The collection consists of three albums of photographs many of which were included in the historical and ethnographic albums "Ivan Honchar: Ukraine and Ukrainians".
Honchar, IvanA collection of texts of songs, proverbs and customs collected from informants in Alberta for the course Ukrainian Folklore 499. Includes text of a religious letter from Father Kuban. Copies of work that describe love and kozak songs are also included.
Luciw, DariaThe collection consists of the photographs by Andriy Nahachewsky taken while in Wroclaw in the summer of 2016; music scores and publications collected at the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic church. There is a large Ukrainian community in this big city, which became part of Poland after WW2, and to which Ukrainians voluntarily and involuntarily moved as Poland Polonized Silesia (and de-Ukrainianized Lemkivshchyna, Chelm, Przemysl). The church is a huge cathedral. It is historically important and is a tourist destination.
The photographs depict the cathedral (Українська католицька катедра Воздвиження Чесного Хреста), Prawoslawna Parafia sw. Archaniola Michala (Orthodox Slavic Church), Ukrainian restaurants in Wroclaw, a graffito of Ukrainian trident.
Music scores are handwritten, typed or copied notation of the music sung by the cathedral choir, including church music, carols, Holodomor concert, etc.
The publications include one issue of the monthly periodical of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Poland "Blahovist" (Благовіст), one issue of "Khrystyians'kyi holos" (Християнський голос) - a Ukrainian religious newspaper published in Munich, and an issue of the newspaper "Nash vybir" (Наш вибір) - a newspaper for Ukrainians in Poland. There is a brochure of the Prawoslawna Parafia sw. Archaniola Michala (Orthodox Slavic Church).
Nahachewsky, AndriyCollection consists of correspondence between Opryshko family in Canada and in Poland and Ukraine.
Opryshko familyThe series consists of an essay "One Rushnyk" which discusses a rushnyk owned by Mrs. Severyn, and its numerous meanings for her. Submission for the course Ukrainian 427.
The essay is a study of the folksong repertoire of one woman, which is classified into different genres by their content. Interview index available.
The collection consists of field materials collected by Sogu Hong during his courses at the Ukrainian Folklore program, University of Alberta, as well as essays on a wide range of Ukrainian folklore topics: Ukrainian folk songs, ethnic jokes; immigrant tombstones; calendar customs and family rites, such as Christmas, childbirth, weddings; folk arts and crafts; foodways, and others.
Hong, SoguThis paper discusses the Ukrainian customs and rites related to pregnancy and childbirth that are presently being done by Ukrainians and Ukrainian Canadians. Includes project proposal.
Various folklore assignments. Includes: book reviews, content analyses, and essays.
Hong, SoguThe paper "Mykola Kostomarov and Ukrainian Folklore" aims at examining Kostomarov and his attempts at finding the differences in national character between Ukrainians and Russians to construct the entirety of the Ukrainian national character.
Hong, Sogu"A Study on Ukrainian Proverbs" describes Ukrainian proverbs to understand the living philosophy of Ukrainians. Includes questionnaire.
Hong, SoguA collection of proverbs relating to folk medicine.
The collection includes Yarema Kowalchuk's final essay for the course UKR-699.
Kowalchuk, YaremaFinal essay on Drahomanov's collection of Ukrainian political songs circa 1709-1739 by Yarema Kowalchuk for course UKR 699.
The collection consists of fieldwork materials and essays collected by Demjan Hohol for folklore courses.
Hohol, DuaneThis work is aimed at identifying and discussing the qualities of the male demonological characters of Lesja Ukrajinka's drama "Lisova Pisnja".
The material was collected by Roman Brytan for his UKR-421 course at the University of Alberta. The collection consists of texts and some musical scores for songs sung in Alberta communities. Contains musical scores for some songs and choreography for dance songs.
The audio recording contains songs recorded in Edmonton from Sophia Klymkovych, Mykhailo Shmihel's'kyi and Maria Bukyda in December 1978.
This project contains an interview with Mr. Hoshko about non-Christian beliefs and superstitions that he encountered throughout his childhood. This assignment includes recollections from Mr. Hoshko about: folk medicine, ghost and gypsy encounters, and others.
A collection of Ukrainian provers collected in Alberta for the UKR-421 course and their explanations. The sources include following interviewees: Dmytro Petriw (Roman's father), Bohdan Medwidsky, prof. Zujewsky, pani Prits', pani Ianyshevs'ka, prof. Carlton, Zenon Paranych (Roman's grandfather), maestro Kolesnyk, pani Husak, pan Vasyliv.
The collection consists of verses collected in Canada from various pioneers from western Ukraine, and a collection of jokes, proverbs, New Year's verses and texts of other folk songs.
Scharabun, Irene