The collection consists of materials pertaining to Chester and Luba Kuc's professional activities: Ukrainian folk dance, costumes, and embroidery.
Kuc, Chester and LubaThe collection consists of incorporation documents, applications and registration, reports, financial records, promotional materials, staff recruitment and program development records, and course materials.
Cultural Immersion Camp SeloThe collection consists of three albums of photographs many of which were included in the historical and ethnographic albums "Ivan Honchar: Ukraine and Ukrainians".
Honchar, IvanThe goal of the “Saving Ukrainian Canadians’ Heritage” oral history project was to document stories of Ukrainian pioneers in the Prairie Provinces. The project was led by CYMK, and its digitization and revival are a collaboration between the Kule Folklore Centre and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada-Saskatoon. It consists of hundreds of hours of interviews conducted in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario from 1971-1972. There are also 700 photographs: some historical, and others – from the time of the project.
"Under the federal government sponsored plan for student employment "Opportunities for Youth", the Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association is sponsoring project "S.U.C.H."- Save the Ukrainian Canadian Heritage. This Association, which may be briefly designated as "C.Y.M.K" is a nationally based youth organization founded in 1931. Its prime aim is to foster, promote and develop in the national life of Canada the finest cultural elements and traditions of the Ukrainian people. The national office of CYMK, located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, serves as an information bureau, a programme source, public relations office and an organizer of various workshops, conferences and conventions.
"Project SUCH is research oriented. The main objective is to record and collect information and artifacts of historical and ethnological significance from various Ukrainian communities across eastern and Western Canada. This will be primarily accomplished by recorded interviews with Ukrainian pioneers and through public meetings to turn the attention of local youth and adults to the precious nature of their heritage.
"Specifically, the research will be carried out by talking to pioneer settlers, recording folklore, songs, traditions and pioneer accounts of life in Canada, collecting books, records and accounts of historical interest from the Ukrainian community.
"Fifteen students will be doing field work in Ukrainian communities throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario for the summer months, with an additional student coordinator in Saskatoon overseeing the entire project.
"The necessity for work of this nature has been evident for some time but lack of funds has impeded the realization to a great extent. This project as SUCH will provide and opportunity for our young students to make a valuable contribution to Canadian culture- to study the process of acculturation- preservation and adaptation of one's cultural heritage.
"As a result of this work various groups and agencies will benefit, e.g., universities, provincial tourist bureaus, Dominion and Provincial Archives and Museums, local Ukrainian community organizations and public libraries. It is therefore, sincerely hoped that the communities will welcome these young students and where necessary, provide assistance and support."
The collection consists of field materials collected by Sogu Hong during his courses at the Ukrainian Folklore program, University of Alberta, as well as essays on a wide range of Ukrainian folklore topics: Ukrainian folk songs, ethnic jokes; immigrant tombstones; calendar customs and family rites, such as Christmas, childbirth, weddings; folk arts and crafts; foodways, and others.
Hong, Sogu