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Kapusta, Michael
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c101-102 · Item · 13 Jan. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born on November 9, 1918, in Toronto; his parents came from the Halychyna before WWI and settled in Toronto; there was a Ukrainian community and St. Josephate church in that part of Toronto; his father became a butcher, was active in the church; Michael attended daily Ukrainian school classes (from 5pm till 7pm) - teachers: Mr. Yarechkiv (??), Mostovyi (??), Bilyk; frictions and fists fights between Ukrainian political groups; his father was in the Hetmanat movement, his uncle Boyko (??) was in higher ranks of the organization; feeling inferior to Englishmen, Ukrainian culture being recognized; Prosvita; teachers in Ukrainian school; antagonism between churches and organizations induced by priests; Catholic Svystun organizing Orthodox people; UNO; the strong cultural organization “Ukrainian People ???? Court (???)” - Kapusta’s uncle, Mr. Metelskyi (??) gravitated to it; Kapusta got a dental degree in Toronto University, then medical degree in Ottawa; Ukrainian Student Club - Dr. Kucherepa (??) instigated its organization in about 1939, Froliak (??); WWII - sentiments towards Germans; Shandruk (??); staying clear from parents’ persuasions; community’s reaction to the Famine and Konovalets’ assassination; Bishop Ladyka (??); Kapusta graduated in 1943 and went to the army; after the army he lost interest in Ukrainian affairs; Ukrainian Canadian Services Association in London; Stepan ??????.

Part 2: Stepan ??? helping the DPs; Kapusta and forced repatriation of DPs; being Sergeant in the army during the WWII; meeting Mosnyts’kyi (??); Service Corps and DPs camps; Kukharyshyn (??) an active Het’manets’; Soviets kidnapping people from DP camps and other atrocities regarding DPs; Dr. Harper (??) was very sympathetic to the Ukrainian cause; DPs and different camp zones; Dr. Grenko (??) from Winnipeg accompanied Kapusta; Fr. Izhyk (??) in a camp; Panchuk, Froliak, Fr. Kushnir visited DP camps; DPs and antagonism among them (Mel’nykivtsi vs Bandarivtsi); DPs not wanting to return to the USSR - Kapusta helping to prevent forced repatriation, interpreter on the Commission warning him about upcoming raids ; how raids were happening; CUC as a hope for unifying Ukrainians; Kushnir not being flexible enough; Kapusta returned to Canada in 1946, took another course at Ottawa; his wife’s brother is a parish priest in Toronto.

Part 3: Kapusta’s disillusionment in Ukrainian cause; DPs coming to Canada; Kucherepa (??) and CUC; Pavliuk in Toronto; Ukrainian Communists in Canada (e.g., Labor Temple in Toronto); early Ukrainian cooperatives in Toronto and bookstores; Dr. Buriak active in Ukrainian affairs; Ukrainian community figures - priests were the most influential; Ukrainian churches and Communists in Canada; Fr. Semotiuk was eventually disliked by the Catholic community and converted to Orthodoxy in Oshawa; church picnics in Toronto; BUC (??); church hall and activities; Kapusta’s children.

Karasevich, Marie
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c103 · Item · 7 Oct. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Nee - Skubynski (??). Born in 1914; father was an Orthodox from Bukovyna (came to Canada in 1907) and mother a Catholic from Halychyna (came in 1908); parents married in 1910; no religious quarrels in the family; Ukrainian communion; Fr. Buchyns’kyi (??); attitudes of other ethnic groups towards Ukrainians; Prosvita; social activities in Ukrainian community (picnics, plays, social dances, choir, church concerts); Prosvita - Catholic children then. Karasevich became strong Orthodox after her marriage. Bishop Khimii (??) - her relative and a secretary to the Pope (??); her husband voluntarily went to the war; WWII events; her husband Ivan Karasevich came to Winnipeg in 1921 to study at the University of Manitoba, and stayed at Skubynski’s house (Ivan’a father had a farm in Sich, Manitoba); they married in 1935; Vasyl Svystun was running a Bursa in Winnipeg; student group “Prometei”; SUMC; Hetmantsi; Karasevich a member of SUMC.

Part 2: Svystun as a person; a scandal over transmitting Sluzhba Bozha over a radio; UNO helping during the WWII; Fr. Kushnir was a friend of her mother; CUC engaging the most of educated Ukrainians; Semen Savchuk (??); Myroslav Stechyshyn (??); Ivan Karasevich went overseas in 1941, to England, and returned in 1944; Ukrainian Veterans’ Organization; Marie gave $500 for founding a Ukrainian Legion (??); Panchuk and DPs; Vasylyshyn; DPs coming to Canada; Dr. Mandryka was pushed out from the organization; some DPs not appreciating other Ukrainians in Canada; Marie did not want certain things on tape: about her father-in-law, Bishop Khmii’s brother, and Svystun.

Kardash, William
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c104 · Item · 30 Nov. 1982
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born on June 10, 1912 on a farm North of Hafford (??), Saskatchewan; his parents came to Canada in 1910 from near Kyiv (about 40 miles) and were farming; family was Baptist and Baptism was persecuted in Russia at that time; William was the youngest of 8 children; he finished High School in Hafford, and took Grade 12 by correspondence; sizable community of Ukrainian Baptists; his brother subscribed to “Farmers’ke zhyttia” - that is when William became interested in Ukrainian organizations; by 1931 they formed a ULFTA (??) branch, built a hall, and started putting up plays, mandolin orchestra; his sister taught him to read using Bible in Russian; in Saskatoon attended Labor Temple meeting, plays, concerts; Saviak (??) - an editor of the Farmers’ke zhyttia - came to them and held a meeting; after that the branch of LFTA (??) was formed; Greshchuk (??) from Saskatoon came and helped to organize a grammar group and mandolin orchestra; Dr. Ross (??) from Hafford run in that area as an Independent Progressive; William stayed on a farm till 1943; was for a 1.5 years in Alberta as Provincial Secretary Farmers ???????; a strike in Mundare shortly after a big demonstration in Edmonton when 14 people were imprisoned; Farmers Unity Party purpose; became a member of the Communist Party in 1931; in 1935 he went to Spain, Canadian Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy, was in action in June-July 1937 and was wounded in October and lost a leg; about 1200 Canadians were in Spain; he was in a hospital in Barcelona; return to Canada in August 1938; went on a long speaking tour for the Canadian Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy (starting from Sudbury and across the whole country, raised money, spoke to mayors and councilors, lawyers); USSR and Ukrainian Famine; he became an organizer for the Communist Party in 1939, was arrested after the Party became illegal; his case was dropped and later he was elected to the Legislature in 1941; Labor Progressive Party; WWII, USSR and invasion into Poland from a Communist point of view; CUC, Kushnir.

Part 2: CUC; Fr. Kushnir; Kardash was in Provincial Parliament 4 times as Liberal Progressive Party candidate; UFTA (??) regenerated itself as an Association of United Canadian Ukrainians; Simko (??); Gozynko (??); Kravchuk (??); Spanish War; freeing Ukraine; DPs coming to Canada and their impact; John Kolasky (??); his wife is Mary Kostyniuk.

Karpish, Peter
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c113-114 · Item · 27 Jul. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born in Ternopil’ oblast’, Terebovlia raion, a village of Kobylyky (now Zhovtneve), on December 30, 1901; his wife is Mariia Dukhnits’ka (??), she is from the same village; he went to a school in his village till 1914; in 1917 he was conscripted to the Ukrains’ka halyts’ka armiia; underwent military training in Ternopil’; escaped from a POW camp, was hiding; in 1921 was conscripted in the Polish Army, served 18 months in Chenstochow; in 1925 came home and left for Canada (Antwerp - St. John in New Brunswick); had relatives in Winnipeg and started working on a railway; then went to Fort Frances (???) to work at a paper plant (??); there his friend and relative Mykhailo Halandzhi (??) introduced him to Ukrainian organizations; Karpish in 1926 became a member of a political organization and of Ukrains’kyi farmers’kyi Dim; in 1928 went to Winnipeg for a 6 months course; Prosvita in St. Frances; cultural-education work of organizations in St. Frances; Andriy Dorets’kyi (??); Kaprish visited Ukraine 4 times, the most recent visit in 1979; discrimination towards Ukrainians at the beginning; after St. Frances went to Brantford, ON; after Depression began he went to a place Thor (??) near St. Catherine’s, was working in a cooperative; then moved to ?????Kilkanyk(????) in 1931-32; protests (“bread or job!”), arrests, and deportations; protests against Polonization of Western Ukraine, Tovarystvo dopomohy vyzvil’nomu rukhu na Zakhidnii Ukraini (ToDoVyRnaZU); dopomoha poterpilym vid poveni; Strilets’ka hromada; OUN-UNO; an attack on the Robitnychyi Dim; in 1933 Karpish was teaching in Ottawa; voting for the uprava; from 1934 through 1939 Karpish was in Sudbury; then the Central Committee sent him to Biltmore (??) where a Robitnychyi Dim was to be built; Central Committee: Ivan Boychuk (??) the Secretary, Popovych, Vavizivs’kyi (??), Shatul’s’kyi, etc); the Central Committee was later transferred from Winnipeg to Toronto; in Annie Molt Road (??) where Ukrainian farmers had own Farmers’ Organization.

Part 2: Ukrainian community in Ottawa; Strilets’ka hromada; WWII - Hitler-Stalin Pact; Kaprish was teaching in Geraldton (??); working in a Committee dopomohy syrotam, Chervoniy armii, got an award for that; Government confiscating Robitnychi Domy and transferring them to the Nationalists groups; he worked in a mine in Bidart (??), got there an ulcer and went to Winnipeg to recover; then worked in a cooperative, then in an evening school teaching Ukrainian language, music, and History; taking 6-months courses in Winnipeg in 1928 and 1936 (teachers: Tsymbay (??), Dr. Hrach (??), Petro Prokopchak): History of Ukraine, political economy, geography, music, arithmetics, grammar, ets; amature theater plays they staged (Natlka-Poltavka, Ne khody, Hrytsiu; comedies; then later Soviet plays); Shevchenko concert and other big name people’s concerts; 1st Soviet delegation came to Canada in 1945; Soviet Ambassador granting citizenship of Soviet Ukraine to Ukrainians in Canada; Communist Party in Canada; UNO and Banderivtsi causing troubles for Narodnyi Dim; DPs in Canada; CUC; Lobayivtsi group (???); Lobay; Matviy Popovych; Lobay was an editor of “Robitnychi visti”; problems with DPs; changing the name of Narodnyi Dim; Orhanizatsia vzajemodopomohy; Women’s section, Youth section in Robitnychyi Dim and their functions (Vynohradova, Tsukarenko, Moychukova); holod in Ukraine in 1933 (not Holodomor!); Karpats’ka Ukraina as a funny joke; Komitet slov’ian - Karpish was its secretary in 1954.

Part 3: Komitet slov’ian and its functions; 1st Delegation from Soviet Ukraine in the 1950s; Cold War events; Sudbury - International ???? Company; Robitnychyi Dim built in 1918 - initially was called “Prosvita im. Ivana Franka”; present-day activities; mandolin orchestra; Communist Party in Canada.

Kaye, Ludwig
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c116 · Item · 16 Aug. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born on July 5, 1918 in Yellow Creek; had to shorten his last name; his father came to Canada in 1911, mother came to Canada in 1914 with 3 sons (landed in Boston because the ship was redirected because of the war); family was Catholic; Fr. Kulyk and a new church of Petra i Pavla built in 1933; Kaye’s father was from Halychyna; Kaye went to a Ukrainian school; reading books; concerts and plays in a Hall; his first teacher Makloy (??); Panchuk as a teacher; school, Ukrainian language classes after school but no Ukrainian during the classes; Stratiichuk (??), Layba (??); Mohyla Institute; coming to Saskatoon in 1933 to a meeting as a delegate from SUMC, speeches by Stechyshyn, Lazarovych, Dr. Boykovych, Dr. Dragan (??), rev. Savchuk, Solomon, the Bishop; came to Mohyla Institute as a student in 1935; in 1937 went to the University of Saskatoon; Sheptyts’kyi Institute; Prof. Simpson; CUC; Kaye joined the Airforce in February 1941; London and Ukrainian Canadian Service Association; Ukrainian Social Club in Manchester.

Part 2: Visiting graves of the fallen Ukrainian soldiers; came back to Canada in January 1944; Mrs. Panchuk (??); Helen Kozicky; Semelsky (??); Mr. Panchuk; was given an extended leave and went to the McGill University; Ukrainian Selfreliance; Ukrainian-Canadian Veterans’ Association; CUC sponsored his tour (10 weeks); Panchuk as too nationalistic; Bishop Vasyliiv (??); UNO; he returned to Saskatoon after the end of WWII, finished the University, teaching at schools; DPs’ impact.

Kindrachuk, Fedir
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c105 · Item · 25 Nov. 1982
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: His family was Catholic but converted into Orthodoxy; he has a BA; attended a regular Canadian school (teachers Havryniuk (??); Fr. Savchuk); all students were Ukrainian but had to hide Ukrainian books outside of school; Ukrainian classes from 4pm till 5pm; after 8 Grade went to High School in Saskatoon in 1928; Rector Yulian Stechyshyn (??) of the Mohyla Institute; Instytut Sheptyts’koho; Tymashchuk (??) from Ottawa; Terishchuk (??); Margus (??); ????forb (??); History lectures at the Institute; about 120 students of both sexes; student life; SUS; competition with UNO; SUMC; Bohdan Panchuk; he started teaching near Saskatoon in town Lenya (??) from 1934-35 through 1942-43; CUC; Panchuk; DPs; Vynnychenko - chlen rady; Fr. Stopniak (??); Ukrainian Communists; Institute now and then; library in Narodnyi Dim; “Ukrains’kyi holod”, “Vistnyk”; SUS helping; Hasan (??) the conductor at the Institute, baritone, used to sing in the Koshyts’ choir; change of the school organization - decline of Ukrainian schools.

Part 2: Ukrainians schools “Kolomyia” and “Kyiv”; 4 Ukrainian schools run by Knashchuk (??), Kystiuk (??), Dymeryha (??), and Kindrachuk; very active Ukrainian life; conscription issues during WWII; Stechyshyn - Head of SUS in Saskatoon; Sechuk (??); Dr. Boykovych (??); Dr. Drygan; Hnatyshyn (??); Stechyshyn; Stratiychuk (??).

Knehinicki, John
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c008-009 · Item · 29 Nov. 1982 - 6 Oct. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1 and Part 2: Born on June 11, 1909 in a village of Rukhiv. Greek-Catholic faith. His father decided to come to a farm in Canada (Manitoba) when John was 6 months old. His mother died when he finished the 4th grade. Had to do all the chores around the house. His father did not belong to any organization because he was illiterate. At 18 y.o. left home and went to earn money, but there was the Depression already. Soup kitchen for unemployed. There were some organizations during Depression. City gave little work for married people but not for singles. Those could be sent to work on a farm for $5/month. John was working this way on various farms through Saskatchewan for about 10 years. In 1939 he went to Ontario, [Port Arthur] where he worked in a bush. Those who were able to bribe, got better strips of the bush. Did not want to join the army when the war started. So, he went to Winnipeg. Worked on a dining car till they found out who he was. Got a uniform in 1943. Underwent training in [Shiro], MB. From there he was sent to Newfoundland. But he ran away to Regina to hide. When the war was over he turned himself up and got 9 months of detention but was released after 4.5 months. From 1949 worked at a CPR.

Kolasky, John
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c106-107 · Item · 8 May. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born in Cobalt, Ontario, on October 5, 1915; family name was initially Koliaska; soon after his birth family moved North, to a farm, where there were 3 other Ukrainian families, Poles - their name became Polonized; in Timmins the only Ukrainian organization was Ukrainian Labor Farmer Temple Association; John attended Ukrainian school there for about 2 years (he was 8-9 y.o.); then went back to the farm; left his home in 1932, went to Timmins, then, after his father was hurt in a mine, went to Ottawa, stayed at a place for unemployed single men; worked in a bakery, then apprenticed to a printer and paper hanger (??); in 1939 went to Toronto and then moved to Winnipeg in 1941; by that time he finished grade 10; worked at a machine shop and studied; in 1942 he finished grade 12 and did 1 year of the United College (??), and after that went to Saskatoon where completed his BA, and then did his MA in History in Toronto; his parents came in 1913 from Bukovyna and were Orthodox; Cobalt, Timmins - pro-Socialist areas, centers of radicalism; Ivan Panchyshyn was interned from Cobalt during WWI; his father was a farmer and a miner during winters; a process of becoming a Communist; people in the Canadian establishment who were Communists; lies about the USSR, Duranti; his mother and other women in Timmins belonged to Ukrainian pro-Communist women’s organizations; Polish priest Frank Selynski (??); Jewish-Ukrainian relations, Misha Korol’ (??); Dave Kashton (??); Dubrovsky (??); Stewart Smith - leader of Communist Party; ULFTA; Matthew Popovych and his article “Za bolshevizatsiiu” in 1931; Prokopchuk; Danylo Lobai and Toma Kobzai (??); Shatul’s’kyi; Popovych; Boychuk; Nemizivs’kyi (???).

Part 2: Shatulskyi (??); Kobzei (??), Lobay (??); Simbay (??); John Wier (??); Irchan; Pohoreckyi (??); WWII and Communists in Canada; he was on a Provincial Committee of the Association of the United Ukrainian Canadians, helped to organized a trio of Myroslav Stychynskyi (??); was a member of Progressive Party (PP) Club [Labor Progressive Party, later became a Communist Party) at the U of Saskatchewan; party members George Taylor (??) and Clifford Pit (??); WWII conscription among Ukrainians in Canada; Svystun; Orest Savchuk; UNO; Samoskiinyky; Kushnir; CUC; internment of Communists; Raymond Davis/Shohan (??); Veletskyi (??); Workers Benevolent Association; Strilets’ka Hromada; Svystun and Khrushchev; Tim Buck (??); Kolasky went to Ukraine in 1963 till 1965 - disillusionment; Kravchuk and Prokopchyk (??); Kolasky wrote a book after his visit - the scandal; Biletskyi (??).

Part 3: His book and the scandal around it; AUC (Association of Ukrainian Canadians) name change; DPs coming and Canadian Communists being against it - Prokopchyk report to the Convention; a bomb in a building (??); Guzenko (??); UNO; DPs matters; officer Robertson (??); Simpson (??) and his interest in Ukraine; Watson Crocomlain (???); Prof. Pavliuchenko; Mykhailo Hetman (??); ULFTA and Hetmantsi; Bosyi (??) in Montreal; Dr. Mandryka; Vasylyshyn from UNO; Julian Stechyshyn as the most able of brothers, Mykhailo Stechyshyn, Myroslav Stechyshyn; John Solomon (??); Panchuk; Hlynka and Kushnir supporting DPs coming to Canada; Volodymyr Kokhan; DPs’ impact on Ukrainian community; the fate of Ukrainians in Canada; Ted Kardash (??); Soviet Secret Police, sending books through Society for Cultural Relations.

Part 4: Sending books through the Society for Cultural Relations; stealing documents in Ukraine; Dziuba; he was arrested in Ukraine; writing to Senator Yuzyk and Mykola Hnativ in Winnipeg, Stechyshyn, Pohoreliv; Dr. Kysylevs’kyi (??); Shevchenko monument as a means of raising prestige.

Kolysher, Peter
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c108 · Item · 19 Aug. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Real name - Kolyshir; came to Canada on June 8, 1928, to Saskatoon; was conscripted to the army in 1925-1926; was born in a village near Kolomyia; was born in 1903; there were many people in Saskatoon from his village; Prosvita Hall in Saskatoon; Mohyla Institute; Strilets’ka Hromada; 1932 - Bratske Tovarystvo katolykiv; Bosyi in Hetmanska hromada, Kolysher was its secretary; members paid $3 per year; Het’manets’ moved to Saskatoon in 1937; Julian Stechyshyn; Zarebko (??) and Lypyns’kyi; CUC and Het’mantsi; bezrobitna orhanizatsiia pry parafii; Fr. Hrebiniuk; CUC, Pravoslavna hromada, UNO, Hetmanska orhanizatsiia in Saskatoon; Bratstvo ukrainskykh katolykiv; Bosyi; a visit of Het’manets’; Kosar; Ukrainian Communists; rentin Book store for meetings of UNO and Strilets’ka hromada; at a farm near Evton (??) organized a viddil of ??????; BUC (??) appeared in 1932; Panchuk.

Part 2: (talking about people on a picture): Fedir Konoval’chuk; Fr. Mykhaylo Palekh (??); Petro Kulyshir; Koval’chuk; Vasyl’tsiv; Kushniryk; Stefan Hnalyi (??) - his son is married to Savaryn’s daughter; Shalyi (??); Sasyns’kyi (??); Ivan Kostiuns’kyi (??); Saranchuk; Fedir Ralyk (??); Ivan Shchublyk (??); Ivan Derba; Mykola Shabaga (??); Petro Krylets’kyi (???); creation of BUC in Saskatoon in 1932; Samostiinyky and Orthodox church; CUC creation, Fr. Kushnir; Prof. George Simpson; Corconal (??); Dr. Pavliuchenko; Prof. Andrusyshyn; Congresses of CUC; Ukrainian Canadians during WWI and WWII; DPs coming to Canada (expectations and reality); meetings of the Het’mantsi; Mykhailo Het’man; women in Het’mans’ka orhanizatsiia (Anna Ravs’ka) but no women’s section; Bosyi; Dobrovil’ne Tovarystvo was created on November 5, 1936 (parafiial’nis pravy) as a helping medium, Pushchak (??) - one of the founders of BUC; Kosar; Kredytova spilka in 1937; Vasyl’tsiv was the Head; Tkachuk; helping Karpats’ka Ukraina.

Konopka, Olga
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c109 · Item · 18 Aug. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Born on July 14 (??) 1906 in a village of Pidhorody (??), Rohatyn povit; she is Greek-Catholic; her father was a farmer but her mother’s brothers were judges and priests; Olga finished school and started a gymnasium when her father died; she was an amature artist and also sang in a church choir; persecution of Ukrainian language; came to Canada in 1930; worked in a cooperatyv; Prosvita; Pacification in Western Ukraine; went to Canada through England and Germany; UNO; married in 1930; sent her children to a Ukrainian school; in 1933 she joined the OUN in Canada; Samostiinyky and BUC causing troubles for OUN; Het’mantsi; Kormanevych (??); Kapustians’kyi (??); Fr Pelekh; discrimination against Ukrainians in Canada; UNO (??) Hall; women’s section in UNO; Kosar and his attitudes toward DPs; influence of DPs; Vynnychenko (??); Ridna shkola (50-60 students); Novyi shliakh moving to Winnipeg; CUC, Prof. Simpson; Prof. Phillips; Communists; why UNO “ob’iednannia”; future of Ukrainians in Canada.

Konopka, Volodymyr
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c110 · Item · 18 Aug. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born in 1906 in a village of Pidhorody, Rohatyn povit; came to Canada in 1928, to Saskatoon; immediately got a job in the organization of Ukrainian Catholics; Kosar; was offered to be a member of the Strilets’ka hromada but he could not accept; before his emigration was persecuted; Oleksa Hnatiuk; Ivashchuk; he worked at the Hnatiuk’s restaurant; Sushko taught them History; Verbyts’kyi; visit of Konovalets’ in 1939; Strilets’ka hromada; General Korbanovych (??); Fr. Ivashko (??); priests against nationalism back then; CUC, Prof. Simpson and Prof. Chekailo (??); Het’mantsi; Samostiinyky; Novyi shliakh; attepts to free Bandera in 1934.

Part 2: Raising money to free Bandera in 1934; Novyi shliakh; Dr. Pohoretskyi (??); big UNO community; Ridna shkola; 1st Head - Kotliarovs’kyi; Konopka was on committees; Kosar; UNO; Mrs. Pavliuchenko; WWII, Communists; Prof. Pavliuchenko; Sushko and Hrybins’kyi were sent to Ukraine surreptitiously; secret channels of information from Ukraine; Vasylyshyn, member of UVO and OUN; Banerivtsi; DPs and their political affiliations, Proshak; Komitet vidrodzhennia UNO.

Korchinski, Bronislav
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c111-112 · Item · 3 Oct. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born on December 25, 1905 in Canada, in (???); his father was a church deacon; parents taught him Ukrainian language at home (no school back then); then public High School, then he went to St. Joseph College; had a teacher’s training there and become a teacher in Regina (no Ukrainian community at that time); he and Ivan Myrobyn (??) organized Ukrainian choir, amature theater, weekly concerts; Mykhailo Tutish (??) active organizer; Korchinski’s father was active in the community; WWI - Ukrainians as aliens; Bishop Budka’s arrest; Fr. Boskyi (??); discrimination towards Ukrainians after WWI; Lutsyk’s story of conscription and Bishop Zherebko (??); Svystun; Orthodox vs Catholic church fights; Korchinski started teaching in 1924, problems with Ukrainian classes; Fr. Savchuk calling him to Hafford; Shklianka (??) the School Principal; Hunchak; Volodymyr Bosyi (??), polkovnyk Shapoval - Het’man Skoropads’kyi; Strilets’ka hromada.

Part 2: Het’mantsi’s idea in Canada; Strilets’ka hromada, Sokil; Bosyi; Fr Pelekh (??); Festyvali (vystupy ta promovy); Communists in Robitnychyi Dim, Lapchuk from KGB; 1927 - Canadian Convention, Communists planned to take over; creation of BUC - Fr. Semchuk (??), Mohyla Institute, political fights, Mamchur (???) the teacher, Bilins’kyi (??), Bayda (??), Stratiichuk (??); Samostiinyky and issues between Orthodox and Catholics; CUC creation, Zherebko; Fr. Savchuk; Danylo Skoropads’kyi’s picture; Mykhailo Het’man; Shapoval; Mykhailo Soltys (??); WWII - Korchinski was conscripted in the Army.

Part 3: WWII - selling war bonds (??) in 1941; was sent to Vancouver; London, UCSA (Ukrainian Canadian Service Association); Khmara (??); Panchuk and the DP question; Chaplains Fr. Savchuk and Fr. Pelekh; Dr. Korol’s’kyi (??); Sichovi stril’tsi, UNO; CUC Congresses; Fr. Izhyk (??); Ukrains’kyi Narodnyi soiuz; a lawyer Dr. Luzhyns’kyi (??); Volodymyr Bosyi; Fr. Savchuk, BUC; Fr. Kushnir; Senator Yuzyk; Het’mantsi; Korchinski’s federal job in 1967; he is married and has 4 children.

Korda, Wasyl
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c115 · Item · 17 Aug. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born in a village of Ruda (??), povit Rohatyn (??), in 1896; he is Orthodox but family was Catholic in Ukraine; he had 4 siblings; his mother was Mariia Kukuruz (nee); his father was Dmytro Korda; he finished the village school; in 1915 he was conscripted in the army - was in Austria, in cavalry; in 1917 went to the Italian front; Ukrains’ki vyzvol’ni zmahannia - Ukrains’ka halyts’ka armiia; Polish prison; life under Poland; Jewish question; came to Canada for economic reasons in 1926 - he was the first in his village to go; had to borrow $200 for the travel; came through Hamburg; work and life of a new immigrant in Canada.

Part 2: Life and work in Canada in the beginning, no help from Ukrainians; working for a German man; he became a member of the Strilets’ka hromada in 1936, was a Secretary there; Strilets’ka hromada’s Hall; fights with the Orthodox community; UNO, fights with Communists; Fr. Kubert (???); Het’mantsi; Banderivtsi; Communists in Saskatoon; a school in Natsional’nyi Dim (teachers nuns, Kosareva (??), Babuts’ka (??), Chepans’ka (??), Romanova (??); Kormanovych (??); Konovalets’; Sushko; Tusal’s’kyi (??); DPs; Novyi shliakh moving to Winnipeg, Kosar; Pavliuchenko; Komitet Vidrodzhennia UNO in 1959-60, riot; his wife’s nee is Papirko, she is from the same village Ruda, was present during the interview.

Kozicky, Helen
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c117 · Item · 5 Jul. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born in Calgary on February 6, 1916; her mother came to Canada as a 2 y.o. Child and her father was 18 when he came; Greek-Catholic family; during the Russian revolution her uncles and father came first to the USA and then to Canada; her father was a president of the Ukrainian church; her mother grew up in Vegreville, could not write, she belonged to the Catholic Women’s League; Het’mantsi, Helena personally knew Danylo Skoropads’kyi; UNO; Mr. Korol’ (??) was a Sotnyk at Het’mantsi, Paul Bayrak (??); Mr. Kupchyk (??) belonged to the National’ne ob’iednannia; Mykhailo Hetman (??); she went to Catholic school, did not finish the High School; she was a female vice-president of the Legion; she is the only female Sergeant Major in the Calgary ???????; Catholic vs Orthodox church; meeting Savchuk overseas; in November 1942 she went overseas as a Sergeant; there were 8 women from each Province; took a course on driving a vehicle and repairing it; Alberta Women’s Service Corp; Skoropads’kyi’s visit in 1948; John Didora (??); ULFTA and Het’mantsi; First Female Contingent overseas to provide services for the Headquarters; Ukrainian Canadian Services Association was established in 1944; Ukrainian Club in London - Chernevskyi (??) the President; Fr. Horoshko (??); Kozicky was the Secretary of the Club for 2 years; Panchuk as a Director of the Club.

Part 2: Panchuk as a Director of the Club; Emily from Vegreville; Fr. Savchuk, Fr. Horoshko and several others having meeting after which Panchuk resigned; Fr. Horoshko; CUC supporting the Club; Tony Yaremovych (??); 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Legion celebrated in Winnipeg - Ukrainian Branch hosted them; her name in Ukrainian is Kuzyts’ka; UCLA (??) and Vorobets’ (??); Yuzyk (??), Panchuk, Khraplyva (??) - sent information to the Orthodox in Canada; Peter Vorobets’ (??); Frolyk (??); Danylo Skoropads’kyi and his protege Korostovets’ (??); Frolyk the glamour boy; her discharge from the Army; DPs; Dr. Bohdan Mykhalyshyn (??); Dr. Stan Roshevskyi (???); Panchuk; Fr. Kushnir; Fr. Horoshko; Tony; John Yuzyk; Kozicky now travels with the Association of Wealthy People; her father went to the USA in order to avoid conscription in the Russian Army; DPs.

Kulyk, Andriy
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c142 · Item · Dec. 1, 1982
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born in Ukraine; refuses to provide his DOB; he is Orthodox now but his relatives who came to Canada around 1907 were Greek-Catholic; his family settled on a farm in Saskatchewan, to the South of Saskatoon; in 1917 Kulyk went to the Petro Mohyla Institute in Saskatoon; he was teaching several years to get money for his tuition; because of lack of money, graduated in 1932; then came to Winnipeg, worked for the Ukrainian Voice for a year; in 1940 found a job in Income Tax (hold it for 25 years); studying Ukrainian at a school; life at the Mohyla Institute; Svystun; Stechyshyn; religious life at the Institute; in 1939 was a vice Rector of the Institute; was a secretary of SUMC; Bohdan Panchuk was his student; SUMC was an active organization before WWII; SUS; Sichovi stril’tsi; UNO; Konovalets’, Mel’nyk and meeting with him - a meeting in 1931; Arsenych; Prof. Bilets’kyi (??); Het’mantsi; Dr. Datskiv; ULFTA; physical altercations with Communists; Ukrains’kyi natsional’nyi komitet; Komitet dopomohy Karpats’kiy Ukraini; 2 Committees of CUC; Kushnir; creation of CUC; Pavliuchenko, Kosar; confiscating property of LFTA; conscription debate; Ukrains’ko-kanads’kyi dopomohovyi komitet.

Part 2: DPs coming to Canada; Samostiinyky; Liha vyzvolennia Ukrainy; Ukrains’ka natsional’na rada; Kushnir; Kosar; Fr. Savchuk; Datskiv; Dr. Mandryka; Kokhan; BUC.

Kupchak, Alex
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c118 · Item · 1 Apr. 1984
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born on March 14, 1919 in a village of Kupchakivka (??), Subcarpathia; his father was a member of Chytal’nia; his father served in the Austrian army and fought on various fronts; Ukrainians and Poles living next to each other; Pacification events; relations between Ukrainians and Jews; his school was built under Poland - anti-Ukrainian attitudes of teachers; his father died and left many debts, Alex had to work hard and pay those off; went to attend a revolutionary course (??) in Mykulychyn in 1937, then in Verkhovyna.

Part 2: Germans annexing the Sudetes; Transcarpathian Sichovi stril’tsi; he came back after finishing his studies; in 1939 the Poles ran away and Soviets came, a Jew, Reich coming to organize life in his village; organizing the local militsia; repressions; Alex ran away, crossed the border to Poland on the San River; getting to a refugee camp in Cracow under Germans; signed up for work in Germany and got to Bransbaid (???) (thousands of workers in a camp there building planes); then moved to Berlin, got a job in a publishing house (??); Alex was a zv’azkovyi in Berlin for a nationalist organization (??); in location Marionfild (??) was a students’ meeting.

Kurdydyk, Anatol
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c119 · Item · 20 Jan. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Born on July 24, 1905; his father was a Ukrainian priest; Anatol was the oldest of 7 children; father died of typhus soon after the WWI when Anatol was 14; after school, he studied at a bursa and was very poor; was composing poetry early in life - published his first works while at the 8 Grade; was multilingual; was arrested and wrote poetry in a prison; Bohdan Pidhainyi (???); Mykola Romanovych (??); belonged to a partisan Plast organization (and arrested for it); UPA; Ukrains’ka viis’kova orhanizatsia; Ukrains’ka Halyts’ka armiia; poet Chushko (??); Communist and Nationalist circles in classes; Anatol hang political leaflets; had good grades and enrolled in Law studies; was conscripted in the army and was serving for the kasovyi starshyna (??); publishing his poems in the Ukrainian press (Novyi chas, 1928); his book The Land (1964).

Part 2: Arrest and a prison in Berezhany; starving in protest; OUN; gymnasium hard life, earning money by writing; studies at the Lviv University; working at the newspapers, censorship; Halychyna population supporting OUN; Communists and Soviet power; OUN ideology and general political situation; OUN and Jews; him being arrested by Polish army in 1927; Druzhyny ukrains’kykh natsionalistiv’s methods; OUN network; Kokhan, UNDO (??); Sokal’shchyna - bastion natsionalizmu; Paliy (??) - UNO; Romaniv in Sokal’; Kurdydyk was wounded and transferred to Ukrainian lands under Germans; Poles and Jews; a prison in Korostiv (??).

Kuzan, Semen
CA BMUFA 0021-K-2008.024.c120 · Item · 19 Sep. 1983
Part of CIUS oral history project

Part 1: Churches in Oshawa; Starshevs’kyi (??) the great person; Sosnovs’kyi; Alberman (??); Strielts’ka hromada in Edmonton; rivalry between Hlynka and Decore; building a Hall; Senator Yuzyk; Magera (???); Laybak (???); Stechyshyn, “Kredo”; Kosar; Hlytay (??); posviachennia praporu Sichovykh stril’tsiv by Colonnel Kurmanovcyh (??).

Part 2: Pavliuk (??); Colonel Moran (??); DPs and conflicts with them; Mel’nykivtsi taking over the UNO; Pavliuchenko; Kosar; Yuzyk; Semen Hladun (??); Kosar as a Head of UNO; Dmytro Suvanets’ (??) from Edmonton; Pohoretskyi (??) the Editor; Vasyl’ Rulyk (??); publishing house moving from Saskatoon to Winnipeg, buying a building for it; usunennia Kosaria; editor of “Slovo”, Rossokha (??); 1960 - Komitet na ozdorovlennia UNO in Winnipeg; Klub ukrains’kykh-kanadiis’kykh voiakiv; Davydovych; Andrukhovych in Saskatoon (son of a priest) in RCMP; CUC; Kosar as a unifier.