The collection consists of papers accumulated over the years by John Yaremko. It includes twenty-two letters from his nephew Mike Kotyk, ten letters from Mike Zahara, letters and postcards from Makuch, M. Mузика (M. Muzyka), Jackowsky, John Diakun, В. Вернюк (William Werniuk), Mike Lazoruk, and several letters from the government. There are also other documents such as tax payment receipts, meal tickets, the Workers' Benevolent Association of Canada membership card, unemployment relief card, 'notices of distress,' a filed lawsuit, etc. Yaremko's photo was taken around 1920s. His biography was written by Rose Kotyk in 2003.
Yaremko, John
1917-2003, predominantly 1920s-1930s
1963 - 2001
The collection is composed of еtwo groups of materials. Namely, the St. John the Baptist Church books, and self-published family histories.
The following books from the Peace River Country Collection are added to the Kule Folklore Centre library:
- Калинчук, Микола. Де ставок та млинок. Оповідання. Обгортка й рисунки С. Гординського. ЛЬвів: Видавництво "Вікна," 1930 (has a stamp of the Branch Youth Section Ukrainian Labor-Temple Association and the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, High Prairie Branch;
- Настасівський М. Українська іміграція в Сполучених Державах. Ню Йорк: Видання Союзу українських робітничих організацій, 1934 (a stamp of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, Wolyn Branch);
- Луговий Ол. Визначне Жіноцтво України. Історичні життєписи у чотирьох частинах. Торонто: Український робітник, 1942 (a stamp of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, Wolyn Branch).