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CA BMUFA 0270 · Collection · 1946-1988, predominantly the 1960s and 1970s

The collection consists of materials assembled by the creator when he served as secretary for the Ukrainian Catholic Council, the Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood, and the Honorary Committee of a banquet in honor of Cardinal Slipyi. The collection includes correspondence, minutes, and financial reports. It also contains discrete materials of other organizations where the creator was a member, newspaper clippings, bulletins, photographs, and honorary charters.

Nakonechny, Michael
Jaroslaw Iwanusiw collection
CA BMUFA 0279 · Collection · 1936-1990, predominantly 1954-1990

The collection consists of correspondence, leaflets, and reports related to the fundraising for and subscription to the Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Енциклопедія Українознавства), which the creator collected as a representative of the "Encyclopedia of Ukraine" dissemination in Alberta and a treasurer of the Patronage NTSh-EY-2 in Edmonton. The other part of the collection is comprised of the documents related to the Alberta fundraising for the Leonid Pliouchtch family in France. The collection also includes a rare collective photo from 1936 or 1937.

Iwanusiw, Jaroslaw
CA BMUFA 0280 · Collection · 1915-2013, predominantly 1940s-2013

The collection contains materials of an artist Parasia Iwanec such as photographs and reproductions of her paintings, reviews, newspaper articles about the artist, exhibit programs, biography, personal documents, as well as embroidered shirts and tablecloths, ceramics. A small part of the collection consists of Wasyl Iwanec papers such as official documents, memoirs, and autobiography.

Iwanec, Parasia and Wasyl
CA BMUFA 0281 · Collection · 1922-1995, predominant 1930s-1960s

The collection consists of personal papers, letters, addresses, translations, and scrapbooks. The documents show Michaele Luchkovich's activities as a member of Parliament and community leader. It also contains materials of his translation projects, literary discussions, and political debates.

Luchkovich, Michael
UCAMA memorandums collection
CA BMUFA 0284 · Collection · 1919-1990 (predominant 1930-1982)

This collection consists of various memorandums, briefs, and resolutions compiled by UCAMA. It was processed by UCAMA and updated by BMUFA

Ukrainian Canadian Archives and Museum of Alberta
CA BMUFA 0282 · Collection · 1928-1993, predominant 1932-1980

The collection comprises personal and official documents collected by Peter Lazarowich during his career as a student of the Charles University and the Ukrainian Free University in Prague, Canadian lawyer and Ukrainian community leader. It includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, the creator's diaries and passports, minutes of organizations, photographs, etc.

Lazarowich, Peter John
CA BMUFA 0272 · Collection · 1901-1992

This collection includes speeches, addresses, and public presentations, predominantly unpublished, by various community leaders. The collection contains materials of many leaders and members of women's organizations.

Ukrainian Canadian Archives and Museum of Alberta
CA BMUFA 0134 · Collection · 1982-1987

A collection of course work by Mark Bandera including book reviews, annotated bibliographies, and essay on topics such as folklore, folksongs, tsymbaly, and bandury.

Bandera, Mark Jaroslav
CA BMUFA 0287 · Collection · 1963 - 2001

The collection is composed of еtwo groups of materials. Namely, the St. John the Baptist Church books, and self-published family histories.
The following books from the Peace River Country Collection are added to the Kule Folklore Centre library:

  1. Калинчук, Микола. Де ставок та млинок. Оповідання. Обгортка й рисунки С. Гординського. ЛЬвів: Видавництво "Вікна," 1930 (has a stamp of the Branch Youth Section Ukrainian Labor-Temple Association and the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, High Prairie Branch;
  2. Настасівський М. Українська іміграція в Сполучених Державах. Ню Йорк: Видання Союзу українських робітничих організацій, 1934 (a stamp of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, Wolyn Branch);
  3. Луговий Ол. Визначне Жіноцтво України. Історичні життєписи у чотирьох частинах. Торонто: Український робітник, 1942 (a stamp of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, Wolyn Branch).
Kost' Telychko collection
CA BMUFA 0286 · Collection · 1944-1994

This collection consists of the following groups of materials:

  • baptism and Canadian citizenship certificates,
  • biographies,
  • private photographs and negatives, portraits,
  • certificates of honour,
  • appreciation letters and greeting postcards,
  • materials of anniversary celebrations: thank you letters, clipping about Telychko's 75-anniversary celebration (1982),
  • newspaper publications, presentations and addresses by Telychko: essay about the Day of Statehood (1960), an obituary of Metropolitan Illarion (1972), Telychko's speech at the Ukrainian schools' exhibit opening (1979),
  • eight broadcast scripts compiled by Telychko about Mykola Leontovych, Lesia Ukrainka, Mykola Lysenko, some historical events (Konotop battle, Carpathian Ukraine), SUS convention in 1979, Easter holiday, and Thanksgiving Day.
Telychko, Kost'
CA BMUFA 0285 · Collection · 1961-2008

The collection consist of documents related to the Kalyna Country project collected by the Government of Alberta advisor for Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Bill Tracy. It includes materials of the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society, Kalyna Country Destination Marketing organization, Shandro museum and Lakusta museum.

The Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Project was initiated in 1990 as a joint undertaking by the then Department of Culture and Multiculturalism and the Candian Institute of Ukrainian studies. Conceptually the Ecomuseum was to preserve and develop the heritage resources - both cultural and natural - of a 15,000 square kilometer portion of East Central Alberta which was primarily settled at the turn of the century by Ukrainian pioneers. In 1992 the residents of the area organized themselves into a non-profit association called the “Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society”. The Board of Directors of the Society were drawn from across the entire ecomuseum which has been divided into “electoral districts”. The Society had undertaken various research and promotional projects.

Kalyna Country Ecomuseum is a “heritage” and eco-tourism district, “living” outdoor museum in rural East Central Alberta.

Officially, Kalyna Country comprises Sturgeon County, Thorhild County, Smoky Lake County, the County of St. Paul No. 19, the County of Vermilion River, the County of Two Hills No. 21, the County of Minburn No. 27, Beaver County, Lamont County, and Strathcona County and many of the neighbouring urban municipalities, Indian reserves and Metis settlements.

Tracy, Bill and Michelle
CA BMUFA 0288 · Collection · 1917-2003, predominantly 1920s-1930s

The collection consists of papers accumulated over the years by John Yaremko. It includes twenty-two letters from his nephew Mike Kotyk, ten letters from Mike Zahara, letters and postcards from Makuch, M. Mузика (M. Muzyka), Jackowsky, John Diakun, В. Вернюк (William Werniuk), Mike Lazoruk, and several letters from the government. There are also other documents such as tax payment receipts, meal tickets, the Workers' Benevolent Association of Canada membership card, unemployment relief card, 'notices of distress,' a filed lawsuit, etc. Yaremko's photo was taken around 1920s. His biography was written by Rose Kotyk in 2003.

Yaremko, John
Ivan Keywan collection
CA BMUFA 0289 · Collection · 1942-1995

The collection consists of three groups of materials. Firstly, a two-volume "History of Ukrainian art" by Ivan Keywan; secondly, a series of reproductions of artworks by different artists; thirdly, two articles by Ivan Keywan.

Keywan, Ivan
CA BMUFA 0266 · Collection · 1911-1998, predominant 1950s-1980s

The collection consists of materials related to Chester and Luba Kuc's professional and social life. It includes materials representing dance groups founded or taught by Chester; photographs of Ukrainian costumes and dances; concert programs, music scores of Ukrainian songs, a collection of Ukrainian postcards, and some self-published educational materials of the Ukrainian youth organizations.

Kuc, Chester and Luba
CA BMUFA 0114 · Collection · 1936-2021

The collection consists of various certificates granted to Peter and Doris Kule: those awarded for their work in the community, as well as professional and educational ones.

Kule, Peter and Doris
CA BMUFA 0225 · Collection · 1920-1971

Eight letters from the Klapouszczak family members in Pastushe village (in 1920 in Poland, then in the Soviet Union, now - Ukraine) to relatives in Edmonton, Alberta.

Klapouszczak family
CA BMUFA UF2009.032 · Collection · 1912-1923

Pratsia (Brazil) («Праця»; Work; in local transcription: Pracia). A Ukrainian newspaper in Brazil published by the Basilian monastic order in Prudentópolis since 1912. Initially a fortnightly, it became a weekly in 1915. It carried mainly regional news and religious articles. It was closed down by the Brazilian authorities in 1917–19 and 1940–6. Annual almanacs have been published (with interruptions) by the paper since 1919. In 1966 it added a regular children’s section. The press run has been estimated at approximately 1,700 in the 1930s and 2,300 to 3,000 in the postwar period. Pratsia editors have included O. Martynets, Yosyp Martynets, M. Nychka, I. Vihorynsky, K. Korchagin, V. Burko, and V. Zinko. (Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine)

CA BMUFA 0290 · Collection · 1941-1974, predominantly 1950-1968

The collection consists of documents pertaining to activities of NTSH, Edmonton branch. It includes correspondence, founding documents, programs, invitations, etc. The collection also comprises documents related to St. George's Parish in Edmonton, notebooks and newspaper clippings probably collected by someone else.

Shevchenko Scientific Society
CA BMUFA 0291 · Collection · 1910-1981

Documents of the Ukrainian National Hall in Edmonton

Ukrainian National Hall
CA BMUFA 0045 · Collection · 2009-2010

This collection contains the results of two ethnographic trips to the Ukrainian communities in Brazil by Andriy Nahachewsky. The first trip took place from 4 May to 26 May 2009, and included Andriy Nahachewsky, Serge Cipko, John C. Lehr, and Maryna Hrymych. This was the first trip to Brazil for each of the participants, though they each had strong credentials in their disciplines and in fieldwork more generally. Thus the project goal was to cast a wide net for general orientation into the historical and contemporary life of the Ukrainian communities there. Each researcher also had specific personal goals. The trip included visits to Curitiba, Prudentópolis and several rural communities nearby, Craveiro in Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Brasília, and Foz do Iguaçu. The agenda included visits to an agricultural cooperative, meetings with diplomats and organizational representatives, and diverse individuals who could speak about life in their communities. Photographs by Hrymych, Lehr, and Cipko are also accessioned into the BMUFA and located in their own respective collections.

The second trip was undertaken by Andriy Nahachewsky, for 6 months from 14 November 2009 to 13 May 2010. The goal of the project was to continue the first exploratory fieldtrip, intensifying and expanding it. The project had a strong diachronic focus, documenting change in cultural traditions, to understand better how Ukrainian cultural content, rooted in 19th century rural traditions in western Ukraine, became transplanted, disappeared, adapted, and sometimes newly created in its diaspora setting in the Brazilian context. The intent was to be able to compare these processes with similar ones known from the Ukrainian Canadian context, as well as culture in western Ukraine itself, which also changed significantly over the 20th century: One cultural root, and three branches evolving on three continents over 120 years.

Another aspect of the fieldtrip was connected with Nahachewsky’s earlier “Local Culture and Diversity on the Prairies” project, which strove to provide documentation about regional differences in traditional Ukrainian culture in the Canadian setting. This аspect of the project was to try trace local differences in Brazilian culture in a similar way. Some of these regional differences were probably most clear in past decades. A third aspect was more synchronic, aimed to document contemporary life. Connected with this, the Brazil trip involved travelling to some 65 communities in the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the main Ukrainian settlement areas in Brazil. The project involved recording some 300 audio interviews, 53 hours of video recordings of contemporary events, 14,000 photographs, and gathering many publications and manuscripts (in hard copy and reproduced digitally), as well as diverse artifacts. The overall focus in subject matter was broad, including material culture (farming practices, folk arts), customs (calendar holidays, weddings, funerals, etc) and performing arts (music, dance). Special foci developed for dance materials, religious images, church architecture, cemeteries, music, and weddings, because of Nahachewsky’s research background, opportunities, and experiences as the fieldwork proceeded. The trips were both funded by the Huculak Chair and the Kule Folklore Centre (for the first trip: Nahachewsky, Hrymych, and various shared expenses). During both trips, the hosts in the home base in Prudentópolis, as well as other locations in Brazil, were very warm and hospitable, open, and generous. A copy of the digital photo, audio, and video fieldwork materials was deposited in the Museu do Milênio in Prudentópolis.

Nahachewsky, Andriy