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16 All-Time Polish Polkas
16 All-Time Polish Polkas
17 Popular Ukrainian dances: Veseli tantsi
17 Popular Ukrainian dances: Veseli tantsi
21 Songs for Ukrainian Children
21 Songs for Ukrainian Children
65 littia
65 littia
A Musical tribute to Ukrainian dance
A Musical tribute to Ukrainian dance
A na vesni: In the Spring
A na vesni: In the Spring
A Salute to Ukrainian Music and Song
A Salute to Ukrainian Music and Song
A Ukrainian Christmas house party with the Royal Polka Kings and relatives
A Ukrainian Christmas house party with the Royal Polka Kings and relatives
Anatolii Mokrenko: Ukrains'ki narodni pisni
Anatolii Mokrenko: Ukrains'ki narodni pisni
Andrij Kikot with Orchestra and Chorus: On Tour in Canada
Andrij Kikot with Orchestra and Chorus: On Tour in Canada
Babas & didos favorites
Babas & didos favorites
Banned in USSR
Banned in USSR
Bass Arias and Monologues
Bass Arias and Monologues
Beriska and other Ukrainian songs
Beriska and other Ukrainian songs
Beyond the horizon: Za nebokraiem
Beyond the horizon: Za nebokraiem
Bill Prokopchuk in Nashville with Ken Sauverwald
Bill Prokopchuk in Nashville with Ken Sauverwald
By the fireside with Radomskys Orchestra along with the vocal stylings of George & Jean
By the fireside with Radomskys Orchestra along with the vocal stylings of George & Jean
Byelorussian dances, volume II
Byelorussian dances, volume II
Century: Sound and Music
Century: Sound and Music