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CA BMUFA 0005 · Collection · 1960-1970

David Goberman photograph collection consists of several thousand photographs, taken in 1960-1970, that feature material culture and architecture of Bukovyna, Transcarpathia, and Galicia.

Poster collection
CA BMUFA 0022 · Collection · 1960-2016

The Poster collections consists of 919 posters advertising various dance events as well as Ukrainian community events across Canada: festivals, dance and choir concerts, lectures and presentations, and many other.

Ivan Stadnyk collection
CA BMUFA 0052 · Collection · 1960s-1980s

The collection contains ephemera collected from various Ukrainian Canadian community events in Edmonton, area, and other location across Canada, publications, and art cards.

CA BMUFA 0030 · Collection · 2009

Maryna Hrymych was part of the team of four scholars who went to Brazil in May 2009 together with Andriy Nahachewsky, Serge Cipko and John Lehr. The goal of this research trip was to explore history, daily life, cultural landscape and traditional culture of Ukrainians in Brazil. Ukrainians started immigrating to Brazil in the end of the 19th century and settled mostly in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina. After the trip, all four researchers donated their photographs to the Bohdan Medwidsky Ukrainian Folklore Archives.

CA BMUFA 0285 · Collection · 1961-2008

The collection consist of documents related to the Kalyna Country project collected by the Government of Alberta advisor for Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Bill Tracy. It includes materials of the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society, Kalyna Country Destination Marketing organization, Shandro museum and Lakusta museum.

The Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Project was initiated in 1990 as a joint undertaking by the then Department of Culture and Multiculturalism and the Candian Institute of Ukrainian studies. Conceptually the Ecomuseum was to preserve and develop the heritage resources - both cultural and natural - of a 15,000 square kilometer portion of East Central Alberta which was primarily settled at the turn of the century by Ukrainian pioneers. In 1992 the residents of the area organized themselves into a non-profit association called the “Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society”. The Board of Directors of the Society were drawn from across the entire ecomuseum which has been divided into “electoral districts”. The Society had undertaken various research and promotional projects.

Kalyna Country Ecomuseum is a “heritage” and eco-tourism district, “living” outdoor museum in rural East Central Alberta.

Officially, Kalyna Country comprises Sturgeon County, Thorhild County, Smoky Lake County, the County of St. Paul No. 19, the County of Vermilion River, the County of Two Hills No. 21, the County of Minburn No. 27, Beaver County, Lamont County, and Strathcona County and many of the neighbouring urban municipalities, Indian reserves and Metis settlements.

CA BMUFA 0287 · Collection · 1963 - 2001

The collection is composed of еtwo groups of materials. Namely, the St. John the Baptist Church books, and self-published family histories.
The following books from the Peace River Country Collection are added to the Kule Folklore Centre library:

  1. Калинчук, Микола. Де ставок та млинок. Оповідання. Обгортка й рисунки С. Гординського. ЛЬвів: Видавництво "Вікна," 1930 (has a stamp of the Branch Youth Section Ukrainian Labor-Temple Association and the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, High Prairie Branch;
  2. Настасівський М. Українська іміграція в Сполучених Державах. Ню Йорк: Видання Союзу українських робітничих організацій, 1934 (a stamp of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, Wolyn Branch);
  3. Луговий Ол. Визначне Жіноцтво України. Історичні життєписи у чотирьох частинах. Торонто: Український робітник, 1942 (a stamp of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, Wolyn Branch).
CA BMUFA 0009 · Collection · 1964-1965

Collection consists of Ukrainian folk songs and stories recorded by R. Klymasz during 1964-1965 at various locations in the Prairie Provinces and Ontario.

Lys Mykyta collection
CA BMUFA 0096 · Collection · 1966-1982

The collection consists of 147 issues of the satirical and humour magazine "Lys Mykyta" published in Detroit by Edward Kozak. He started publishing it in 1948, after he emigrated to Germany after the WWII. In 1949 he settled in the United States, and resumed publishing Lys Mykyta in 1951.

0296 · Collection · 1966-1995

The collection includes:

  • club information and constitution
  • membership rosters
  • minutes of general, annual and executive meetings
  • materials of various organizational committees
  • Narrative and financial reports
  • Incoming and outgoing correspondence
  • constitution and other materials of the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Businessmen's Federation
  • materials of UPBC and UPBA from Kamloops, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg
  • material of conventions
  • materials of bilingual program
  • newsletters
  • newspaper clippings
  • minutes and other materials of Ukrainian Bilingual Association
CA BMUFA 0299 · Collection · 1967-1990

The collection consists of textual records: meeting minutes, financial statements, annual reports, promotion plans, correspondence, handwritten notices of meetings, extensive personal notes by P.Savaryn interpreting and capturing events, newsletters, and one photo of Savaryn’s family. The collection is composed of seven Series.

CA BMUFA 0001 · Collection · 1970s - 1980s

Collection consists of photographs depicting Byzantine rite churches in rural Alberta.

CA BMUFA 0294 · Collection · 1970-1999

The collection consists of the follow publications related to multiculturalism and bilingual education:

  • Вісник Світового Конґресу Вільних Українців 1981
  • Засвоєння української. Порадник / Ukrainian Acquisition Gadres I-VI Alberta Education 1977
  • Славутич, Яр. Нова Дійсність Нове Майбутнє. XVII Конґрес Українців Канади Ukrainian Canadian Congress Headquorters 1992
  • Українська мова за зорово-слуховою методою Ukrainian Canadian Committee 1968
  • Український Учитель в Канаді Бюлетень Крайового Центру Шкільних Рад при Комітеті Українців Канади 1981-1984
  • ACCENT Newsletter of the Southern Alberta Heritage Language Association 1992
  • Alberta Modern Language Journal, the Multicultural Education Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association 1983-1996
  • Alberta Parents for Ukrainian Education Newsletter. Батьківський Комітет Сприяння Українській Освіті в Альберті 1991
  • Biculturalism?? A Multicultural Policy for Saskatchewan 1973
  • Bilash, Olenka. Why Bilingual Education? The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. The English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program ; Bilingualism 1978-1979
  • Bilingual Education in Alberta. An Information Package Prepared for Participants in the Colloquium on Bilingual Education in Alberta Alberta Education. Language Service 1986
  • Building Canada. Third National Conference on Multicultural and Intercultural Education. Building the Bridges; Alberta Association for Multicultural Education 1987
  • Bulletin Alberta Cultural Heritage Council 1975-1977
  • Bulletin Canadian Council for Multicultural and Intercultural Education 1982
  • Bulletin Canadian Ethnic Studies Association 1984
  • Bulletin: Infoaction Commissioner of official Languages 1994
  • Canadian Plains Bulletin Canadian Plains Research Center 1988-1991
  • CEESSA Bulletin Central and Eastern European Studies Society of Alberta 1986
  • Collaborator Educational Quality Indicators 1989
  • Communications Alberta Education; Communications Branch 1977-1978
  • CPF National Newsletter Canadian Parents for French 1983
  • CUE: Communications Update for Educators Access Network 1989-1990
  • Cultural Contact: Arts & Multiculturalism Newsletter Edmonton Parks and Recreation 1989-1993
  • Cultures Canada Multiculturalism Canada; Multiculturalism Directorate, Department of the Secretary of State 1985
  • Current Second Language and Bilingual (Partial Immersion) Program Activities in Alberta Alberta Education. Language Services 1987
  • Dialogue: A Newsletter of the Teaching of English and French as Second Languages Council of Ministers of Education 1983
  • EMS Members Bulletin Edmonton Multicultural Society 1996
  • Ethic Review Edmonton Multicultural Society 1985-1986
  • Ethno Canada Canadian Ethnocultural Council 1990
  • Evaluation of a Ukrainian-English Bilingual Program Edmonton Catholic School 1975-1977
  • Foundation News A Semi-Annual Newsletter for Friends and Supporters of the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies 1998
  • Good News (letter) Ukrainian Bilingual Association of Alberta 1996
  • Heritage Language Bulletin National Heritage Language Resource Unit 1985
  • Heritage Link ___ 1986
  • Images of Our Culture: Multicultural Films in Education from the National Film Board of Canada National Film Board of Canada 1981
  • Infocus Alberta Education 1988-1991
  • Information Bulletin Alberta Education 1987
  • ISLC Newletter ISLC; Intercultural and Second Languages Council 1999
  • Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education Inc. Newsletter . 1984-1989
  • Meta A Left Wing Discussion Journal 1979
  • Mosaic éditions SOLEIL publishing inc. 1993-1995
  • Multicultural Connections Edmonton Multicultural Society 1990
  • Multicultural Education Journal the Multicultural Education Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association 1997
  • Multicultural News Grant MacEwan Community College 1986-1987
  • Multiculturalism Multiculturalism Canada; Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism 1975-1983
  • Multiculturalism Canadian Multiculturalism - Equity 1989
  • Multiculturalism (MC) Canadian Coucil for Multicultural & Intercultural Education 1983-1984
  • Multiculturalism (Profile BC) BC Multi Culturalism; Province of British Columbia; Ministry of Provincial Secretary 1991
  • Multinews Minister Reponsible for Multiculturalism 1977
  • Native Education in Alberta: Alberta Native People's View on Native Education Alberta Education 1987
  • Networks Global Education 1988-1991
  • New Challenges Ukrainian Canadian Congress Alberta Provincial Council 1993
  • New Horizons National and International Education 1994
  • Newsletter of the Alberta Teacher's Association Multicultural Education Council of the Alberta Teacher's Association 1989-1996
  • Newsletter of the Canadian Multicultural Educational Foundation CMEF; Canadian Multicultural Educational Foundation 1998
  • Newsletter Бюлетень Ukrainian Resource and Development Center 1987
  • Northern Alberta Heritage Language Association Newsletter 1993-1994
  • Ovation Alberta Education 1989-1991
  • Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages (PNCFL) Newsletter/ Conference Materials PNCFL ; 1982-1994
  • Presunka, Peter. Bicultural Retreat. Planning for Nationhood Canada's Choice 1966-1967
  • Saskatoon Multicultural Council Newsletter / Outreach Inc. 1983-1984
  • Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages newsletter 1988-1996
  • Secound Languages Bulletin Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers 1993
  • Speak Up, Speak Out! A Conference on Language Opportunities and Issues of National and Provincial Importance, Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages Inc. 1994
  • Spectrum Alberta Multicultural Commission 1987-1989
  • Steppes Through Time Alberta Ukrainian Canadian Centennial Committee 1990-1991
  • Supplementary Resources for Instruction in Ukrainian. A Service Publication Alberta Education 1979
  • Survey of Second Language Program Enrolments Alberta Learning; Enhancing Language Learning 1999 (?)
  • Svitovyd Ukrainian Bilingual Program 1979-1983
  • Teaching in a Language Other Than English: The Immersion Approach Alberta Education. Language Service 1983
  • TEMA Saskatchewan Teachers of Ukrainian 1970?-1989
  • The Alberta Ethnic Language Teachers' Association Newsletter (Northern Branch) 1982
  • The Bilingual Family Newsletter Multilingual Maters 1985
  • The Canadian Modern Language Review The Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association 1977
  • The Courier MLC; Modern Language Council Newsletter 1978-1996
  • The Future of Ukrainian-Canadians in Quebec. Monreal Conference The Federal Government of Canada; Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Robert Bourassa 1972
  • The JETAA No Namae Shimbun 1994
  • Together Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada 1992
  • Trembita Ukrainian Language Program; Edmonton Catholic School 1977-1991
  • Ukrainian Bilingual Association of Alberta Newsletter 1984
  • Ukrainian Canadian Social Services Newsletter (Edmonton) 1989
  • Ukrainian Language Association Newsletter/ Вісник Асоціація вчителів української мови 1973-1974
  • Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre Centrepieces/Newsletter MacEwan Community College 1987-1999
  • Ukrainian Supplementary Materials Teaching Materials Center 1981
Collection · 1970s-2000s

The collection consists of video recordings created during fieldwork by folklore students, graduate students, faculty, and other researchers associated with the Kule Folklore Centre.

CA BMUFA 0008 · Collection · 1971-1972

The goal of the “Saving Ukrainian Canadians’ Heritage” oral history project was to document stories of Ukrainian pioneers in the Prairie Provinces. The project was led by CYMK, and its digitization and revival are a collaboration between the Kule Folklore Centre and the Ukrainian Museum of Canada-Saskatoon. It consists of hundreds of hours of interviews conducted in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario from 1971-1972. There are also 700 photographs: some historical, and others – from the time of the project.
"Under the federal government sponsored plan for student employment "Opportunities for Youth", the Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association is sponsoring project "S.U.C.H."- Save the Ukrainian Canadian Heritage. This Association, which may be briefly designated as "C.Y.M.K" is a nationally based youth organization founded in 1931. Its prime aim is to foster, promote and develop in the national life of Canada the finest cultural elements and traditions of the Ukrainian people. The national office of CYMK, located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, serves as an information bureau, a programme source, public relations office and an organizer of various workshops, conferences and conventions.
"Project SUCH is research oriented. The main objective is to record and collect information and artifacts of historical and ethnological significance from various Ukrainian communities across eastern and Western Canada. This will be primarily accomplished by recorded interviews with Ukrainian pioneers and through public meetings to turn the attention of local youth and adults to the precious nature of their heritage.
"Specifically, the research will be carried out by talking to pioneer settlers, recording folklore, songs, traditions and pioneer accounts of life in Canada, collecting books, records and accounts of historical interest from the Ukrainian community.
"Fifteen students will be doing field work in Ukrainian communities throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario for the summer months, with an additional student coordinator in Saskatoon overseeing the entire project.
"The necessity for work of this nature has been evident for some time but lack of funds has impeded the realization to a great extent. This project as SUCH will provide and opportunity for our young students to make a valuable contribution to Canadian culture- to study the process of acculturation- preservation and adaptation of one's cultural heritage.
"As a result of this work various groups and agencies will benefit, e.g., universities, provincial tourist bureaus, Dominion and Provincial Archives and Museums, local Ukrainian community organizations and public libraries. It is therefore, sincerely hoped that the communities will welcome these young students and where necessary, provide assistance and support."

CA BMUFA 0268 · Collection · 1972 - 1989

The collection consists of records from the Ukrainian Music Association of Alberta. It contains various correspondence such as letters written by the UMAA from the years 1972 to 1984, letters written to the UMAA by various organizations and people such as the Alberta Culture Youth & Recreation, the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Yurii Kowalsky, Neonilla Dmytruk and others. Also contains newspaper clippings pertaining to the UMAA such as clipping about musical events: the Women's Singing Ensemble "Merezhi", the Dnipro Choir in Edmonton, news clippings about the Ukrainian-Canadian composer Yurii Fiyala, and more. Also contains financial records from the UMAA, and announcements to musical shows.

CA BMUFA 0303 · Collection · 1972

The collection consists of 22 original graphic works. They were created by Ukrainian graphic artists for the 250th anniversary of the birth of Hryhoriy Skovoroda. Each work is original and signed by the author. All images are in the same format.

CA BMUFA 0004 · Collection · 1973 - 1993

The Faculty Club Malanka collection features memorabilia from the annual Malanka that took place at the University of Alberta Faculty Club between January 13, 1973 and January 1993. Included in the collection are masks, programs and other ephemera related to the festivities. There are 20 masks worn by mummers for Malanka ’89. The masks were designed and created in December of 1988 by Meron Sembaliuk with the assistance of his father Paul Sembaliuk. Each mask was handmade, either with papier-mâché or from articles found around the home. Meron organized a group of his friends to take on the various characters associated with the event. Included were: Mark Ferbey (Malanka), Ihor Hlushok (Sun God), Vasyl Maluzynsky (Vasyl/soldier), Shannon Hohol (soldier), and Terry Taciuk (thief). Other characters included: a Bear, a Goat, a Gypsy, a Star, an Old Man, a Bird.

There is also a letter from Dr. Manoly Lupul addressed to the Faculty Club administration outlining menu requirements, plus program menus which were designed and printed by Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn. Decorations for the event included unique rushnyky (ritual towels) that were designed and created by Paul Sembaliuk with the assistance of his wife Pat Sembaliuk, and his children Larisa and her husband Mich, sons Philip, Meron, Yuri and youngest daughter Andrea. This collection has the rushnyk specifically worn by Roman Onufrijchuk, the master of ceremonies for Malanka ’77.

The first Malanka at the Faculty Club was hosted by Dr. Metro Gulutsan. In the years that followed MC’s were invited from within the Edmonton Ukrainian Community and beyond including: Roman Onufrijchuk and Myroslav Kohut.

Collection · 1974 - 1987

This collection consists of audio recordings and photographs. Recordings include news/talk shows, interviews conducted for CEESSA, and meetings and conference presentations from CEESSA. They cover diverse topics such as: problems in Central and Eastern European studies at the time and how universities and their departments function, immigration, politics, languages, daily life, life on the Canadian Prairies, life in Canada during WWII, CEESSA’s organization, goals, and projects.

CA BMUFA 0323 · Collection · 1974 - 2018

The collection consists of personal correspondence from relatives in Ukraine to the Waclawski family.

Cultural Immersion Camp Selo
CA BMUFA 0007 · Collection · 1974-1985

The collection consists of incorporation documents, applications and registration, reports, financial records, promotional materials, staff recruitment and program development records, and course materials.
