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CA BMUFA 0272-6 · Série organique · 1975
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Mariia Iasen'. "Ukrains'kyi Patriotyzm." 19 marta 1975.
Incoming letters
CA BMUFA 0290-14 · Série organique · 1941-1974
Fait partie de Shevchenko Scientific Society of Western Canada collection

The series consists of the NTSH Edmonton branch incoming letters. Among others there are correspondence from:

  • Bohdan Bociurkiw (1959-1965)
  • Yulian Bucmaniuk (1958)
  • Nicholas Flak (1963-1964)
  • M. Hladyshevsky (1962-1964)
  • Mychailo Hutsulak (1959-1963)
  • Ivan Keywan (1958-1968)
  • Volodymyr Kubiiovych i Zenon Kuzela (1950-1958)
  • Lev Krypiakevych (1956-1959)
  • Basil Laba (1956-1962)
  • W. Lazorko (1963-1965)
  • O. Maslianyk (1957-1964)
  • I. Mirchuk (1956-1961)
  • Orest Starchuk (1956-1965)
  • Yar Slawutych (1961-1965)
  • Il. Chelowsky (1962)
  • Roman Smal-Stocki (1959-1964)
  • Volodymyr Yaniv (1955)
  • Stepania Zhmurkevych (1956-1962)
  • Eugene Wertyporoch (1954-1968)
  • official correspondence from NTSH in Toronto including financial and other reports, leaflets, programs of events, invitations, etc. (1951-1966)
  • official correspondence from NTSH in New York including reports, information about celebrations, book distributions, and conferences (1958-1974, n/d)
  • Letters form Canadian League for Ukraine's liberation (1941-1968)
  • Ukrainian professional Society of North America (1960)
  • Ukrainian Canadian Committee (1960-1964)
  • National conference of Canadian Slavs (1965-1967)
  • Union of Military Invalids, USA (1958)
CA BMUFA 0028-5 · Série organique · 1998
Fait partie de Canadian Ukrainian dance competitions project

The series consists of five interviews conducted by Jason Golinowski for his thesis research with Gwen Hanky, Rick Wacko, Matt Fedoruk, Shelia Wheatly, and Corinne Warwaruk.

CA BMUFA 0272-7 · Série organique · 1941-1973
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Vasyl' Kardash. [eulogy].
  2. Mariia Keivan. “Psykhol'ohiia dytyny u shkil'nomu vitsi
    ( 6-10 rokiv ).”
  3. Stepan Kylymnyk. “Prof. D-r Ievhen Vertyporokh” (Dopovid' na Iuvileї do 6o-richchia z dnia narodzhennia ta 30-richchia hromads'koї, i naukovoї diial'nosti Profesora D-ra Ievhena Vertyporokha, v Toronti, v dni 6 hrudnia 1958 roku).
  4. Olena Kysylivs'ka. “Ukraїns'kyi zhinochyi rukh - ioho pochatky i rozvii.”
  5. V. Iu. Kysilevs'kyi. Vnutrishnie pereselennia mis'kykh hrup i joho
  6. Mykola Klymyshyn. “Derzhavnyj akt 30-ho cherynia 1941.” Ditroit, 1 lypnia 1966.
  7. S. Klymkovych. “U sorokrichchia holodu v Ukraini.” 25 bereznia 1973.
  8. Olena Klymyshyn. “Uchast' bat'kiv u pedahohichnii praci svitlychky.”
  9. Mariia Kliachko. Promova dnia 29-ho lystopada v Niuarku z nahody Dnia Pomisnosty Ukrains'koi katolyc'koї сerkvy.
  10. Zvernennia. prof. O. Kul'chyc'koho do vsikh ukraintsiv dobroi voli
    na pivnichno-amerykans’komu kontynenti i vsikh hromads'ko-kulturnykh pratsivnykiv. Sarsel', 12.2.1964.
  11. O.Kul'chyts'kyi. “Pid znakom spivpratsi Tserkvy i Nauky : Prohrama tsykliu vykladiv."
  12. Kohut Myhhailo. “Ivan Shevchuk ne zhyve. Tragichnyi vypadok.”
  13. Kinasevych Maria. "Vukhovne znachennia zvychok," dopovid' vyholoshena na Vykhovnomu Seminari v Toronti, 29 zhovtnia 1961. (Svitova federatsiia Ukraїns'kukh zhinochykh orhanizatsii. Vukhovna Komisiia v kanadi).
  14. Zonia Keivan. "Obzhyvaiemosia."
Kalyna Country project
CA BMUFA 0285-1 · Série organique · 1990-2008
Fait partie de Bill and Michelle Tracy Kalyna Country collection

The series contains working papers pertaining to the founding and development of the Kalyna Country project including Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society, Kalyna Country Destination Marketing organization, and other constitutive parts of the project. These documents include (but are not limited to):

  • grant applications,
  • meeting minutes,
  • bylaws,
  • development strategies,
  • action plans,
  • budgets,
  • receipts of money transfers,
  • variety of reports,
  • certificate about changes of the objectives,
  • lists of board directors, executive officers, and other members of the administration,
  • extensive correspondence,
  • materials of conference meetings,
  • clippings of newspaper publications about Kalyna Country project,
  • a brief history of the organization,
  • biographies of prominent people, writers, politicians, and artists, born in the territories constituting the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum: Michael Gowda, Illia Kiriak, Kupchenko family, Kostash family, Joseph Yasenchuk, William Kurylek, Michael Luchkovich among others,
  • set of visitor's and events guides and booklets.

There are also several folders organized by the creator containing the following documents:

  • "An Alphabetical Concordance to the Central and East European Place Names in the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Area"
  • Native peoples (Cree)
  • Fur trade posts and Missions
  • "Centennial Landscaping and Highway beautification project east Yellowhead Highway Corridor," a brief prepared by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Alberta Provincial Council
  • Building condition report, Ukrainian Church, Smoky Lake, Alberta. Prepared for the Facilities Management Division.

Gordon Gordey documents his dance libretto and director’s vision in Ukrainain, including performance photographs, for the creation of a contemporary original dance theatre work titled Eve of Kupalo - a Midsummer’s Night Mystery Masque. This dancework was created for The Ukrainian Shumka Dancers of Canada. Eve of Kupalo – a Midsummer’s Night Mystery Masque premiered at the 2,700 seat Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on March 19, 2009. Since then it has toured across Canada and has toured to China, where it played 22 performances in major theatres in 14 cities carrying the Kupalo metaphor of the spirituality of renewal, ritual, and love.

First Draft Concept/Libretto was created in 2007.
Premiere Performance, Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton: March 19, 2009.

CA BMUFA 0272-8 · Série organique · 1950-1989
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. Liha Vyzvolennia Ukrainy. “Vsi nashi syly na dopomohu Ukraini! Stanovychshe Svitovoro Ukrains'koho Vyzvol'noho Frontu skhvalene II z'їzdon v dniakh 30-31 zhovtnia 1972 v Toronti, Kanada.
  2. Andrij Lishchynskyi. “Sviatyj Volodymyr Velykyi” (referat). Bratstvo Ukraintsiv Katolykiv, Edmonton, lypen'-serpen' 1950. - 2 copies
  3. “Obrazotvorcha vystavka P.Lopaty.”
  4. Levko Luk'ianenko. "Nashe pravo do nezalezhnosty" vystup na ustanovchomu z'їzdi NRUPU v Kyievi, 8-10 veresnia 1989.
Lahola's Community Life in Canada
CA BMUFA 0269-4 · Série organique · 1904 - 1996
Fait partie de Ivan Lahola collection

Files 51 to 81 contain files from Lahola's Community Life in Canada. Includes Lahola's collection of information from UCAMA, the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, RUKH, SUSK, KYK/UCC - Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Ukrainska Narodna Pomich (Ukrainian National Assistance), Ukrainian Canadian Social Services, various Ukrainian churches, St. Michael's Extended Care Centre, Canadian League for the Liberation of Ukraine, UVAN, Ukrainian Cultural & Educational Centre, Ukrainian Book Store, Ukrainian Musical Society of Edmonton, Ukrainian Woman's Organization of Canada, St. John's Institute, Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Edmonton Eparchy, Organization for the Broadening of Ukrainian Language and Culture in Alberta, SUM, PLAST, Ukrainian National Home in Edmonton, Orhanizatsia Ukrainskoho Vyzvolenoho Frontu, Buh River Region 9 Association, Past Ukrainian Political Prisoners, Ukrainian Association of Political Prisoners and the Repressed, Against Dishonouring the Ukrainian Liberation Movement, Brotherhood of the Veterans of the 1st Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army, World league of Ukrainian Political Prisoners, Fort Edmonton, and the Ukrainian Bilingual Program.

Files 82 to 104 contain brochures from various Ukrainian function. Includes brochures from Ukrainian dance groups, Shevchenko concerts, misc. cultural events/concerts (non-religious), Doctor's Congress: East Meets West, Harvard, Easter Concert (1977), church bulletins, misc. banquet programs, Ukrainian Settlement in Alberta, Ukrainian Festival, Ukrainian National Federation, religious events, anniversary banquets for various priests, Ukrainian Canadian Centennial Festival, celebrations commemorating various people, Ukrainian nationalist events, exhibits/literature events, opera programs, L'viv - Commemoration of 50 years since Ukraine was free, OYH, misc. English brochures, ticket stubs, and commemorative ribbons.

Lazarowich's trip to Europe in 1932-1933
CA BMUFA 0282-3 · Série organique · 1932-1933
Fait partie de Peter John Lazarowich collection

In 1932-1933 Lazarowich made a trip to Europe where he studied at the Charles University and the Ukrainian Free University in Prague, visited Western Ukraine, Vienna, and London. Materials of this series pertain to this trip.

  • Notebook from courses at the Ukrainian Free University in Prague
  • Lazarowich's lectures' attendance book from the Ukrainian Free University in Prague
  • Peter Lazarowich's thesis "National and political motives in the works of O. Oles'," Ukrainian Free University, Prague
  • Lazarowich's contact list from his trip
  • Peter Lazarowich's train ticket from his travel to Western Ukraine in 1933
  • 54 negatives and two photos from the trip
  • 7 postcards featuring Lviv and Pryluky (Peremyshl)
  • 16 postcards of Prague
  • 22 postcards depicting Great Britain
CA BMUFA 0272-9 · Série organique · 1967-1992
Fait partie de UCAMA presentations collection
  1. V.Makar, “Roman Shukhevych-Chuprynka” (Liha Vyzvolennia Ukrainy, Holovna Uprava), 1975.
  2. Roman Malashchuk. “Kruty, 1918 - 29.I.1967.”
  3. David R. Marples. “Taras Shevchenko's Ukraine.” March 8, 1992.
  4. Mykhailo Marunchak. “Na porozi 90-richchia ukrains'koho poselennia y Kanadi.”
  5. Oleksander Maslianyk. “Oseredok N.T.Sh. na Zakhidnu Kanadu,
    ioho istoriia ta diial'nist'.”
  6. “Inzh. Volodymyr M. Mats'kiv ta ioho nainovishi uspikhy.”
  7. Oleksandr Maslianyk (?). "Oseredok N.T.Sh. na zakhidniu Kanadu z osidkom v Edmontoni."
  8. "Promo iepyskopa Ukraїns'koї Pravoslavnoї Tserkvy Vsevoloda Maidanskoho na Synodi UHKTs"
  9. Nina Mryts. "Ukraїnska dytiacha knyzhka - dopomizhnyi vykhovnyi zasib," Dopovid' vyholoshena na Vykhovnomu Seminari v Toronti, 1962.
  10. About Ivan Mazepa: "Het'man Ivan Mazepa" (Orhanizatsiia Ukraїnok Kanady - Tsentralna Uprava).
  11. M. Marynchak. Sorok Rokiv Komitetu Ukraїntsiv Kanady na peredovii storozhi ukraїns'koї kul'tury i samobutnosty." Dopovid' vyholoshena na 13-omu Kongresi Ukraintsiv Kanady, Winnipeg, 11 zhovtnia 1980.
  12. Mykhailo Marunchak. "Sluzhba Bozha ta posviachennia Khresta Svobody."