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CA BMUFA 0266-4 · Series · 1973-1992
Part of Chester and Luba Kuc UCAMA collection

After leaving the Shumka Dancers group in 1969, Chester Kuc founded another dancing group called Cheremosh. The series consists of the Cheremosh's booklets, leaflets, posters, and other promotional materials. There also are newspaper clippings and letters of appreciation. A collection of photographs shows the Cheremosh performances and the group's trip to Ukraine in 1981 (Reshetylivka village, Poltava region). There is also a picture taken at the Cheremosh concert showing Chester Kuc and Swystun, a founder of the Kashtany Singers.

Ukrainian Canadian Committee
CA BMUFA 0266-12 · Series · 1959-1974
Part of Chester and Luba Kuc UCAMA collection

The series consists of concerts programs organized by the Edmonton and Saskatoon Branches of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee (now Ukrainian Canadian Congress). The concerts are celebrating the anniversary of Mazeppa's call to arms for freedom and independence of Ukraine, Shevchenko's anniversaries, anniversaries of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine, Franko's anniversaries, etc. One photograph of the UCC Choir at the Mazeppa Concert.

Newspaper Clippings
CA BMUFA 0268-C · Series · 1973-1989
Part of Ukrainian Music Association of Alberta (UMAA) Collection

Contains newspaper clippings about the Dnipro Choir in Edmonton, the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra's production of a Ukrainian musical program, Dr P. Matzenko, the Women's Singing Ensemble "Merezhi" in Edmonton, Michaijlo Minski, V. Stephanyk, R. Rudinskij, R. Ruslak, J. Osinchiuk, S. Hylak-Artemovskij, Bortnyanskij, R. Borys, V. Barvinskij, and various Ukrainian musical events in Edmonton.

CA BMUFA 0268-D · Series · 1975-1989
Part of Ukrainian Music Association of Alberta (UMAA) Collection

Includes miscellaneous documents from the UMAA such as the plans, program and schedule of the 6th Choral Seminar of Canadian and American Conductors, information about the Ukrainian singer Evhenia Mirochnyenko, planning information on a concert celebrating Cyril Stetzka, handwritten notes by Neonilla Dmytruk, a newsletter by the name of "Resonance", various musical production programs, financial information, posters, an announcement for the Ukrainian News announcing a course offered by the UMAA, and a list of Ukrainian Catholic Churches in Edmonton.

CA BMUFA 0270-4 · Series · 1959-1988
Part of Michael Nakonechny collection

The series consists of discrete documents of the Plast, the Association of Ukrainian Museums of Canada, the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, the Ukrainian War Veterans' Association of Canada, the Heritage Savings and Trust Company materials of the Ukrainian Canadians' Congress (including photographs), some minutes including one of the "Archive-Museum" meeting in 1974, photographs (including a portrait of the creator).

Church in Ruin project
CA BMUFA 0273-1 · Series · 1935-1990, predominantly 1984-1988
Part of Oleh and Bozhena Iwanusiw collection

The series comprises six albums with over two thousand original photographs, predominantly of churches of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchies whose territories fell within contemporary Poland and Slovakia (then Czechoslovakia). There also are photographs of many significant Lemko and Boiko events attended by Oleh Iwanusiw, such as the Sopot Festival (1985) and others, and discrete photographs of people, big trees in churchyards, and local nature. The albums are supplied with three binders of detailed indexes, lists, and maps of the churches (in the acknowledgment to his book Iwanusiw wrote that he is grateful to his father, Jaroslaw Iwanusiw, who was his "faithful secretary during the filming, and who was largely responsible for the preparation of the map, and for corrections to the text"). The series also contains an original book jacket of the "Church in Ruin" album, reviews of the album, feedbacks of "Church in Ruin" exhibit attendees in Lviv, and some other textual materials.

CA BMUFA 0273-2 · Series · 1965-1990, predominantly 1988-1990
Part of Oleh and Bozhena Iwanusiw collection

Variety of manuscripts, notes, drafts, newspaper clippings and published scholarly papers of different authors about Ukrainian church (Catholic and Orthodox), texts of sermons, an interview with Roman-Catholic Bishop of Peremyshl Ihnatii Tokarchuk, materials of the Ukrainian Christian movement by Атанас Фіґоль.

Newspaper сlippings
CA BMUFA 0280-7 · Series
Part of Parasia and Wasyl Iwanec collection

The series consists of newspaper clippings about Parasia Iwanec's paintings, exhibitions, and life. Publications, where Parasia Iwanec paintings are used as illustrations, and separate reproductions of her artworks are arranged in a separate folder.

CA BMUFA 0280-13 · Series · 1949
Part of Parasia and Wasyl Iwanec collection

2020.029.a001 - A small model of Ukrainian house; сlay, made by Parasia Iwanec
2020.029.a002 - Icon painted by Parasia Iwanec, wood
2020.029.a003 - Icon painted by Parasia Iwanec, wood
2020.029.a004 - Icon painted by Parasia Iwanec, wood
2020.029.a005 - Ukrainian embroidered shirt for women; linen, wool
2020.029.a006 - Ukrainian embroidered shirt for woman
2020.029.a007 - Obhortka, wool
2020.029.a008 - Lower part of a shirt, lacy
2020.029.a009 - Tablecloth embroidered by Parasia Iwanec, 1949
2020.029.a010 - Embroidered serviette
2020.029.a011 - Piece of homespun cloth
2020.029.a012 - Small suitcase (was deposited with personal documents of Wasyl and Parasia Iwanec in it)

Biographical materials
CA BMUFA 0282-1 · Series · 1938-1993
Part of Peter John Lazarowich collection

The series contains the following materials:

  • Handwritten autobiographical notes in Ukrainian (1950s-1970s)
  • Typed autobiographical materials (1960s-1970s)
  • Newspaper clippings with P. Lazarowich's biographical materials in Ukrainian and English (1930s-1990s)
CA BMUFA 0282-3 · Series · 1932-1933
Part of Peter John Lazarowich collection

In 1932-1933 Lazarowich made a trip to Europe where he studied at the Charles University and the Ukrainian Free University in Prague, visited Western Ukraine, Vienna, and London. Materials of this series pertain to this trip.

  • Notebook from courses at the Ukrainian Free University in Prague
  • Lazarowich's lectures' attendance book from the Ukrainian Free University in Prague
  • Peter Lazarowich's thesis "National and political motives in the works of O. Oles'," Ukrainian Free University, Prague
  • Lazarowich's contact list from his trip
  • Peter Lazarowich's train ticket from his travel to Western Ukraine in 1933
  • 54 negatives and two photos from the trip
  • 7 postcards featuring Lviv and Pryluky (Peremyshl)
  • 16 postcards of Prague
  • 22 postcards depicting Great Britain
CA BMUFA 0282-18 · Series · 1928-1980
Part of Peter John Lazarowich collection

Peter Lazarowich was a member of the Consistory of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada from 1953 to 1970. His collection contain the following documents:

  • Statute and regulations of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1956
  • Proposed Act of Incorporation of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1928, 1960
  • Draft bill on incorporation of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada
  • Extracts from by-law and regulations (canons) of the Ukrainian Creek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1960-1
  • Charter of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1967
  • Proposed act of amend the act of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1980
  • Addresses of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church to the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1947
  • Brochure by S.V.Savchuk, Основні засади української греко-православної церкви в Канаді, 1950
  • Materials of Consistories of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, including programs, minutes, letters, notes, and corresponding newspaper clippings, 1952-1976
  • Statute of the J.W.Stechishin Memorial Fund
  • St. Andrew's College materials, Winnipeg, 1975-6, 1980
  • Materials of Golden Jubilee of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1968
  • Materials of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, Winnipeg, 30 July - 2 August, 1970
  • Clipping from the Herald (Вісник), Winnipeg, 1969
  • Western Diocese of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1976
  • Materials related to the Metropolitan Andrew (Metiuk), 1963, 1968-9, 1974-6
  • Materials of the Western Diocese of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, 1976
  • Materials dealing with the St. John Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, Edmonton, 1969, 1971, 1973
  • Speech of Walter Saranchuk on the need of introduction English language into the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church's service, 1968, 1975
  • Rev. F. Kernisky, "The Epiphany: the Great Blessing of the Water," 1976
    *Paper by Father D. Luchak, "Priest with Youth and Among the Youth" (in Ukrainian)
  • Legal records related to the Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church of St. Volodimir, Inc., New York, 1966
Music scores
CA BMUFA 0283-4 · Series
Part of Mychailo Holynsky collection

Collection of Holynsky's music scores. Consists of two files: Ukrainian music scores, and other music scores.

CA BMUFA 0272-4 · Series · 1967-1972
Part of UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Dvorets'kyi I. "Do pytan' vnutrishn'oї polityky OUN" (Tezy i rezoliutsiї), 25 serpnia 1967.
  2. D. Doroshenko. "V oboroni istorychnoї pravdy."
  3. Dobriansky Lev E. "Ukraine"
  4. "Difenbeiker v oboroni represovanykh." Presovyi komynikat. Ottawa, 11 hrudnia 1972.
CA BMUFA 0272-5 · Series · 1961-1992
Part of UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Adlynn Miskew Hewitt. "Biographical Information." May 12, 1975.
  2. Ievhen Hlyva, Sidnei (Avstraliia). "Profesor Iar. Rudnytskyi iak liudyna i naukovets'." 1976.
  3. Hlynka I. "Kontsentratsiia chy Rozporoshennia : Rolia Demohrafichnoї Polityky v Samozberezhenni Ukrains'koї Spil'noty v Kanadi." Dopovid' vyholoshena na Richnii Konferentsiї KUK v Saskatuni 10 liutoho 1973.
  4. Maria Holub. "Natalia Ozarkevych-Kobryns'ka."
  5. Mykhailo Hrynchyshyn. "Persha propovid' pro poklykannia : kryza." 1967.
  6. Biografical information about Dr. Wasyl Hyrak.
  7. John-Paul Himka. "The Dimensions of a Triangle: Socioeconomic, Political, Religious and Cultural Aspects of the Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Relationship in Austrian Galicia." Vienna, June 1992.
  8. John-Paul Himka. "Independent Ukrainian Statehood: Its Implications for Russia and for the National Minorities in Ukraine (a Historian’s View)." Prague, April 1991.
  9. John-Paul Himka." “Krakivski visti” pro ievreїv, 1943. Prychynok do istoriї ukraїnsko-ievreiskykh vidnosyn pid chas druhoї svitovoї viiny." Kyiv, June 1991.
  10. John-Paul Himka. "Drahomanivska viziia 'evropeїzatsiї' ukraїnskoho narodu." Kyiv, September 1991.
  11. Horokhovych T. "Ridna mova i nashe molode pokolinnia." Dopovid' vyholoshena na Vykhovnomy seminari v toronto 22 zhovtnia 1961.
  12. "Слово Преосвященнішого Владики Митрополита Германюка." Archbishop M. Hermaniuk Guest Speaker.