Examines the changes in birth ceremonies among two generations of one family
Moroz, ValentynA review of the book "Balady; Kohannia ta doshliubni vzaiemynyby" by O.I Dei, A.Iu. Yasenchuk and Ivanytskii, edited by M.M. Paziak. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1987
Moroz, ValentynAnalyzes the songs sung by the Zwozdetsky family (originally from Bukovyna) in terms of categories - lullabies, spring songs, humorous songs, love songs, war songs and death songs.
Moroz, ValentynDocuments carols sung by one Canadian Ukrainian and compares these with literary sources from Ukraine. #8 mus.
Moroz, ValentynDo pytannia doslidzhennia ukrains'kykh lirnykiv ta ikhn'oho repertuaru
Moroz, ValentynUkrains'ka fol'klorystyka v svitli pivnichnoamerykans'kykh fol'klorystychnykh tendentsii druhoi polovyny XX stolittia; Pisni, zibrani T. Koshyts' v podorozhi po Kanadi 1950 roku (13 pp. essay in Ukrainian); R. B. Klymasz. Ukrainian Folklore in Canada: An Immigrant Complex in Transition. ARNO Press: New York, 1980. (Reprint of doctoral thesis, University of Indiana, 1970) (6 pp. essay in Ukrainian); R. B. Klymasz Folk Narrative Among Ukrainian-Canadians in Western Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies. Paper no. 4, 1973. (2 pp. essay in Ukrainian); Bibliografiia ukrains'koho fol'kloru v Kanadi i USA, 1964-1988 rr. (8 pp. Ukrainian and English)
Moroz, ValentynNa prykladakh "vtorynnykh" iavyshch fol'kloru ukraintsiv SShA ta Kanady
Moroz, ValentynResearch paper 25 pp, photographs with explanations
Moroz, ValentynMaster's thesis by Valentyn Moroz
Moroz, Valentynmaster's thesis by Valentyn Moroz
Moroz, Valentyn