Canada membership card, unemployment relief card, 'notices of distress,' a filed lawsuit, etc. Yaremko's photo was taken around 1920s. His biography was written by Rose Kotyk in 2003.
