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CA BMUFA 0272-7 · Series · 1941-1973
Part of UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Vasyl' Kardash. [eulogy].
  2. Mariia Keivan. “Psykhol'ohiia dytyny u shkil'nomu vitsi
    ( 6-10 rokiv ).”
  3. Stepan Kylymnyk. “Prof. D-r Ievhen Vertyporokh” (Dopovid' na Iuvileї do 6o-richchia z dnia narodzhennia ta 30-richchia hromads'koї, i naukovoї diial'nosti Profesora D-ra Ievhena Vertyporokha, v Toronti, v dni 6 hrudnia 1958 roku).
  4. Olena Kysylivs'ka. “Ukraїns'kyi zhinochyi rukh - ioho pochatky i rozvii.”
  5. V. Iu. Kysilevs'kyi. Vnutrishnie pereselennia mis'kykh hrup i joho
  6. Mykola Klymyshyn. “Derzhavnyj akt 30-ho cherynia 1941.” Ditroit, 1 lypnia 1966.
  7. S. Klymkovych. “U sorokrichchia holodu v Ukraini.” 25 bereznia 1973.
  8. Olena Klymyshyn. “Uchast' bat'kiv u pedahohichnii praci svitlychky.”
  9. Mariia Kliachko. Promova dnia 29-ho lystopada v Niuarku z nahody Dnia Pomisnosty Ukrains'koi katolyc'koї сerkvy.
  10. Zvernennia. prof. O. Kul'chyc'koho do vsikh ukraintsiv dobroi voli
    na pivnichno-amerykans’komu kontynenti i vsikh hromads'ko-kulturnykh pratsivnykiv. Sarsel', 12.2.1964.
  11. O.Kul'chyts'kyi. “Pid znakom spivpratsi Tserkvy i Nauky : Prohrama tsykliu vykladiv."
  12. Kohut Myhhailo. “Ivan Shevchuk ne zhyve. Tragichnyi vypadok.”
  13. Kinasevych Maria. "Vukhovne znachennia zvychok," dopovid' vyholoshena na Vykhovnomu Seminari v Toronti, 29 zhovtnia 1961. (Svitova federatsiia Ukraїns'kukh zhinochykh orhanizatsii. Vukhovna Komisiia v kanadi).
  14. Zonia Keivan. "Obzhyvaiemosia."
Peter Savaryn
CA BMUFA 0272-14 · Series · 1973-1986
Part of UCAMA presentations collection
  1. “Mixed Marriages.”Excerpts from a speech delivered at the World Congress of Free Ukrainians November 2, 1973, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  2. “Najvazhlyvishi zavdannia odnym rechennian.” 29.1.1977.
  3. “V al'bom dr-ovi Marusi Bek” (17 chervnia 1984 r. na Benketi v
  4. “Kil'ka dumok na praznyku sv. Petra i Pavla y Monderi z nahody
    1000-littia khreshchennia Ukrainy.” 29.6.1986.
  5. “100-littia UKTs v Kanadi” (Slovo na benketi).
  6. “Ukrainians in British Columbia.”
  7. Speech at the occasion of the first volume of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine launch.
  8. “Andrej Sheptytskyj - his life and work” (opening remarks.)
  9. “Kil'ka zavvah hospodaria na zustrichi z Morozom.”
CA BMUFA 0272-17 · Series
Part of UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Leonid Vertyporokh. “11-ta Svitova Sesiia Ukraїns'koho Zhinotstva”
    v Toronti.” 1973.
  2. Illia Vytrykush. “Zolotyi iuvilei piatdesatyrichcho svashchenstva Vsesvitloho Ottsia Prelata Petra Kamenets'koho.
  3. Ol'ha Voitsenko. “Dosiahnennia ukrains'koї zhinky v Kanadi.”
    Ivan Varanytsia. “Dontsov o formotvorets’ novoi dukhovnosty.” (Liga Vyzvolennia Ukrainy).
  4. Veterans’kyi Viddil UCAMA
CA BMUFA 0272-18 · Series · 1977
Part of UCAMA presentations collection
  1. E.W.Yarenco. “Steve and Lucy Hrabec.”
  2. Hryhorii i Stefaniia Yopyk. “Shcho stalosia z koronoiu korolia Danyla?” Edmonton, osin', 1977.
  3. H. Yopyk. [about Iv. Borukh]
Book donations
CA BMUFA 0290-5 · Series · 1956-1965
Part of Shevchenko Scientific Society of Western Canada collection

The series consists of documents concerning NTSH's donation of Ukrainian books and paintings to Western Canadian universities and city libraries. It includes lists of books, correspondence on this matter, as well as newspaper clippings about book donations. The series also contains lists of books donated for NTSH and those without information regarding purpose of creation.

Incoming letters
CA BMUFA 0290-14 · Series · 1941-1974
Part of Shevchenko Scientific Society of Western Canada collection

The series consists of the NTSH Edmonton branch incoming letters. Among others there are correspondence from:

  • Bohdan Bociurkiw (1959-1965)
  • Yulian Bucmaniuk (1958)
  • Nicholas Flak (1963-1964)
  • M. Hladyshevsky (1962-1964)
  • Mychailo Hutsulak (1959-1963)
  • Ivan Keywan (1958-1968)
  • Volodymyr Kubiiovych i Zenon Kuzela (1950-1958)
  • Lev Krypiakevych (1956-1959)
  • Basil Laba (1956-1962)
  • W. Lazorko (1963-1965)
  • O. Maslianyk (1957-1964)
  • I. Mirchuk (1956-1961)
  • Orest Starchuk (1956-1965)
  • Yar Slawutych (1961-1965)
  • Il. Chelowsky (1962)
  • Roman Smal-Stocki (1959-1964)
  • Volodymyr Yaniv (1955)
  • Stepania Zhmurkevych (1956-1962)
  • Eugene Wertyporoch (1954-1968)
  • official correspondence from NTSH in Toronto including financial and other reports, leaflets, programs of events, invitations, etc. (1951-1966)
  • official correspondence from NTSH in New York including reports, information about celebrations, book distributions, and conferences (1958-1974, n/d)
  • Letters form Canadian League for Ukraine's liberation (1941-1968)
  • Ukrainian professional Society of North America (1960)
  • Ukrainian Canadian Committee (1960-1964)
  • National conference of Canadian Slavs (1965-1967)
  • Union of Military Invalids, USA (1958)
CA BMUFA 0312-1 · Series
Part of Bohdan Klid Collection

The course was developed and taught by B. Klid in 1999 in Augustana College. It was an undergraduate course meeting once a week. There were approximately 15 students in class with different background, non Ukrainian. He received a grant at the time. According to the conditions of the grant, he had to teach a course. Dr. Klid also shared ppt presentations he prepared for each class.

Miscellaneous Information
CA BMUFA 0269-6 · Series · 1903 - 1989
Part of Ivan Lahola collection

Contains information about various acquaintances of Lahola's such as Petro Marunchiuk, Stephan Lenkaws'kiy, Valentyn Moroz, Yevhen Hrivna, Antoni Havryluk, Mr &Mrs Halina, contains obituaries, birth certificates ect...
Files 133-138 contain unrelated topics such as lists of names, newspaper articles, a lesson book on gun use, geographical materials, and a list of rules handwritten by a child.

CA BMUFA 0269-7 · Series · 1945; 1948; 1950; 1956; 1961-1962; 1964; 1967-1968; 1972; 1974-1977; 1981; 1983-1985; 1987-1989; 1992-1993; 1995-2006
Part of Ivan Lahola collection

Series consists of textual records that were donated by Lida Lahola in 2023 and they have a structure separate from the series 1-6. It includes Lahola’s identifications, business cards and Certificates and Awards honouring Ivan Lahola. Letters and documents related to the World League of Ukrainian political prisoners; poems and memories of Ukrainians; personal letters, memories, poems and biographies of Ivan Lahola; documentation related to the Holocaust survivors; the Alberta Legislature Sessions Reports; documentation related to Ivan Lahola’s home region; Ukrainian newspaper articles; Ivan Lahola’s work on the compensation for German forced slave labour and political prisoners in concentration camps.

CA BMUFA 0013-2 · Series · 1911-1988
Part of Kostash family collection

The series consists of photographs of William Kostash and his brothers as children, as well as of William later in life, images of Mary Maksymiuk's school children - classes in various locations in East Central Alberta, of Hryhoriy Kostash, and of Mary Kostash in the 1970s. The colour photos from the 1980s depict William translating Svarich Memoir, William with the Savaryns, and William at CIUS.

RCI: Scripts 1993
CA BMUFA 0263-2 · Series · 1993
Part of Halyna Klid collection

The 1993 scripts from the corresponding 1993 reel-to-reel audiotapes.
The scripts contain interviews that Halyna Klid has conducted with Lydya Necheporenko, Laurence Decore, Galya Tymochko, Bohdan Kild, Mykola Riabchuk ect.. Also contains scripts on subjects such as famine commemoration, Ukrainian studies in Israel, and many more.

RCI: Scripts 1995
CA BMUFA 0263-4 · Series · 1995
Part of Halyna Klid collection

The scripts from the corresponding 1995 reel-to-reel audiotapes.
The scripts contain interviews that Halyna Klid has conducted with Dr. Olenka Bilash , Ed Southern, Karpenko, Lahola ect.. Also contains scripts on subjects such as hockey, art on the internet, and many more.

RCI: Scripts 1996
CA BMUFA 0263-5 · Series · 1996
Part of Halyna Klid collection

The scripts from the corresponding 1996 reel-to-reel audiotapes.
The scripts contain interviews that Halyna Klid has conducted with Tania Rusnak, Victor Stepovy, the Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Prof. Shkandrij, Sophia Slobodian, the Ukrainian delegation, Fukalo, and Hawrylysmyn. Scripts also contain subjects such as drilling, trade commerce, the Canada-Ukraine legislative program, and many more.

Bezmutko family
CA BMUFA 0017-3 · Series
Part of Gloria Rutherford family collection

Mike Bezmutko was born September 15, 1866 in Poland. His wife Mary Zuhajewych was born April 16, 1868 in Poland. They had seven children. According to Homestead Patent dated 1907, they obtained entry for their homestead in 1904, built their house and started their residence in 1903, their address at that time was New Ottawa, Saskatchewan. They got their naturalization in 1906 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.