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CA BMUFA 0260 · Collection · 2022-2023

The Writings from the War / Я пишу з війни collection consists of testimonials of Ukrainians about their experience of the Russian invasion of their country. The project’s archiving coordinator Alex Averbuch periodically deposits firsthand testimonials transmitted to the project team from various hiding places; from shelters, train stations, and refugee camps; from besieged cities. The project’s team also includes Valentyna Vzdulska (the initiator of the project), Daria Bairak and Maryna Solohub (SMM managers and co-coordinators), as well as numerous volunteers assisting in translating the testimonials and maintaining project platforms (website, social media).

The mission of Writings from the War is to collect, preserve, and disseminate these testimonials, both in the language of the original and English translation, so as to provide a documentary source for researchers, academics, students, journalists, artists, and the public in general. There are testimonials by soldiers, volunteers, doctors, drivers, teachers, animal rights activists, cooks, artists, and scientists – people of all professions; by adults and children, displaced persons, rescuers and the rescued – in short, anyone interested in sharing their experience with the world. This is a panoramic picture of the wartime “everyday,” reflecting private experiences during this catastrophe. All the testimonials have been provided to the project team by the witnesses themselves, and every story has a title, and a record of the person behind it.

The project has been carried out since March 2022 in collaboration with the University of Alberta’s Kule Folklore Centre.

CA BMUFA 0302 · Fonds · 2022

The fonds consist of two pdf files, including a book by Valentyn Moyseyenko in Ukrainian and an English translation with illustration and cover.

CA BMUFA 0236 · Collection · 10 January 2019

The collection consists of photographs of the event organized by the KuFC to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas in January 2019. The event was held at the Student Lounge at the Arts & Convocation Hall, University of Alberta, and was well attended by people from MLCS, Arts Centres and Institutes, and Ukrainian Canadian community. Traditional Ukrainian Christmas dishes were served and carols were sung by the participants.

Kule Folklore Centre
CA BMUFA 0259 · Collection · 2019

This collection consists of five final papers by students in the SLAV-204 class Slavic Folklore & Mythology taught by Maria Mayerchyk, Huculak Research Fellow, in the Fall term 2019. Topics covered are Dovbush, Ukrainian wedding, Baba-Yaga, Propp, and symbolism of the rooster. This collection also contains a copy of the course outline.

CA BMUFA 0228 · Collection · approximately 2018-2019

This collection consists of materials collected by Ashley Halko-Addley for her graduate research project, Waxing Away Illness, at the University of Alberta. In 2018, Ashley conducted interviews and observations of the wax ceremony in Saskatchewan and Alberta. This collection consists primarily of transcripts, audio recordings, and fieldnotes, with select supplementary materials.

A supplementary website was created by Ashley Halko-Addley. The website highlights some of the participants and important selections from their interviews. The website can be accessed here:

Halko-Addley, Ashley
Pavlo Lopata collection
CA BMUFA 0094 · Collection · 2017

The collection consists of an interview with Ukrainian Canadian artist and iconographer Pavlo Lopata conducted by Maryna Chernyavska on October 25, 2017 at the Kule Folklore Centre, University of Alberta.

Lopata, Pavlo
CA BMUFA 0039 · Collection · 2016

The collection consists of the photographs by Andriy Nahachewsky taken while in Wroclaw in the summer of 2016; music scores and publications collected at the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic church. There is a large Ukrainian community in this big city, which became part of Poland after WW2, and to which Ukrainians voluntarily and involuntarily moved as Poland Polonized Silesia (and de-Ukrainianized Lemkivshchyna, Chelm, Przemysl). The church is a huge cathedral. It is historically important and is a tourist destination.

The photographs depict the cathedral (Українська католицька катедра Воздвиження Чесного Хреста), Prawoslawna Parafia sw. Archaniola Michala (Orthodox Slavic Church), Ukrainian restaurants in Wroclaw, a graffito of Ukrainian trident.

Music scores are handwritten, typed or copied notation of the music sung by the cathedral choir, including church music, carols, Holodomor concert, etc.

The publications include one issue of the monthly periodical of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Poland "Blahovist" (Благовіст), one issue of "Khrystyians'kyi holos" (Християнський голос) - a Ukrainian religious newspaper published in Munich, and an issue of the newspaper "Nash vybir" (Наш вибір) - a newspaper for Ukrainians in Poland. There is a brochure of the Prawoslawna Parafia sw. Archaniola Michala (Orthodox Slavic Church).

Nahachewsky, Andriy
CA BMUFA 0095 · Collection · 2016

The collection consists of a Musical CD by the New Melody Kings titled "There's Something in the Wind". There is also a three page background story of the New Melody Kings written by Jerry Ozipko, and a one-page brief biography.

There's Something in the Wind
(Seven Selection EP)
©2016 STUDIOOZ Productions EP-01

Recording Engineer - Mike Brazeau, Reel Audio Productions

  1. Ne Teper Polka/"Not Now" (Polka) 2:29
    (Traditional Ukrainian Song)

  2. Shchos Nam Viter Naviva/"There's Something in the Wind" (Polka) & Arkan (Ukrainian Hutsul Dance) 3:06
    by Jerry Ozipko (2015)

  3. Chowen Ketaietsia/"The Rocking Boat" (Waltz) 3:33
    (Traditional Ukrainian Song)

  4. Chorney Ochi/"Dark Eyes" 2:34
    (Traditional Ukrainian Romance Song)

  5. Siyanka/"Sowing Wheat" (Kolomyjka) & Arkan (Traditional Hutsul Dance) 3:05

  6. Mazurka(Traditional Polish Dance) 3:52

  7. Hopak/"Cossack Dance" 1:55
    (Traditional National Dance of Ukraine)

The New Melody Kings
CA BMUFA 0018 · Collection · May 30, 2015

The collection consist of a photograph and audio recording of the talk Lubomyr Romankiw gave for the Edmonton Plast parents during annual Sviato Vesny (Spring Celebration) organized by Edmonton Plast at the Elk Island National Park in East Central Alberta on May 30, 2015. Dr. Romankiw speaks about Plast, its creation, and activities in the past and today in Ukraine and diaspora communities around the world.

Romankiw, Lubomyr
CA BMUFA 0010 · Collection · 2015

In the fall of 2015, the Canadian Centre for Ethnomusicology at the University of Alberta, with primary funding from SSHRC and additional support from KIAS, Faculty of Arts, Department of Music, Museums and Collections Services, Art Gallery of Alberta, dc3 Art Projects, Royal Alberta Museum, St. John’s Institute, and Cape Breton University, organized a symposium "Exhibiting Sound." The symposium took place at different venues in Edmonton on October 30 - November 1. "The symposium intended to advance creative, collective, blue-sky thinking about exhibiting sound: its natures, purposes, environments, and technologies; the processes of its curation; its relation to visual culture; and its role as creative, pedagogical, and scholarly output, across all the academic fields: arts, humanities, social science, science, and applied science." (

Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn collaborated with the musician John Stech (Stechishin) and dancers Anastasia Maywood and Tatiana Cheladyn to explore and interpret three folksongs from the "Kymasz files". The performance took place on Saturday, Oct. 31 at the Art Gallery of Alberta as part of the symposium. The performance was followed by the Q&A and the four creators' reflections on the creation process.

Maryna Chernyavska, the archivist at the Kule Folklore Centre, filmed the performance.

The collection consists of the video recording of the performance and the Q&A and the symposium poster.

Sembaliuk Cheladyn, Larisa
Maidan on Facebook
CA BMUFA 0040 · Collection · 2014-01-19 - 2016-01-26

The project consists of the materials collected for Nataliya Bezborodova's master thesis. The thesis traces Internet textual representations of the Maidan, a wide-scale protest movement that took place in 2013-2014 in Ukraine, and their function in identifying the opposing sides during the protests. These texts helped to formulate new narratives, articulate attitudes, and build relationships, create a sense of community within the protestors’ side, which had its impact on institutional changes of commemorative practices.

Facebook served as an important platform for the initial appeal, for coordination between the participants, for reflections, and for identification of the opposing sides during the protests. It was a key space for sharing emotions, personal stories, humor and expressive forms of protest, making allusions to known literary works, historical events and world public figures.

Exploring the types of narratives and their contribution in identifying the opposing sides, the work is focused on digital stories that illuminate elements not covered by the professional media coverage and official reports. It traces the diverse forms, topics and expressive devices in the narratives, and identifies the categories of lore (eyewitness narratives, (re)telling of stories, jokes, poetry, songs, etc.). It provides juxtaposition of the patterns found in the text with the main events of each specific day.

The thesis provides several chapters that focus on: (1) a review of the historical context of the events; (2) an analysis of the data with reference to all categories and topics, and the main findings; (3) the role of humor and expressive devices in releasing the tension of the conflict and in helping to formulate the attitudes within the protestors’ side; (4) evidence of the functions of personal stories as they build relationships, create a sense of community, and validate the participants’ experiences and the significance of the events from the protestors’ perspectives; (5) interpretation within this protest lore, and its impact on institutional changes of commemorative practices as in the example of the Nebesna Sotnia (Heavenly Hundred) narrative formation and its correlation to the repertoire of motifs and terms of the selected historical periods: the Cossack, the Ukrainian National Republic and World War II.
The study underlines the relevance of time and several patterns related to historical events, as Facebook posts immediately responded to the events occurring on the square and streets occupied by protestors, simultaneously with professional media outlets, and sometimes prior to them. These findings have important implications that go beyond the Ukrainian context in that they contribute to the further exploration of social networks functioning in relation to factual events.

Bezborodova, Nataliya
CA BMUFA 0023 · Collection · 2014

The Viter Ukrainian Folk Group Choir was a large group project, supported by KuFC equipment and logistics. Graduate students from the Fall 2014 Folklore Research Methods class (MLCS) taught by Andriy Nahachewsky attended a number of rehearsals and performances by the Viter Ukrainian Folk Choir of Edmonton. Students gained experience using recording equipment, conducting interviews and then published their findings. They produced two short videos documenting the choir on stage and as a community.

Students: Nataliya Bezborodova, Larisa Cheladyn, Kateryna Kod, Kelci Mohr, Deepak Paramashivan, Allison Sokil and Dana Wylie.

Aside from two films, there are many photographs in the collection.

CA BMUFA 0064 · Collection · 2014

The collection consists of the interview conducted by Larisa Cheladyn with Nadia Korpus in Calgary, and her final essay based on her research and this interview entitled "Through the eyes of Nadia Korpus: A snap shot of Ukrainian dance in Canada from the 1930s to 1970s." The essay examines Ukrainian dance in Canada from 1930s to 1970s as seen through the eyes of one person. It starts in Regina, SK, where Nadia began Ukrainian dancing as a small girl, and then criss-crossed the country as she participated in various summer programs and seminars, taught and created Ukrainian dances and formed her own Ukrainian dance group in Calgary "Rusalka". Ukrainian identity, involvement in the Ukrainian National Federation (UNF), Ukrainian Women's Organization, Summer School "Kursy" in Winnipeg are also discussed.

Sembaliuk Cheladyn, Larisa
CIUS interviews
CA BMUFA 0231 · Collection · 2014

Jars Balan interviewed several people who were crucial for the development of Ukrainian studies in Canada. Oleksandr Pankieiev recorded the interview. Jars Balan on behalf of CIUS deposited a copy of the interviews to the Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives.

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
CA BMUFA 0078 · Collection · 2013-2015

The collection consists of field materials collected by Andreiv Choma, a master student in the Ukrainian Folklore program at the University of Alberta, during 2013-2015. The material was collected among Ukrainian communities in Brazil. It includes audio interviews with the members of Ukrainian Brazilian community, photographs (both historical and modern), copies of the wedding registry of Ukrainians in Mallet in 1907-1915, baptismal registry, handwritten papers of the Ukrainian Catholic Centre in Mallet, of the society "Ukrains'ka hromada", and other records. It also includes Andreiv's manuscript of the part of his master thesis (mostly in English, parts in Portuguese).

Choma, Andreiv
CA BMUFA 0232 · Collection · 5 December 2013

On December 5, 2013, Oleksandr Pankieiev interviewed Dr. Bohdan Medwidsky at the Kule Folklore Centre, University of Alberta. The interview covered Dr. Medwidsky's childhood in Europe, his reunion with the family at the age of 12, his "becoming" a Ukrainian, their immigration to Canada, and life and activities in various religious and community organizations, as well as the establishment of the Ukrainian Folklore program at the University of Alberta. Later, the article based on this interview was published on and on Prostirбогдан-медвідський-мені-й-далі-цікав/

Medwidsky, Bohdan
Zemlya/Nanaskomun collection
CA BMUFA 0080 · Collection · 23 September 2012

On September 23, 2012, Myrna Kostash co-hosted an event in Edmonton called Zemlya/Nanaskomun (The land/We give thanks): A Ceremonial Exchange of Gifts, which meant to remind there there had once been a relationship between Ukrainians and Indigenous peoples.

The collections consists of photographs of the event, and an article about the event by Myrna Kostash in the albertaviews. As Myrna wrote on her website: "The Ceremony evolved from my desire as a descendent of Ukrainian settlers on Treaty Six land to acknowledge the relationship between my people and the First Nations people through the shared gift of the land. The emphasis was on ceremony and acknowledgement of relationship. The idea of the Exchange of Gifts was mine but I shared the event with my co-host Métis advocate, Sharon Pasula." ( accessed January 9, 2021)

Andriy Nahachewsky (then Director of the Kule Folklore Centre) and Lynnien Pawluk (Kule Folklore Centre Administrator) participated in the event. Andriy shared a story of his grandfather. Lynnien shared gifts with a representative of the Indigenous community. See the article for detailed description of the event.

Kostash, Myrna
Rodyna Ensemble collection
CA BMUFA 0112 · Collection · 2012-2017

The collection consists of the history of the Rodyna Ensemble written by Roman Varenica, a musical CD of their songs, a copy of lyrics of the song "Rodyno" handwritten by Mihajlo Ljahovič 17.08.2012, and a copy of the song "Kalena" also authored by Mihajlo Ljahovič.

Rodyna Ensemble
CA BMUFA 0037 · Collection · 2011-2016

The collection consists of the audio recordings of proverbs recorded by Jason Golinowski with Andriy Nahachewsky for the Zabava program on the 840 CFCW.

Nahachewsky, Andriy