Série organique 1 - Encyclopedia of Ukraine

Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

Encyclopedia of Ukraine

Dénomination générale des documents

    Titre parallèle

    Compléments du titre

    Mentions de responsabilité du titre

    Notes du titre

    Niveau de description

    Série organique


    CA BMUFA 0279-1

    Zone de l'édition

    Mention d'édition

    Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition

    Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents

    Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

    Mention de projection (cartographique)

    Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)

    Mention d'échelle (architecturale)

    Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

    Zone des dates de production


    • 1954-1990, predominantly 1960s - 1980s (Production)
      Iwanusiw, Jaroslaw

    Zone de description matérielle

    Description matérielle

    • 6 cm of textual records
    • 1 original photograph

    Zone de la collection

    Titre propre de la collection

    Titres parallèles de la collection

    Compléments du titre de la collection

    Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection

    Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection

    Note sur la collection

    Zone de la description archivistique

    Nom du producteur

    (1905 -1998)

    Notice biographique

    Jaroslaw Iwanusiw (July 24, 1905, currently non-existent Ukrainian village of Lopinka, territory of contemporary Poland - April 26, 1998, Edmonton) was born to the family of Mykola and Maria (Shyh) Iwanusiw. He was the third of five children. He completed his schooling as well as one year of theology in Peremyshl and then earned a degree in forestry engineering at the University of Vienna.
    In 1931, he married Iwanna Oksana Smolynsky and began work in Stanislaviv. Following the outbreak of the war in 1939, the family moved several times within Europe, meeting up with American soldiers in Bavaria on Easter Sunday, 1945. They stayed in Pfarkirchen and Karsfeld and then Camp "Orlyk" Berchtesgaden. Their family then had four children: Motria, Oleh, Orysia, and Bohodara.
    The family immigrated to Canada in 1948 to work out a sugar beet contract in the Lethbridge area. With the contract fulfilled, the family moved to Lethbridge and then, in 1950, to Edmonton where Jerry worked as a carpenter until 1956 when he obtained a position of an Alberta Land Surveyor at the Government of Alberta in the Surveys Branch of the Department of Highways. He continued his career with the government until compulsory retirement at age 65 in 1970. In that period, his survey work was primarily in the Peace River region of rights-of-ways for highways and local roads.
    Following retirement from the government, Jerry chose to continue in the surveying and mapping field in the capacity of a technologist, working for the Canadian Engineering & Surveys Inc. until 1987, and then for the Challenger Surveys and Services Ltd. until 1995. He was an active member of Plast (since 1921 in Peremyshl), a founding member of the Association of Foresters and Woodmen, a member of the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, a founder of the Shevchenko Foundation in Canada, a representative of the "Encyclopedia of Ukraine" dissemination in Alberta, and a treasurer of the Patronage NTSh-EY-2 in Edmonton.
    For his years of dedicated service, he was cited with both the silver and gold awards of the highest merit. In his 90th year of life, Yaroslaw and Iwanna moved to St. Michael's Lodge and then a nursing home.

    Compiled By C.W. Youngs with assistance from Motria, Oleh, Orysia, and Bohodara (http://albertalandsurveyhistory.ca/index.php?title=Yaroslaw_(Jerry)_Iwanusiw)
    Materials of the Jaroslaw Iwanusiw collection. UF2020.028.

    Historique de la conservation

    Portée et contenu

    The series consists of business (sometimes also private) correspondence with Atanas Figol, Ivan Kerestil, Volodymyr Kubijovych, Eugene Borys, Myr. Hladyshevsky, Wasyl Markus, and many others addressing issues of subscription to the Encyclopedia of Ukraine in Western Canada; the series also contains materials of Kubijovych and Figol visits to Edmonton, financial reports, leaflets, minutes, lists of subscribers and donators, as well as newspaper clippings about the fundraising for the Encyclopedia. Biographies (and scanned portraits) of the following donors-founders of the Encyclopedia are included:

    Альбертське товариство для збереження української культури
    Базюк, Дмитро і Стефанія (Рудакевич)
    Борух, Іван
    Голод, Роман
    Гураль, Осип і Неоніля (Стефанів)
    Завалень, Антін
    Іванець, Василь
    Іванусів, Микола і Марія (Ших)
    Іванусів, Ярослав
    Кавулич, Михайло і Леся (Кубрак)
    Климкович, Остап
    Козяк, Іван та Марія (Войтків)
    Костів, Ярослав і Даниїла (Прокоп)
    Кучер, Михайло Стефан і Богданна (Боссак-Волинець)
    Ліга українських католицьких жінок Канади / Ukrainian Catholic Women's League of Canada
    Маркевич, Володимир і Анна (Ядловська)
    Маркевич, Любомир і Дарія (Луців)
    Монастирський, Степан і Монастирська, Ольга (Оленюк)
    Олійник, Роман і Магдалина ( Костур)
    Олійник, Богдан Володимир і Орися Роксоляна ( Іванусів)
    Панас, Ігнатій і Єлисавета (Іваніцька)
    Семотюк, Василь
    Славутич, Яр (+ original photo)
    Смолинський, Василь і Смолинська Ізаберлла (Бендзінська)
    Смолинський, Іван Хризостом
    Станиця 1-шої Української дивізії УНА
    Тарнавський, Володимир і Тарнаська, Степанія (Смик)
    Ткачук, Мирослав
    Українська Кредитова Спілка в Едмонтоні / Ukrainian (Edmonton) Credit Union Limited
    Українське національне об'єднання в Едмонтоні
    Чехут-Климкович, Софія
    Чехут, Богдан
    Чехут, Павло

    Zone des notes

    État de conservation

    Source immédiate d'acquisition


    Langue des documents

      Écriture des documents

        Localisation des originaux

        Disponibilité d'autres formats

        Restrictions d'accès

        Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication

        Instruments de recherche

        Éléments associés

        Éléments associés


        Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)

        Numéro normalisé

        Numéro normalisé


        Mots-clés - Sujets

        Mots-clés - Lieux

        Mots-clés - Noms

        Mots-clés - Genre

        Zone du contrôle

        Identifiant de la description du document

        Identifiant du service d'archives

        Règles ou conventions


        Niveau de détail

        Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

        Langue de la description

          Langage d'écriture de la description


            Zone des entrées