This paper discusses the Ukrainian customs and rites related to pregnancy and childbirth that are presently being done by Ukrainians and Ukrainian Canadians. Includes project proposal.
The collection consists of field materials collected by Sogu Hong during his courses at the Ukrainian Folklore program, University of Alberta, as well as essays on a wide range of Ukrainian folklore topics: Ukrainian folk songs, ethnic jokes; immigrant tombstones; calendar customs and family rites, such as Christmas, childbirth, weddings; folk arts and crafts; foodways, and others.
Hong, SoguThe paper "Mykola Kostomarov and Ukrainian Folklore" aims at examining Kostomarov and his attempts at finding the differences in national character between Ukrainians and Russians to construct the entirety of the Ukrainian national character.
Hong, SoguVarious folklore assignments. Includes: book reviews, content analyses, and essays.
Hong, Sogu"A Study on Ukrainian Proverbs" describes Ukrainian proverbs to understand the living philosophy of Ukrainians. Includes questionnaire.
Hong, Sogu